Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 431 - Contact

Chapter 431 - Contact

0"Just how terrifying is it?"     

Liu Rou thought for a moment while sitting there. Then she deliberated on her words, looked at Chen Heng in front of her, and said, "Basically, every qualified participant in this league tournament is no weaker than Rui Te, whom you defeated previously. In fact, they are much stronger.     

"The previous likes of Rui Te, Qi Lin, and Yang Ke couldn't be considered favorites in this league tournament. It's actually this terrifying..."     

Standing there and listening to Liu Rou's words, Chen Heng was a little surprised. At this moment, he couldn't help but think.     

From what Liu Rou said in front of him, the standard of this league match seemed to be even higher than he had imagined. How was Rui Te's strength before this?     

In Chen Heng's view, his strength was just mediocre and not worth mentioning. But this was only in Chen Heng's view.     

In fact, Qi Lin, Yang Ke, and Rui Te were already considered excellent students from the Dragon City Academy.     

At least, among the students of the same grade, he could be considered highly excellent. His strength was very tyrannical, reaching a point that people could not resist.     

Otherwise, he would not have been personally invited by Liu Rou to participate in the previous competition.     

Compared to ordinary people, let alone Qi Lin and Yang Ke, Rui Te, a pure Martial Artist, was already considered an insurmountable peak.     

And now, from what Liu Rou meant, the strength of each player participating in the league tournament was not inferior to Rui Te. They were even much stronger.     

Wasn't this standard and intensity a little too exaggerated? But thinking about it carefully, it seemed very normal.     

According to what Liu Rou said, this league tournament was not just within Dragon City Academy but also open to this entire planet.     

Besides the students of Dragon City Academy, there were also other outstanding talents on this planet and even those from other planets who would participate in this league tournament.     

It wouldn't be much of a surprise with so many geniuses, no matter what kind of people appeared.     

If it weren't for the age restriction in this league tournament, open to only the age below 25, the people who would participate in this league would probably be even more terrifying.     

Thinking of this, Chen Heng couldn't help but frown. At this time, he also understood the hidden pressure.     

Liu Rou and the Black Dream Group didn't request Chen Heng to win the entire tournament and become the champion. Instead, they just want him to win one or two matches.     

There wasn't a need to win too many matches. Chen Heng only needed to win one or two matches to satisfy the requirements.     

Chen Heng pondered for a moment. At this moment, his strength could already be considered very strong within the academy.     

As long as he didn't encounter powerful figures like Yang Ke and Qi Lin, winning just one or two matches wouldn't be too much of a problem. At least, there wouldn't be too much pressure.     

This was also why Liu Rou had given him such an explanation. There were still a few months before the league tournament officially began.     

In such a long period, Chen Heng's strength would definitely increase. At that time, his chances of participating in the league tournament would also be higher.     

Chen Heng's expression returned to calmness as he thought about it. Finally, he nodded. "I'll try my best."     

"Then I'll wait for your good news."     

Liu Rou stood up from where she was and looked at Chen Heng in front of her. Then, a smile appeared on her face. At this moment, she opened her mouth and said, "After a while, the professional teacher I hired for you will arrive and give you comprehensive guidance.     

"There is no doubt that in some aspects, you are a well-deserved genius.     

"However, no matter how talented you are, you still need to be trained properly to correct your body's habits and at the same time, protect your body from developing internal injuries.     

"So in the future, if you have any problems, try to consult these professionals.     

"As for the Dragon Bird Egg, I have already asked people to put it aside.     

"If you want to go and take a look, you can go at any time."     

She smiled and said at this time.     

Then, she waved her hand and smiled at Chen Heng before turning around and leaving the area. Her figure gradually disappeared from Chen Heng's sight, leaving Chen Heng on the spot.     

Standing alone, Chen Heng looked into the distance and then at the sky.     

In the sky, a faint white cloud was floating. The sky looked so clear and beautiful.     

Chen Heng looked at the scene in front of him alone. He quietly looked at it for a long time before standing up and leaving. After leaving this place, he turned around and walked towards another area.     

Soon, he arrived at another place. In front of him was a spacious and gorgeous laboratory. In the surroundings, there were exquisite instruments and various other equipment.     

As he walked on the road, Chen Heng could see people walking toward him from time to time.     

Then, he walked all the way to the end and arrived at a room.     

"Is this the place..."     

Walking at the place in front of him, he looked ahead and opened the door. Then, he walked in.     

"Test passed..."     

In front of him, a mechanical voice slowly sounded. It sounded very dull and hoarse as if it had no soul.     

Chen Heng pushed the door open and walked straight in. Then, the scene in front of him suddenly changed, and the scenery changed. The containers placed in front of him looked very clear.     

The containers in front of him looked very exquisite. Each of them was very expensive and not simple goods.     

This place was none other than the Black Dream Group's residence in Dragon City Academy. Each of the furnishings was the best. Each of them was priceless. They used the best technology, but they also held high values. Many of the materials in this place were very precious, and their overall value could be considered very high.     

To put it bluntly, no one would dare to enter this place under normal circumstances.     

Because once they broke anything in this place, they would probably not be able to make up for the loss even if they sold themselves.     

This place was so precious that there was not the slightest bit of falsehood to a certain extent.     

And in such an important place, the things stored in it were naturally extremely precious. Chen Heng looked around as he walked in.     

In the surroundings, there was some golden liquid flowing within the containers. There seemed to be some sort of life force blooming within it, and it looked extremely beautiful at a glance.     

Of course, compared to the golden liquid, what really attracted Chen Heng's attention was the other things within it.     

