Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 329 – Red Dragon Egg

Chapter 329 – Red Dragon Egg

0"Forget it…"      

Standing there, Chen Heng stood for a while before giving up.     

He had nothing to work with and would not be able to arrive at any conclusions.     

It seemed that even the Dryad girl had no idea who the god those Centaurs served was.     

Right now, his goal was not to figure out who that god was; it was to make preparations.     

Chen Heng understood that for the Dryad girl to be able to reach this region, the Centaur tribe was most likely not too far away from the Kobold tribe's position.     

It was very simple.     

If the Dryad girl could reach here on her own legs, then there was no reason that the Centaurs would not be able to.     

After all, they had the lower bodies of horses.     

As such, it was evident how great this threat was.     

If he did not make preparations early, they would be in trouble when the Centaurs arrived.     

"What do you plan to do now?"      

After thinking for a moment, Chen Heng turned and looked at the Dryad girl.     

"My plans…"      

Hearing this, Dilin had a hazy look in her eyes.     

Right now, she had no idea what she should do.     

Back then, she had been happily playing in the Dryad tribe.     

Even though she was over 200 years old, in the Dryad tribe, she was just a child and was looked after by others. She normally did not have to think or worry too much.     

However, in a single night, the Dryad tribe had been destroyed, leaving her by herself.     

Under such conditions, she could not help but feel at a loss, not knowing what she should do.     

"No… I'm not necessarily the only one left…"     

Standing there, she raised her head as she thought of something, and her eyes suddenly lit up.     

"My companions…"     

She thought of the scene from before.     

Back then, the Centaurs had charged into the Dryad tribe and had unleashed a massacre.     

Many Dryads had died, but some of them had been able to escape, just like Dilin.     

She most likely still had companions still alive!     

Even if they were not there, there would most likely be some in the hands of those Centaurs.     

She remembered that before the Centaurs had started to kill, they had tried to capture as many of them as possible.     

After all, compared to a bunch of corpses, living Dryads were worth much more.     

As such, the Centaurs had tried to capture as many Dryads as possible so that they could continuously provide energy to them.     

Thus, there was most likely a large number of Dryads in the hands of the Centaurs.     

Even if there were not any, Dilin still wanted to find those Centaurs.     

The enmity from having her home destroyed and her clanspeople killed…     

Even if her people were all gone, she still wanted to take revenge for them.     

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Dilin's mind.     

At that moment, Dilin became resolute.     

Standing there, looking at Dilin, Chen Heng smiled, feeling quite pleased.     

He had wanted her to react like this.     

"It seems like you've thought of what you need to do," Chen Heng said as he smiled, "Do you want to tell me about it?"     

"I want to go back…" the Dryad fell silent for a moment before saying resolutely, "I want to return to my home and chase those bandits away. I want to go to where my clanspeople are and rescue them."     

"What if they are no longer alive?" Chen Heng asked.     

"If it's like that…" Dilin looked resolute, "I will take revenge for them. Those bandits must pay the price!"     

"Is that so?" Looking at the girl's resolute gaze, Chen Heng smiled and said, "If that's the case, you should stay with us."     


Hearing those words, Dilin paused, looking quite surprised and wary.     

"Don't think too much," Chen Heng looked at her and shook his head, "Just like you, I also want to cause some trouble for those Centaurs. As such, we seem to have a common goal.     

"If you want to return to your home and chase those Centaurs away, as well as rescue your clanspeople, I'm sure you'll need some help.     

"Otherwise, if you go by yourself, you will just be going to your own death."     

After saying this, Chen Heng shook his head and walked away.     

Looking at Chen Heng's figure, Dilin remained silent, thinking to herself.     

After leaving this place, Chen Heng returned to his laboratory.     

This was how his life had been during this period of time: He would teach the Kobold juveniles and then hole himself up in his laboratory, doing all kinds of experiments.     

His days were quite simple, but fortunately, he did not feel bored.     

Today, he had new research material.     

There was green-red blood in a vial, which seemed like it was filled with great vitality.     

Even though he had not studied it yet and had only observed it, he could sense that this blood was quite extraordinary.     

This blood belonged to Dilin.     

Back when Chen Heng had been treating the Dryad girl, he had collected some things from her.     

This included hair, flesh, as well as many vials of blood.     

In a sense, this was partially why Dilin had felt so weak after waking up.     

After all, no matter who it was, they would feel quite weak after losing so much blood.     

Of course, Dilin did not know about any of this.     

These things were Chen Heng's new research materials.     

To him, these were all good things, and he naturally needed to research them properly.     

Chen Heng walked over to a machine and observed the blood that was being analyzed.     

