Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 406 - Noble Simp

Chapter 406 - Noble Simp

0In the spacious and gorgeous hall, the young man stood alone. At this moment, he looked a little absent-minded and didn't pay much attention to the gazes from all around him.     

This appearance made the people around him shake their heads.     

It seemed that this person had been greatly charmed by Princess Eloise and had become like this.     

There were also quite many people who had friendly smiles on their faces, and they didn't seem to be surprised by this scene.     

The identity of this young man wasn't ordinary in this place.     

His name was Ardim, and he was the eldest son and the only male heir of the Yaru family, one of the four great Duke families of the Karkoen Empire…     

As the only male heir of the Yaru family, if nothing unexpected happened, Ardim would definitely inherit the Yaru family in the future, becoming one of the most powerful people in the current Karkoen Empire.     

However, this young master Ardim also had some small problems.     

That was, he was madly infatuated with Princess Eloise...     

Memories continued to flow in his mind, and at this moment, they appeared one by one.     

In an instant, the memories of Ardim kept appearing in his mind, surfacing just like that.     

After a long while, Chen Heng finally reacted and raised his head once more.     

All the scenery around him was reflected in his eyes and felt by him.     

And in his perception, everything around him seemed to be very calm. There weren't many special places.     

The flow of people was very large, and the surroundings were also very lively.     

This place looked like an ordinary ball, and there was nothing special about it.     

After that, the memory of Ardim quickly flowed and appeared in Chen Heng's mind.     

Ardim Yaru was twenty years old this year. He was the heir of one of the families of the four Dukes of the Karkoen Empire, the family of Yaru. His bloodline originated from a great God.     

At this moment, he was participating in the birthday party of the princess of the empire, Princess Eloise.     

Waves of memories surged rapidly in his mind and appeared just like that.     

When Chen Heng completely processed the memory of his predecessor, he could not help but shake his head.     

At this point, he finally understood his current situation.     

Compared to the last simulation, when he had directly become a Kobold who had just been born, the situation in this simulation was much better.     

Perhaps it was because he had invested a large number of points. The identity of this simulation could be considered the most outstanding in Chen Heng's previous simulation.     

The successor of a Duke's family.     

This identity could be said to be incomparably illustrious.     

Moreover, according to the memories of his predecessor, the Yaru family was not an ordinary Duke's family.     

The power of the Karkoen Empire was also far stronger than the small countries like the Karo Kingdom.     

This was an empire with a vast territory and many strong masters.     

At least in this empire, Third Ring masters were not rare.     

There seemed to be quite a number of powerhouses above the Third Ring in this empire.     

Chen Heng's current identities' father, the current leader of the Yaru family, seemed to be above Fourth Ring, reaching an extremely powerful level.     

And this was clearly something that a small country like the Karo Kingdom could not compare to.     

To put it bluntly, the area where the Karo Kingdom was located was considered the most remote and desolate area in the World of Gods.     

Other than small forces such as the Church of Nature, very few people would go there to live.     

And the region where the Karkoen Empire was located was undoubtedly the core region of the World of Gods, occupying the essence of the World of Gods.     

There were many masters here.     

Just the power of the Yaru family, if placed in the Karo Kingdom, could sweep away everything.     

As the successor of the Yaru family, Chen Heng's current identity also had extraordinary performances.     

Members of the Yaru family were born with divine blood.     

And as the future successor of the Yaru family, the divine blood in Ardim's body was even concentrated. Thus, from a young age, he had displayed outstanding talent and ability.     

Whether it was as a Life Knight or a Mage, he had displayed outstanding talent. Now, he had already reached the peak of the First Ring.     

He could already be considered extremely outstanding in terms of his age to this extent. Even in the Karkoen kingdom, it was rare.     

And in other aspects, Ardim's performance was also very good.     

Not only was his talent outstanding, but his bloodline was noble, and his status was respected. In the Karkoen Empire, he could definitely be considered a first-class figure.     

However, even though he was such a figure, there were still some problems.     

This influential figure of the Karkoen Kingdom seemed to be an infatuated lover.     

And his infatuated target seemed to be the one in front of him.     

It was none other than Princess Eloise.     

When he remembered this, Chen Heng couldn't help but be speechless.     

Up until now, he had simulated and reincarnated quite a number of characters.     

But to be honest, this was the first time he had seen a character like Ardim.     

If it were just infatuation, it would have been fine.     

But his predecessor was especially wasteful.     

In order to curry favor Princess Eloise, Ardim not only greeted her every day but also sent all kinds of good things out.     

As a result, his reputation within the Karkoen Empire became resounding.     

That was how his reputation for infatuation came about.     

However, there was no doubt that doing so was also extremely wasteful.     