Chen Heng looked ahead at the golden container. There, a scarlet egg was placed, and it was very eye-catching.     

The scarlet egg looked unique, and there seemed to be a streak of texture. It was very mysterious, and at the same time, it was stunning. It was like a naturally formed pattern, and it was stunning.     

Its eggshell also looked unusual, and it did not look like a normal eggshell. Instead, it looked like some sort of jade, and it was extremely gorgeous.     

At this moment, it was lying in the golden liquid, absorbing the power of the golden liquid and slowly growing.     

Walking into the room, looking at the scarlet egg in front of him, Chen Heng silently turned around and walked over.     

A vital life force was blooming on the scarlet egg, making people feel unique.     

"Such incredible life force..."     

Walking to this area, Chen Heng slowly approached the container in front of him. Then, he reached out his hand and silently placed it on the container.     


An invisible spirit instantly spread out. The fluctuation was unique. It was somewhat ignorant but also somewhat curious.     

As if sensing Chen Heng's arrival, an inexplicable will began to awaken in the scarlet egg. At this moment, it instinctively extended its tentacles toward the outside world, coming into contact with Chen Heng just like that.     

This new will was very young, but it was also very powerful. It possessed extremely pure power.     

After sensing Chen Heng's arrival, it instinctively withdrew and then cautiously probed, trying to come into contact with Chen Heng.     

This contact was very cautious at the beginning, with some caution.     

But later on, as if sensing that Chen Heng did not have any malicious intent, it suddenly became cheerful, appearing much more lively.     

It spread out its will, making it come into contact with Chen Heng. Just like that, its spirit continued to connect to the outside, coming into contact with Chen Heng.     

Chen Heng didn't resist. Instead, he carefully came into contact with it and slowly became familiar with it.     

To a certain extent, this could be considered a process of developing tacit understanding.     

The connection between a Beastmaster and his Imperial Beast needed to be the closest. The two had to be very close to each other to be able to exert the greatest power.     

Therefore, to maximize the connection between the two sides, the connection between a Beastmaster and an Imperial Beast was often attempted before they were born.     

This was also why Imperial Beasts had to be raised from a young age.     

Once an Imperial Beast grew up, its vigilance would become extremely strong.     

It would be much more difficult to develop a sufficient rapport with the Imperial Beast if it reached that level— it was impossible.      

But now, it was just a cub, so the process was much easier.     

Chen Heng quietly released his spiritual power and slowly made contact with the Imperial Beast in front of him.     

Then, he thought for a moment and slowly channeled the telekinetic power in his body.     

Wisps of telekinetic power emerged from his body and then spread out, interweaving with the strange will in front of him.     

Then, Chen Heng sensed that an inexplicable change began to occur.     

As his telekinetic power continued to spread out and came into contact with the Imperial Beast, the telekinetic power in his body began to slowly disappear, as if it had directly merged into the body of the Imperial Beast.     

Along with this process, a warm, satisfied, and amiable emotion emerged from the will in front of him.     

It was as if this little fellow in front of him could sense the power in Chen Heng's body and was very satisfied with the telekinetic power that emerged from his body.     

"It's consuming telekinetic power like food?"     

Standing on the spot, feeling the changes in front of him, Chen Heng was deep in thought, and this thought flashed through his mind.     

The situation in front of him could be considered very normal between a Beastmaster and an Imperial Beast.     

The relationship between a Beastmaster and an Imperial Beast was one of mutual benefit.     

A Beastmaster could apply his telekinetic power rapidly into the body of the Imperial Beast, thereby improving his telekinetic power. At the same time, he could also borrow the power of the Imperial Beast to fight and kill.     

During this process, the Imperial Beast would also receive the nourishment of telekinetic power. Not only its strength, but even its potential would become stronger to a certain extent, reaching a whole new level.     

Generally speaking, under the circumstances of having an owner, an Imperial Beast would be able to exert much more power than it would in the wild.     

Even though in the wild, an Imperial Beast was also very powerful. This was the relationship between a Beastmaster and an Imperial Beast. The two were mutually beneficial to each other. The forging relationship was happening now, and this was a good omen.     

By devouring Chen Heng's telekinetic power, it meant that the Imperial Beast had already accepted Chen Heng as its master and would slowly establish a connection with him.     

Devouring the telekinetic power in his body was a process of establishing a connection.     

The more telekinetic power the Imperial Beast devoured from its master's body, the more its own body would slowly be branded with its master's imprint, and then it would become one with its master.     

Standing on the spot, Chen Heng recalled all the information about the Imperial Beast. His face was calm, and all sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind.     

At this moment, the will in front of him had gradually quieted down.     

It seemed that the will had also begun to feel tired and sleepy at this moment.     

However, despite this, he still maintained contact with Chen Heng, appearing somewhat reluctant to part with him.     

"It's alright."     

Standing on the spot, feeling this feeling, Chen Heng smiled and then said softly, "If you're tired, then rest."     

"When I'm free later, I'll come and see you again."     


He said softly, his voice reverberating on the spot. At the same time, his own spiritual energy was also slowly changing, soothing the unknown will in front of him.     

In front of him, the container seemed to have understood Chen Heng's meaning. There were some changes on the scarlet egg. A faint light flashed past as if responding to it.     

Then, Chen Heng sensed that the will that had originally existed in the surroundings had begun to quiet down. At this moment, it had already slowly disappeared.     

From the looks of it, it should have gone into a deep sleep.     

At this point, even Chen Heng himself could no longer sense the will and spirit of his Imperial Beast. He could only vaguely sense that he was still there.     

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