Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 378 – Decision

Chapter 378 – Decision

0Standing there, Chen Heng watched as Mary walked in.     

As he walked on, she entered the room and found a place to sit before listening earnestly.     

The students around her looked at her in curiosity, some of them lowering their heads with reddened faces.     

Mary smiled in response to them, and did not have the arrogance of a Princess.     

The teacher looked at Mary and did not say anything, and continued with the lesson.     

The teacher teaching here was someone who Chen Heng had recruited from the Aimu City.     

Through Ali and Marley, he had sold many things in the Aimu City over the years.     

At first, it was just the magic items he had obtained, and as time passed, he began to sell his own creations too.     

Just like that, as time passed, Chen Heng's fame grew greater and greater within the Sorcerer city.     

Through his connections, he was able to recruit some Sorcerers to teach in his domain.     

After these people had arrived, there began to be Sorcerers in the Hatim Territory.     

Even though they were just weak Apprentices right now, it was still quite good.     

In due time, there would be true Sorcerers appearing.     

Of course, this was the case for Life Knights as well.     

With Herdosiri and Lamu, things were much more convenient in this regard.     

Moreover, apart from Herdosiri and Lamu, there were also a few others who were getting close to the Apprentice Knight level.     

These were Chen Heng's results over the years.     

Soon, Chen Heng left this place and returned to his own laboratory.     

Elsewhere, within a secret location, a discussion was taking place.     

"Raku and his partner have lost contact…" A cold voice sounded out.     

"I see." A tall middle-aged man nodded, looking quite calm, "So what?"     

"So what?" Within the darkness, the figure coldly laughed and said, "You should know of the hidden dangers in this.     

:A Second Ring Knight and a First Ring Priest disappeared just like that, and may have been killed. That Viscount Hatim is much stronger than we thought."     

"Didn't we already know that?" The middle-aged man sat down in front of a table and poured himself a cup of wine as he said, "If it's just this much, it won't change much. Wasn't it your own hesitations that resulted in this?"     

He stood up and looked at that figure.     

The middle-aged man's appearance was revealed under the hazy light—it was the King of the Kalo Kingdom, Karim.     

It was just that compared to before, his appearance had somewhat changed, and even his aura was very different.     

His eyes looked deeper and seemed to contain boundless darkness.     

"Kamo, you seem to have forgotten our agreement…" The figure in the darkness said icily, "According to our agreement, we would help you obtain this King's body and use it to recover your power, while you would help us complete our holy sacrifice. If you have forgotten, I'm sure there are people who will be willing to help you remember."     

"Of course, of course." Karim—rather, Kamo, laughed and said, "I remember our agreement. Haven't I been cooperating with you this whole time? Or have I done something wrong?"     

"You have inedeed been cooperating with us." The figure said, "But can you tell me what is going on with Mary? You know how important she is to us, and yet you told us that information so late?"     

Kamo fell silent for a moment before smiling and replying, "There was nothing I could do about it. After all, when I found out, it was already too late. Also, didn't I tell you as soon as possible? It was your own fault for failing."     

"Moreover, the most important thing is to think of how to deal with this," he said, "Even though Mary doesn't know about us, but with how smart she is, she will be able to guess some things. This could be a problem. How do you plan to deal with it?"     

"We will do the sacrifice ahead of time." The figure said, "The Church still has some power, but it is not very secure.     

"Just to be safe, we will hold a sacrifice and awaken the divine weapon that the great Ruler of Dusk left behind, and use it to kill Viscount Hatim."     

"Using the Dusk Divine Weapon to kill a Viscount…" Kamo's hand trembled as he looked at the figure, "Are you sure you're not crazy? If you do this, you will attract people from other churches… are you not afraid?"     

"It's fine."     

The figure laughed, "You will soon know that in the coming times, those churches will not have time to pay attention to us. Moreover, so what if they come?"     

The figure coldly l aughed and said, "As long as we are able to capture Viscount Hatim and Mary, we will be able to sacrifice them and have the Dusk Divine Weapon awaken to a certain extent, if not fully awken. When that time comes, nothing will be a problem…"     

Hearing this, Kamo fell silent.     

He felt that this person's thinking was a bit too optimistic.     