"The energy property is quite good…"     

"It seems to contain great vitality, and just like the dragon bloodline, it has a certain degree of pollution…     

"It seems to also have faint healing uses…"     

Through his tests and analysis, Chen Heng found that Dryad blood had many unique properties.     

Dryads' bodies were all very good magic materials and could be used to make all kinds of magic items.     

As for their blood, it naturally contained weak healing properties and could be used to make potions.     

Of course, one could also use the blood directly, which was by taking the blood in and allowing the Dryad blood to change them.     

This was like what Chen Heng had done.     

After devouring the life essence from many Kobolds, Chen Heng's dragon bloodline had grown to a certain extent, and there was now a faint dragon's might about him.     

His blood now would have great effects on ordinary people.     

If ordinary people took in his blood over a period of time, they would go through some changes.     

This would cause their bodies to draconify: Their bodies could grow scales and their power would also increase.     

In fact, Chen Heng wondered if the legends of this world, such as slaying a dragon and bathing in its blood to become stronger, were like this.     

It seemed that Dryad blood could do similar things.     

It was just that compared to the domineering dragon bloodline, a Dryad bloodline was much gentler. Even if an ordinary person took it in, their bodies would not go through much changes and would just become stronger.     

This was very good for ordinary people.     

Apart from this, because of the energy properties and the vitality it contained, the blood could be used to create potions.     

In the hands of a master, they would become incredible materials.     

At that moment, Chen Heng began to think about uses for this blood.     

However, following this, he shook his head and stopped thinking about it.     

After putting down the materials, he thought for a moment before walking deeper into the laboratory.     

He was not worried about Dilin outside.     

He had already left a mark on her, allowing him to clearly sense her every action within a certain range.     

If she tried to leave, he would be able to stop her at any time.     

Of course, unless it really came to it, Chen Heng did not want to do such a thing.     

After all, she was a potential ally.     

Chen Heng had already listed the Centaurs in the north as his future enemies.     

After all, in this world, no one was friendly and amicable by default.     

In the wilderness, even those of the same race would kill each other, and this was even more so for those of different races.     

Putting aside the fact that the Centaurs themselves were strong, the evil god they served was not to be looked down on either.     

Chen Heng could clearly imagine what those Centaurs would do if they discovered the Kobold tribe.     

As such, it would be much better to become allies with Dilin and make preparations as soon as possible.     

After all, Dilin's home had been destroyed by the Centaurs, and she held great hatred towards them.     

If Chen Heng wanted to, he could relocate the entire Kobold city. After all, the Wastelands was quite big and there would definitely be other places where they could live.     

However, that was not the case for Dilin.     


As such, Dilin was quite suitable to be an ally.     

Moreover, she had many things that Chen Heng wanted.     

Putting aside her blood, what Chen Heng valued the most was her knowledge and power.     

For an ancient race like the Dryads, they had much power and knowledge, and that was what Chen Heng needed the most right now.     

Moreover, Chen Heng would also find uses for Dryad blood.     

As Chen Heng thought to himself, he walked into the depths of the laboratory.     

The area there was quite sparse, and there was something at the center—it was a Crimson-colored egg.     

It was quite different from ordinary Kobold eggs, and it was much larger.     

Ordinary Kobold eggs were only about as tall as two human hands, but this egg was over half a meter tall.     

There were also thin, gold patterns on the egg, making it look quite unique.     

Just walking in, Chen Heng could sense a heavy might from that egg.     

"Looks like things are going quite well."     

Looking at the massive egg, Chen Heng nodded.     

It had been about a year since Helu and Kumir had first come here.     

During this one year, human merchants had continuously come, bringing tools and some rare things.     

This massive egg was one of them.     

This egg was said to be from a Crimson Dragon, and it was a hybrid.     

A so-called hybrid dragon was a creature born from a true Dragon and another race.     

In this world, it seemed that there were no reproductive barriers between races.     

Many different races could breed and give birth.     

Of those hybrids, Crimson Dragons were quite good.     

They were quite powerful, and a mature Crimson Dragon had power that rivaled the Second Ring.     

Such eggs were naturally quite valuable.     

However, Chen Heng had bought this egg for cheap.     

The merchant who had sold this dragon egg to Chen Heng did not know of its history and just thought that it was an ordinary creature.     

Only after Chen Heng closely examined it and did some research did he find out its true identity.     

After that, Chen Heng began to nurture this Crimson Dragon egg.     

Over the past one year, Chen Heng had extracted the essence from deceased Kobolds and injected it into this Crimson Dragon egg, using it to nurture this egg's dragon bloodline.     

This kind of nurturing was very gentle and tried to modify and transform this Crimson Dragon egg's bloodline.     

Even though they all had dragon bloodlines, the Crimson Dragon egg had far greater capacity than a Kobold egg.     

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