Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 318 – Relocation

Chapter 318 – Relocation

0Just like a human settlement, there was a division of work in a Kobold tribe.     

Even though the Kobold tribe that Chen Heng was in had almost 100 Kobolds, most of them were elderly or young.     

There were not many adult Kobolds who were actually able to fight.     

Moreover, those adult Kobolds' strength was quite questionable.     

As such, a Kobold tribe of almost 100 Kobolds was suppressed by ten or so Beastmen, and this was not too surprising.     

When he walked out, he was greeted by a horrific sight.     

There were Kobold corpses everywhere, and there were some Kobolds still fighting with the Beastmen.     

Moans continuously sounded out from the ground.     

Seeing this scene, Chen Heng acted and killed the rest of the Beastmen.     

This was not too difficult for Chen Heng—after all, just like Ailun had said, there were only eight Beastmen left.     

To Chen Heng, such a number was not a threat.     

The surviving Kobolds all knelt down and began to worship him.     

As they did this, weak waves of faith energy began to flow into him.     

"Faith energy…"      

Sensing the energy in his body, Chen Heng thought to himself.     

It seemed that just like humans, Kobolds could also create faith energy and provide energy for his Divinities.     

Of course, this faith energy was not very strong. From how Chen Heng saw it, the amount of faith energy that a Kobold could provide was less than 10% of what a human could provide.     

This was most likely a fundamental reason: Compared to humans, Kobolds were inferior in both strength and intelligence.     

Because of this, it was quite natural that the faith energy they could give was much weaker.     

However, this opened Chen Heng's mind.     

It seemed that believers did not have to be humans; in fact, even Outlanders could dp.     

Standing there, Chen Heng digested that energy as he thought to himself.     

Following this, slaughtering energy once again appeared, quickly strengthening his body.     

By now, Chen Heng's body had become much stronger.     

He still looked like a juvenile, but he was much taller. Even compared to a mature Kobold, he did not look too much smaller.     

As for the strength in his body, it had already surpassed that of an adult Kobold.     

For the current Chen Heng, even if he did not use magic skills, just the power in his body was enough for him to rip apart an adult Kobold.     

This was the effect of the slaughtering energy.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng turned and looked around.     

Even though he had killed all of the Beastmen, the damage they had caused still remained.     

In front of Chen Heng, the Chief was heavily injured. He lay on the ground, gasping with small breaths, and he looked like he would not last for long.     

There were many injuries on his chest and all over his body, and there was much more blood around him than other Kobolds.     

Looking at this scene, Chen Heng shook his head and walked forwards.     

Watching his actions, the Kobolds in the surroundings looked at him reverently as they trembled, not daring to move at all.     

As the Kobolds watched on, Chen Heng walked before the Kobold Chief.     

Following this, he slowly stretched out his hand.     

A faint white light appeared.     

Within Chen Heng's body, another Divinity gave off light.     

Chen Heng's clone did not contain too much power, and he had only split off a tiny portion of his Divinities.     

Apart from the slaughtering ability that the Slaughtering Divinity had, the other Divinity's ability was just healing.     

However, it was perfect for this situation.     

Faint white light appeared, turning into a divine skill rune, causing them to cry out and worship with even greater fervor.     

To these Kobolds who had never seen divine skills before, this was essentially a divine miracle.     

However, in reality, this was just a simple healing skill.     

In the divine skill system, healing skills were the simplest divine skills.     

This was usually the first divine skill that gods of the good-alignment grasped.     

This divine skill's effects were very limited; it could only heal wounds and could not heal diseases, nor could it restore limbs.     

However, the current Chen Heng could only use a divine skill like this.     

Chen Heng knew higher-level divine skills, but he could not use them right now.     

This was not his main body, nor did it have the same amount of divine energy.     

The meager amount of energy in his body was barely enough for him to cast a divine skill like this.     

However, even though this divine skill was quite simple, it was very effective.     

Under the light, the Kobold's wounds began to heal.     

His pain was also reduced, and his body no longer trembled as his wounds stopped bleeding.     

After a while, he could move with some difficulty and even got up.     

From this, it seemed that Kobolds' vitality was indeed quite strong.     

All around them, the other Kobolds were still kneeling, and this included the Kobold Chief.     

They knelt there and occasionally muttered as if they were praying.     

Seeing them like this, Chen Heng shook his head before looking around.     

Under normal circumstances, the Chief had complete control over the tribe.     

However, seeing him kneeling like that, it did not seem like he would be able to decide much.     

As such, Chen Heng took over and began to give orders.     

He gathered all of the injured Kobolds and dealt with them together.     

Because the Kobolds lacked medicine and tools, Chen Heng could only rely on using divine skills to heal them.     

However, because Chen Heng did not have much divine energy, his healing was very weak and could not compare to what he could normally do.     

However, this did not matter.     

The Kobolds who lived in the Wastelands had great vitality.     

As long as he used a divine skill to pull them back over the threshold and out of danger of dying, they would be able to gradually recover themselves.     

Apart from this, there was much that Chen Heng needed to do.     

"So you're saying that there is a large Beastman Tribe nearby?"      

Hearing the Kobold in front of him speak, Chen Heng thought to himself.     

In front of him was a tall Kobold—it was Hechi, the original Chief.     

He was much taller than ordinary Kobolds: Most Kobolds were only about one meter tall, while Hechi was nearly 1.5 meters tall.     

He was still short compared to humans, but he was quite big for a Kobold.     

This was why he had been able to become the Chief of the tribe.     

"So it's like that…" Hearing the information from Hechi, Chen Heng understood the situation.     

It seemed that a Beastman tribe had relocated here recently.     