Would things really go so smoothly?     

However, Kamo did not say this and shrugged as he asked, "How many people do you need?"     

"At least 100 people with dense enough bloodlines."     

Kamo frowned, "This number is a bit much…"     

Before, in order to provide people to the Dusk Church, he had looked for all kinds of excuses to kill people.     

However, if he went on like this, he himself would be in danger if he went too far.     

After all, even though this body was the King, he could not simply do as he pleased.     

If he were to give 100 people this time…     

Sitting there, he could not help but frown, and had a bad feeling.     

In front of him, the figure once again spoke, "No need to worry too much… as long as we can get enough energy for the sacrifice, no one in the Kalo Kingdom will be able to resist you. Anyone who does not obey will die…"     

Sitting there, Karim frowned before nodding.     

By now, he had no other choice.     

After thinking this, he sighed and got up and walked out.     

Time gradually passed.     

Soon, another three months had passed.     

During these three months, much had changed, and the biggest changes were in Mary.     

In three months, she had caught up to Sorcerers who had been training for two or three years.     

It seemed that in a few more months, she would become an Apprentice Sorcerer.     

This kind of speed was quite shocking.     

At the very least, the teachers recruited by Chen Heng were all stunned by Mary's performance.     

Of course, to Chen Heng, it was not a big deal. After all, his speed had been much faster.     

"There has been news from Kaki…" When Mary came to visit him that day, Chen Heng told her the recent news, "Your father slaughtered many ancient families in a single breath, killing everyone in those families.     

"Among them, many of them were rulers with their own territories."     

"Has it really reached such a stage…" At first, Mary was stunned, but then she sighed as she continued, "At first, it was as if he had become a different person, making him feel unfamiliar and terrifying… if my guess is correct, it should be the Dusk Church behind this, and it seems that they are going to do something new soon."     

"I think the same." Chen Heng nodded, "I just wonder what they will do."     

Chen Heng spoke softly as he looked in a certain direction.     

In that moment, his vision passed through an immense distance and saw a certain scene.     

Time gradually passed.     

Soon, a letter from Kaki arrived in Chen Heng's hands—it was from Karim.     

In the letter, Karim used his title as King to admonish Mary for leaving of her own accord.     

AT the end of the letter, he commanded Chen Heng as Viscount Hatim to escort Mary back to Kaki to see him.     

This seemed quite normal, but it was not.     

"Looks like they have made preparations." Chen Heng shook his head as he looked at Mary.     

"Indeed…" Mary sighed, "Having Viscount Hatim go with me to Kaki sounds normal, but they are already ready for us."     

She looked at Chen Heng as she said seriously, "Regardless of what they have prepared, the most important thing is how confident you feel about this, Viscount Hatim."     

At the end, it was a comparison of strength.     

If Chen Heng's strength was sufficient, they would not be in any danger, and could instead use this opportunity to capture their enemies.     

However, if their strength was not enough, then they should hide as far away as possible.     

"This was always unavoidable," Chen Heng said softly as he shook his head, "Unless I am willing to abandon my territory and leave with you, the outcome will be the same."     

Abandoning his territory was not within his considerations. He had spent immense time and effort on this place, and he did not want to just leave liket his.     

"I also want to see…" Chen Heng looked ahead, a glimmer of light in his eyes, "Just what this world's gods are like…"     

His current strength could not compare to real gods, but this world did not have real gods anymore, only remnants of their power.     

If it was just that, then Chen Heng had confidence in his power.     

As such, he made a decision.     

"We'll be moving now?" Hearing Chen Heng's words, Mary felt quite surprised, "Isn't it a bit early?"     

It had only been three months since she had come to Chen Heng's territory.     

Even though she had made good progress, she was still quite lacking.     

"There isn't much time left," Chen Heng said calmly, "Within Kaki, the person controlling His Majesty is currently slaughtering nobles; I'm sure you know why. Behind the slaguthering, there is a big sacrifice taking place.     

"The longer we delay, the more people will die, and the stronger the Dusk Church will become. How long will it take you to become strong enough, Your Highness?"     

Mary wanted tow ait until she had enough strength to protect herself before going to Kaki, but she was not being given any time.     

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