Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 327 – Dryad Girl

Chapter 327 – Dryad Girl

0As divine energy rippled out, a divine skill's rune appeared.     

The rune was incredibly intricate and beautiful, and the healing divine skill was unleashed.     

Under the influence of the divine skill, the Dryad girl's wounds began to heal and disappear.     

The process seemed quite quick.     

If any Priests who had healing skills saw this, they would definitely be dumbfounded.     

After all, the effects of this healing skill were too amazing.     

Ordinary healing skills could not compare to this at all.     

In the divine skill system, healing skills were just ordinary divine skills. Usually, they could heal some small injuries but would not be able to do much for serious wounds.     

This Dryad girl's injuries would have required at least high-level divine skills to heal, and this was not something an ordinary Priest would have been able to do.     

However, Chen Heng had easily done this.     

The reason for this was because of the support of his Divinities.     

Chen Heng's divine skills came from his Divinities, and because of his Divinities' support, the divine skills that he cast were far stronger than that of Priests.     

If he was in a church, he would definitely be hailed as a Holy Son.     

After all, as someone with a Divinity, the things he could do were not things that ordinary people could do.     

After using the divine skill, Chen Heng checked on the girl.     

The girl's condition had become much better, and most of her injuries had been healed.     

Of course, if she wanted to make a full recovery, it would still take a long time.     

However, her life was no longer in danger; this was already quite good.     

After doing this, Chen Heng turned to leave.     

However, at that moment, the Dryad girl suddenly woke up.     

"Who… are you?" she opened her eyes as she looked at Chen Heng.     

To her, Chen Heng looked quite strange.     

He looked like he was a Kobold juvenile, but he was much too big for that.     

Because of the essence he had absorbed, he had awakened his dragon bloodline, causing his body to become bigger and to grow scales.     

His body was like that of a human's, and he stood tall and straight.     

His eyes gave off a faint golden light, and hearing the weak voice behind him, he looked somewhat surprised.     


Standing there, he turned and looked at the Dryad girl, looking quite intrigued, "She woke up so quickly… is it because of her special constitution?"     

Before, he had examined the Dryad girl's condition and guessed that despite him healing her, it should have taken her a long time to wake up.     

However, she had directly woken up.     

This recovery ability was quite amazing.     

"Was it you… who saved me?"      

The girl looked at Chen Heng in wonder.     

"If you mean whether I healed you, then yes," Chen Heng said as he nodded. He looked curious as he asked, "Are you a Dryad?"     

Hearing this, the girl's expression became serious before hesitating and nodding.     

"So it really is like that," Chen Heng smiled and said, "You just woke up, so have a good rest. Let me know if you need anything."     

After saying this, he directly left.     

There were indeed many things he wanted to ask this Dryad girl.     

This included information about the Dryads, where she came from, as well as why she was in this situation…     

There were also the secret magic skills that the Dryads were rumored to have.     

However, he knew that he could not be too rushed and had to take things slow.     

Fortunately, Chen Heng was quite patient and could slowly wait to dig these things out from the Dryad girl.     

It was better to give her some space now and let her calm down.     

Following this, the girl watched as Chen Heng departed.     

Seeing this, the girl seemed to think of something.     

After everyone left, she raised her hand and stared.     

The wounds on her body had already disappeared.     

She remembered that as she had run for her life, she had suffered many injuries.     

However, no matter how she examined herself, she could not find any wounds.     

It was as if all of her injuries had disappeared in a single night.     

It was quite amazing.     

If it was any ordinary person, they would have thought that a miracle had happened.     

However, the Dryad girl evidently was no ordinary person.     

Sensing the changes in her body, as well as the remaining aura that lingered, she muttered to herself.     


Sitting on the bed, the girl spaced out.     

While she had been running for her life, she had not had the time to think.     

However, now that she had escaped from danger, many scenes replayed in her mind.     

Her family, friends, and her clan…     

Gory scenes appeared in her mind.     