That was why there had been so many Beastmen recently, and some had even invaded this Kobold tribe.     

Evidently, the Beastmen who had come were not the whole tribe, and there were many more of them.     

This was an opportunity and was also quite problematic.     

According to Hechi, there were at least a few hundred Beastmen.     

Even the current Chen Heng could not deal with such a number.     

That was the case, at least for now.     

Of course, if he decided to fight against this Beastman tribe, it was not impossible.     

After all, he had the Slaughtering Divinity's power, and if he decided to go all-out, he would just go on a rampage.     

After all, the more he killed, the greater his power would become.     

However, it did not seem like there was a need for that.     

On one hand, it was quite risky, and on the other, Chen Heng did not want to use slaughtering energy too much.     

By now, Chen Heng had discovered the downside of using slaughtering energy.     

Even though slaughtering energy could allow him to become stronger through slaughtering, it could affect his mind.     

If his body was strong enough, then it would not be a big deal. However, if his body was not strong enough when he took in too much slaughtering energy, it would affect his consciousness.     

Chen Heng could already feel this.     

After killing ten or so Beastmen, he could clearly feel that his mind had gone through some changes, and he felt more violent.     

This was evidently a side-effect of slaughtering energy.     

If he used it too much, the effects would be quite bad.     

There had not been a great change just yet because of Chen Heng's strong mind.     

However, if he killed too many people and reached the hundreds, he would not be able to negate these effects.     

Things would become quite dangerous for him.     

As such, Chen Heng decided to use the slaughtering energy less in the future.     

It would not be that he would never use it, but he would try not to kill too much in one go.     

Otherwise, if he took in too much slaughtering energy, he would not be able to deal with it all.     


This was another reason why he should not go and slaughter that Beastman tribe.     


As such, there was only one path to take.     

"Let's relocate."      

Chen Heng looked at Hechi and said calmly, "There's no way for us to defeat the Beastmen. Since that's the case, we should move elsewhere."     


In the wilderness, a few Beastmen fell as blood splattered out, and they became corpses.     

The one who killed them was a Kobold.     

Different from normal Kobolds, this Kobold looked much more well-built.     

He was not an adult and still looked like a Kobold juvenile, but his body was covered with layers of scales. His figure was also very straight and was not hunched over like ordinary Kobolds.     

He held a rusted iron sword, on which dripped Beastmen blood.     

"Kalunu! Kalunu!"     

In the distance, a few Kobolds cheered.     

They looked incredibly excited and looked at Chen Heng with passionate gazes.     

To kill a Beastman by himself, even Hechi, the previous Chief, would not be able to do such a thing.     

However, this Kobold had done so easily, making them feel great awe.     

After dealing with the Beastmen, Chen Heng put the iron sword away.     

Following this, a few Kobolds came up to drag those Beastmen corpses away.     

By now, the entire Kobold was relocating.     

Even though they were relocating, they were not moving too far away.     

After all, they were not avoiding a natural disaster and were just avoiding some Beastmen.     

For them, avoiding the main area that the Beastmen were active in was enough.     

As such, they did not have to move too far away.     

After putting the iron sword away, Chen Heng looked into the distance.     

There were two Kobolds standing there, trembling as they looked at Chen Heng.     

"Chief, they want to join us…" Ailun walked over and spoke in the Kobold language.     

"Let them come," Chen Heng said, not minding, "Adult males can join the hunting team, and the others can join the gathering team."     

These kinds of things had happened frequently recently.     

There were many Kobolds in the wilderness, and sometimes they did not move in large groups and could be found everywhere.     

During this period of time, many Kobolds had wanted to join the relocating tribe.     

Under normal circumstances, most Kobold tribes would reject them.     

For Kobolds, having too many Kobolds was not necessarily a good thing.     

A region had limited resources, and if they had too many Kobolds, they would find it difficult to support everyone.     

Moreover, Kobolds had great reproductive abilities; Kobold juveniles could begin to reproduce in three to five years, so they did not need any Kobolds to join them to bolster their population.     

However, Chen Heng decided to take in these Kobolds instead of rejecting them.     

Even though this tribe was not small, most of them did not have any fighting power.     

This was especially so after that Beastman attack—even though Chen Heng had saved most of them, they had still lost a portion of their fighting force.     

The Kobolds that were out in the wilderness were mostly adults and could fight decently, making them passable.     

As such, Chen Heng decided to bring them in and make the tribe's battle power greater.     

Of course, once their population increased, food became a problem.     

Fortunately, Kobolds had great vitality and were not as picky as humans regarding food.     

They could eat almost anything: rotten meat, tree bark, bones, bugs, and even other creatures' excrement…     

Compared to other intelligent species, Kobolds were much easier to keep alive.     

This greatly reduced the burden of food and made Chen Heng feel much less pressure.     

By the sides, the old Kobolds responsible for gathering happily went up and cut apart the two Beastmen's corpses and collected the flesh and bones.     

Those things could become the Kobolds' lunch in the future.     

To the Kobolds, this was a rare source of meat.     

Seeing this, even though he had seen it many times in the past, Chen Heng still felt somewhat uncomfortable.     

Even though the Beastmen were not very intelligent, they were humanoid, just like the Kobolds.     

It was the first time Chen Heng had seen anyone eat Beastmen corpses.     

Fortunately, even though Kobolds ate almost everything, they at least did not eat their fellow Kobolds.     

Otherwise, that would be truly disgusting.     

Chen Heng turned and continued onwards.     

"We should be nearly there," Chen Heng thought to himself.     

By now, they were no longer in the active range of the Beastmen and could stop soon.     

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