If not for the fact that his predecessor was born into the Yaru family and was the heir to the Duke family, the speed at which he squandered would have caused the average noble family to collapse long ago.     

And this time, he had spent a sky-high price to purchase a Magic Crystal, hoping to gift it to Princess Eloise on her birthday in order to win her favor.     

Thinking of this, Chen Heng sighed deeply, feeling somewhat helpless.     

At this time, he was somewhat unable to understand.     

That Princess Eloise clearly had no interest in the Ardim.     

Why would his predecessor still behave like this?     

He was somewhat unable to understand, but he had nothing to say.     

But it didn't matter.     

Since the owner of this body had become him, then there naturally wouldn't be so much trouble.     

All sorts of thoughts flashed through his mind before he shook his head secretly.     

In front of him, the sound of light footsteps could be heard.     

Standing on the spot, Chen Heng subconsciously raised his head and looked in front of him.     

He saw a figure walking towards him in front of him.     

It was a girl in a white dress.     

The girl looked very tall, and her appearance was particularly exquisite and beautiful. At this moment, she was wearing a long dress and had a calm smile on her face. She slowly walked over and arrived in front of Chen Heng.     

"Good afternoon, Mr. Ardim..."     

As she walked to Chen Heng, Eloise revealed a calm smile on her face. She looked at him and said softly,      

"I'm glad that you came to my birthday party...     

"It's been a while since we last met..."     


Looking at Eloise in front of him, Ardim raised his head and smiled. "After that, I missed you too, so I came back specially to participate in this banquet."     

He said softly and casually.     

But as he spoke, he also felt that someone in front of him seemed to be winking at him.     

It was a very cute girl, about thirteen or fourteen years old. She was also wearing a long dress. At this moment, she was beside Eloise and winking at him.     

It seemed that she was hinting at something.     

This was Vivian, also a princess of the Royal Family of Kaner. She was Eloise's half-sister.     

Usually, she had a good relationship with the predecessor of Ardim.     

In many cases, she was also the one who created the opportunity for Ardim to meet Eloise.     

But this time, she was still there, staring at Ardim.     

Ardim immediately understood what she meant.     

After all, she also gave him the same hint in the other past parties.     

If it was in the past, Ardim would quickly respond to her.     

But now, it was different.     

Without the knowledge of ordinary people, Ardim had already changed into a different person.     

Ardim was not interested in the so-called Princess Eloise.     

So, he looked at Eloise and at least smiled but did not say anything.     

His reaction immediately made Vivian anxious.     

Eloise stood where she was and looked at Ardim's actions. She was also puzzled.     

She was well aware of Ardim's preparations.     

She came here was to accept the gift that Ardim had specially prepared. That item was very important to her.     

But looking at Ardim's appearance, she seemed a little surprised.     

"Could it be that he wants me to express more?".     

Standing on the spot, this thought arose in Eloise's mind, and then she couldn't help but furrow her brows.     


However, on apperance, she still had a sweet smile on her face, and there was a slight smile on her exquisite face.      

"Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for quite some time...     

"I'm wondering if you are free tomorrow?     

"I would like to invite you to my garden to enjoy the scene of the flowers blooming together."     

Standing in the same place and looking at Ardim in front of her, she issued the invitation.     

According to her past experience, whenever she issued an invitation, the Ardim in front of her always appeared to be particularly excited and happy.     

"There shouldn't be any problems now, right?"     

Standing on the spot, this thought flashed through her mind, and then she couldn't help but begin to look forward to it.     

However, this time, the situation was destined to disappoint her.     

In front of her, hearing her words, Ardim only glanced at her, and then a smile appeared on his face.     

"I'm sorry."     

He bowed slightly, and an apologetic expression appeared on his face, and then he said softly.     

"I still have some matters to attend to tomorrow...     

"I'm afraid I don't have the time tomorrow to accompany Your Highness to visit the garden..."     

He said softly with an apologetic expression on his face, looking just right.     

Ardim had no interest in continuing to tangle with Eloise.     

After all, Chen Heng was not his predecessor and did not have the leisure to play the game of pursuers.     

It would be fine if there were any benefits that Eloise could provide.     

But there were clearly no benefits, and she was still so hard to get along with, so why waste the time?     

Of course, in terms of status, Eloise was indeed a princess, and she had a very high status.     

But Ardim was also the son of a Duke, and their statuses were equal.     

In terms of status, Ardim's own status was obviously much higher than Eloise's.     

After all, Duke Yaru didn't have many children, and Ardim was the only boy among them.     

In the Yaru family, he was the only heir in the future. As long as he didn't die, he would most likely be able to take control of the Yaru family in the future.     

As for Eloise?     

To put it nicely, she was the princess of the Karkoen Empire.     