Without realizing it, the girl's eyes became red as they became teary.     

This lasted for a long time, and only after hearing some noise from outside did she come back to her senses.     

She carefully got off the bed and opened the door a little, and she looked out.     

Following this, she saw a startling scene.     

Outside, there were female Kobolds hurrying about, making some simple leather and wooden spears.     

Further away, there were male Kobolds dressed in simple leather armor and holding weapons bought from the human world, patrolling about.     

The scene looked quite peaceful and harmonious.     


Looking at those figures, the Dryad girl was stunned and forgot about her sorrow.     

Even though she looked like a girl, that was just her external appearance.     

Dryads had much longer lifespans than humans, and even though she looked like a girl, she was already 200 years old.     

Even in her life of 200 years, she had never seen such a dumbfounding scene before.     

To her, Kobolds were incredibly weak creatures that were barbaric and dirty. They were essentially like wild beasts.     

However, these Kobolds were completely different.     

They looked quite orderly and did not seem barbaric at all.     

Moreover, they could make tools, cook food, and looked like intelligent creatures.     

Were they really Kobolds?     

The Dryad girl could not help but doubt this.     

She felt that compared to the dirty human villages in the past, this Kobold village seemed even cleaner and better organized.     

Moreover, these Kobolds did not looks tupid at all.     

Because of Chen Heng, this Kobold tribe had gone through massive changes and had begun to develop into an intelligent civilization.     

They planted crops, hunted, made tools, and even cooked food.     

However, most of the Kobolds in this tribe were still quite stupid.     

This made sense.     

After all, even humans who did not receive good education would be quite stupid, much less Kobolds.     

Most of the Kobolds in this tribe came from the wilderness, and very few of them were intelligent.     

The only reason they acted like this was because someone had made all kinds of arrangements for them.     

Even for those simple weapons, Chen Heng had to personally teach them over and over again before they learned how to use them.     

If Chen Heng disappeared, those Kobolds would soon return to their original state.     

Right now, the Kobold tribe was still far from what Chen Heng wanted.     

However, the Dryad girl was still stupefied.     

After all, this was still completely different to what she was used to.     

Outside, Kobolds hurried about, and no one was slacking off.     

Further away, some young Kobolds were training, and they looked like they were giving it their all.     

Elsewhere, there were some little Kobold juveniles laughing as they played.     

Everything seemed incredibly peaceful and harmonious     

Seeing that scene, the Dryad girl thought about the past and the place she had been.     

That place had also been as peaceful and harmonious, but now, it no longer existed.     

Thinking to there, she could not help but sigh.     

Standing there, she looked out for a while and hesitated before walking out.     

After being healed, her face was still somewhat pale, but she could walk by now.     


As she walked out, the Kobolds outside all looked over.     

However, after seeing the Dryad girl walk out, they all went back to their own business.     

It seemed that Chen Heng had already explained the situation.     

Some Kobolds expressed some curiosity towards the Dryad girl, but none of them gave off any hostility.     

Sensing this, the Dryad girl let out a sigh of relief.     

Dryads were a very unique existence in this world.     

Legends said that they were the manifestations of the Nature God, and they had all kinds of incredible powers.     

In actuality, they were indeed quite unique.     

Not only did they have powerful bloodlines, but their bodies were also quite special.     

From a Dryad's blood to their organs, they were all good magic materials.     

That was why in many places, they were a synonym for riches.     

As such, they were often coveted by others, whether for their bodies or for their beautiful appearances.     

Because of this, often when Dryads appeared, it meant disaster.     

If a Dryad appeared in front of others without enough power to protect themselves, they would face catastrophe.     

That was why most Dryads lived in secretive places that were difficult to be discovered.     

This was the case for this Dryad girl as well.     

Her Dryad tribe had been in the depths of the Wastelands, but they had been accidentally discovered by a group of Centaurs and had faced a calamity.     

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