Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 365 – Threat

Chapter 365 – Threat

0"The holy item you were talking about is a coffin?"     

Hearing the girl's words, everyone else felt quite surprised.     

"Yes!" Ren Yaoyao did not bother explaining and nodded, "Help me bring it out!"     

The coffin was incredibly heavy—after all, it was made of stone.     

It would be impossible for just one or two people to even push it, let alone carry it.     

Fortunately, there were many people here.     

Soon, a few young men walked over and pushed the coffin out with great difficulty.     

"You're not allowed to do this!" Seeing this, the museum's worker shouted, "This is the property of the museum. Just what do you think you're doing?"     

However, when the worker realised the situation, his expression immediately changed.     

"Curse? Holy item? Our museum had a holy item?"     

Even the museum's workers had no idea about this.     

After all, this was just a small museum, and most of the things were not worth much.     

How could they not know that they had a holy item?     

"That stone coffin was left behind by an archaeology team. They said that they would send some people to deal with it, but no one ever came, so it remained here…"     

Looking at the coffin, the worker seemed to think of something and spoke.     

By now, the coffin had already been pushed out to the entrance of the museum.     

Outside, the dense black fog became thicker and thicker.     

Curses were extremely sensitive to living creatures.     

With so many people gathered within the museum, it naturally attracted the attention of the curses in the surroundings.     

Sensing this, more and more curses began to approach.     

Everyone in the museum began to sweat cold sweat, feeling terrified and unsettled.     

"Please work…" Many people prayed, looking incredibly anxious.     

That was the case for Ren Yaoyao as well.     

Even though the coffin had displayed its power last time, whether or not it could provide the same effect this time was unknown.     

After all, there were far too many curses this time.     

Even if the government's people came, they would not necessarily be able to suppress all of these curses.     

As everyone anxiously watched on, those figures slowly came closer to where they were.     

Roars continuously sounded out, filled with desire and excitement.     

As time passed, many people's minds became chaotic as their minds were affected by the dense curse energy.     

"They've come…" Standing there and looking at the curses, Ren Yaoyao's heart tightened as she retreated a few steps.     

It was not that she did not want to retreat further, but because of how many people there were, she could not back up any more.     

"Please work…" She earnestly thought as she stared at the stone coffin.     

As she watched on, changes began to happen.     

Golden light began to appear from the coffin.     

This light was incredibly pure and holy, and as soona s it appeared, it gave everyone a feeling of hope and courage.     

This was an energy that could affect one's soul, and right after it appeared, it was able to calm everyone down.     

On the other hand, the curses that were touched by the light all howled as their bodies became transparent.     

Following this, their bodies disappeared and faded into the black fog.     

In the end, even the black fog dissipated.     

Everything became normal again, and the world returned to peace.     

Seeing this, everyone was dumbfounded.     

"It… It really worked!"     

"This coffin really is a holy item!"     

"We're saved!"     

The survivors hugged each other and wept, feeling incredibly moved.     

On the other side, the museum workers looked dumbfounded.     

"So our museum had a holy item like this?" They thought to themselves before feeling overjoyed.     

Putting aside the value of a holy item, any item would result in great following.     

Even though a holy item could be sold for an astronomical price, no one would be willing to sell it.     

Curse Bearers had incredibly high statuses in this world, and could easily obtain great standing and fortunes.     

However, a holy item, even the worst kinds, could easily suppress all Curse Bearers.     

They were the natural enemies of curse energy, and with a holy item, no matter how bad one's injuries were, they would be able to quickly recover.     

There were many benefits.     

As such, anyone who had a head would not sell a holy item.     

And now, it had been discovered that such a small museum actually had a holy item.     

If this news was spread, it would definitely shock everyone.     

After this crisis was over, this museum would definitely go through big changes.     

Thinking to there, the museum workers looked at each other and could not help but feel excited.     

At the same time, many people tried to guess what was within the coffin.     

"There might not just be a corpse inside the coffin; there are most likely special funerary items."     

Some people whispered to each other, "Among the funerary items, one of them might be a holy item."     

Using a holy item as a funerary item sounded like madness, but it was not impossible.     

After all, from how the world's people saw it, holy items had inconceivable power.     

Not only could it banish evil and curses, it could purify one's soul and mind, and help one's body recover.     