But in reality, there were many princesses in the Karkoen Empire.     

The current emperor of the Karkoen Empire had many children.     

Eloise was just the most ordinary one in his hands.     

She didn't have a powerful talent, nor did she have a powerful mother. Her mother's bloodline was very ordinary and couldn't be considered powerful.     

In a bloodline family, bloodline was the only criterion to measure status.     

Eloise's own bloodline and talent weren't considered powerful. This had already determined her status in the Karkoen royal family.     

The reason why she was able to have such a great reputation was most likely because of his predecessor.     

After all, the successor of the Yaru family had sacrificed everything for a princess. How eye-catching was this topic?     

In such a backward environment, even if he was just an ordinary person, his reputation would most likely be raised.     

This was most likely how the so-called pearl of the Karkoen Empire was raised.     

In addition...     

Standing at his original spot, Ardim circled around and casually looked around.     

The faces of the people around him were reflected in front of his eyes.     

At a glance, there seemed to be a lot of people, standing in a large group.     

However, in Ardim's impression, although there were many people here, there didn't seem to be many with prominent status nor any direct descendants of those great noble families.     

The only few who were present seemed to be because of Ardim.     

According to Ardim's impression, there were quite a few people who seemed to be planning to use Eloise's name to get on good terms with him, the son of a Duke, in an attempt to obtain something from him.     

Just this alone was enough to see many things.     

Ardim secretly shook his head but maintained a polite smile on his face as he spoke softly.     

As soon as he finished speaking, Eloise's face instantly froze in front of him.     

"Is that so..."     

She forced a smile on her face as she looked at Ardim in front of her and said politely, "In that case, come again next time when you're free..."     

"Thank you for your invitation."     

Ardim said softly with a smile on his face.     

"Brother Ardim..."     

A crisp voice suddenly sounded from the side.     

After hearing the conversation between Ardim and Vivian, Vivian seemed to be a little anxious. She quickly interjected, "Didn't you prepare a gift for me on my sister's birthday this time?"     

"A gift?"     

Upon hearing this, Ardim was stunned. It was then that he remembered something.     

He remembered that in order to attend the birthday banquet this time, the predecessor of this body seemed to have prepared a Magic Crystal to give to Eloise at the birthday banquet.     

Thinking of this, Ardim could not help but sigh again.     

Magic Crystal was not a simple thing.     

This was considered a high-purity material, extremely rare. It contained extremely powerful pure life force. Not only could it be used to make various potions, but it could even help a person's bloodline to evolve and take a step further.     

It could be said to be a rare good thing.     

Even in the Karkoen Empire, it was also a priceless good thing.     

For this thing, the predecessor had paid a huge price, just to please Princess Eloise.     


Standing where he was, various thoughts ran through Ardim's mind, then, he showed an apologetic expression again. "I've already prepared the gift, but this time, I came in a hurry, so I forgot to bring it here."     

He smiled and said apologetically.     

The reason was very reasonable.     

After he went back, he would get someone to go out and buy things and send a gift over. That would be it.     

Eloise's expression immediately turned ugly.     

She felt that today, accidents seemed to happen again and again.     

The reaction of Ardim in front of her was completely out of her expectations.     

It was the same prior, and it was the same now.     

He had forgotten to bring the gift. How could such be a reason?     

At this moment, the people around them had also gathered around. Looking at the scene in front of them, their faces revealed a look of wanting to watch a good show.     

Forgetting to bring the birthday gift was a rude thing in itself.     

And for this kind of thing to happen to Ardim and Eloise, it was even more unbelievable.     

In the past, Ardim never even refused any of Princess Eloise's requests, let alone being so rude.     

But today, not only did it happen, but it was also different.     

Many people gathered around and looked like they were watching a good show.     

"It doesn't matter."     

Standing in the same place, Eloise was silent for a moment, then she smiled and said softly,      

"Since you forgot, you can ask someone to bring it back when you have time next time.     

"Today is my banquet. I hope you can have a good time."     

She looked at Ardim and said softly. Then, she turned around and left the place.     

It seemed that she was a little angry.     

Seeing Princess Eloise leave, everyone turned around and looked at Ardim.     

They really wanted to know what Ardim would do now?     

Would he go over to comfort her like he had done in the past?     

However, what disappointed them was that Ardim still looked the same as before. He just stood there quietly and watched Princess Eloise leave. He didn't seem to have any reaction.     

From the looks of it, he didn't look like he should at all.     

Towards this, everyone present was stunned. They didn't seem to have any idea that he would look like this.     

In front of them, Eloise's figure slowly moved away from them.     

Ardim stood alone on the spot and shrugged helplessly. Then, he casually found a place to sit down.     

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