As such, some people had wondered if holy items could bring people back from the dead.     

Perhaps some grand figure had wanted use a holy item to maybe be revived one day, which was why they had been buried together with a holy item.     

This explanation was the most reasonable one.     

Moreover, this explained why it was a stone coffin.     

In this world, stone coffins represented holiness.     

The apostles in the legends, as well as ancient nobles, were all buried in stone coffins.     

As such, everyone seemed to come to a realisation and filled in the gaps themselves.     

In front of them, light flashed and covered the surroundings.     

That light was incredibly unique and holy, making the people not know what to say.     

Ahead, the black fog continuously retreated until it disappeared from this region.     

"The black fog disappeared!"     

Hiding behind the stone coffin, Ren Yaoyao looked delighted, "We're saved…"     

Everyone else was the same.     

Many people also stared at the stone coffin, thinking to themselves.     

However, ahead, some changes were going on.     

Even though the black fog retreated, it did not completely disappear.     

Rather, after the light appeared, a certain existence hidden in the black fog began to react.     

Soft shaking sounds began to sound out.     

When a dark figure appeared ahead, everyone stared in shock.     

"What… is that?" Looking at that dark figure in the distance, Ren Yaoyao could not help but gulp.     

Ahead, an extremely big figure had appeared.     

It was tallest than the tallest building in the city, and looked like a massive mountain.     

This figure was like a giant of the legends, and it caused everyone to tremble and for their faces to become extremely pale.     

This was no ordinary curse, nor was it a high level curse; it was most likely at the Origin Curse level.     

Looking at this existence, everyone gulped and trembled. They no longer felt calm and secure, and once again felt chaotic and terrified.     

As Ren Yaoyao watched on, that existence within the black fog slowly opened its red eyes, which gave off terrifying light.     


Massive sounds rang out from within the black fog, disturbing the peace in the surroundings.     

The black fog once again surged forwards, and seemed to be accompanied by the roars of animals.     

This area was covered by a monstrous atmosphere, and even that faint light was suppressed by the curse's power, unable to protect the living creatures here.     

Ren Yaoyao fell to the ground under the terror from those horrific eyes, causing her to shake.     

"Has the holy item… been suppressed?" Trembling voices sounded out.     

Right now, they could clearly see that enormous figure.     

As it walked over, the curse energy in the surroundings condensed, forming dense black fog that suppressed the light from the stone coffin.     

In just a moment, the light in the surroundings became dim.     

Before, the light had covered hundreds of metres, and even reached a nearby school, covering nearly half of it.     

However, now, the range of the light quickly decreased.     


"No, no!" Cries sounded out.     

Ren Yaoyao and the others looked over in terror, and saw a few figures being devoured by the black fog. Their bodies corroded and were torn apart by the curses within the fog.     

The stench of blood spread as each life was ended.     

Before, those people had been protected by the holy item's light.     

However, as the light had been suppressed, those people had been exposed, and had been devoured.     

This gave a reminder to everyone present, causing them to shudder.     

It seemed that if they left the light, they would face certain death.     

Not only that, even their corpses would be devoured by curses, and their souls would not be able to go to the Holy Mother's heaven either.     

Thinking to there, everyoen's faces became pale as they instinctively squeezed towards the coffin.     

"Save me! I don't want to die!"     

"No! Don't push me!"     

"Let me go over there!"     

Shouts continuously sounded out.     

Due to everyone's desire to live, they all squeezed towards the stone coffin.     

It was just that there were far too many people, and them trying to squeeze closer instead resulted in more chaos.     

It looked like a busy market, making everyone extremely uncomfortable.     

Ren Yaoyao and the others were within the crowd, and were being crushed on all sides.     

Fortunately, they were already close to the coffin, and could not be squeezed out.     

However, this situation was not favourable to them.     

As that massive figure began to walk towards them, the light was continuously being suppressed.     

It seemed that everyone present was going to be in danger.     

They had to think of some way to deal with this.     

Thinking to there, Ren Yaoyao gritted her teeth and said, "Everyone, help me open this stone coffin!"     

By now, they had no other options.     

Their only hope was that the holy item in the stone coffin would be powerful enough to withstand this monster.     

As she said this, everyone around her came to a realisation.     

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