Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 314 – Return 

Chapter 314 – Return 

0A calamity had been prevented.     

When no one expected it, a single person had stepped out to save the day.     

Everyone was shocked to find that the incoming meteorite had disappeared, only leaving behind large fragments that were slowly being pushed away from the human world.     

Before, no one thought that a human could unleash power like this.     

However, the only pity was that the Protagonist had completely disappeared.     

Some people said that he had used up the rest of his strength in resolving that crisis, which was why he had disappeared afterwards.     

Many people agreed with this.     

After all, everyone had witnessed that shocking power themselves.     

Even machines that surpassed their limits would be damaged, and this was even more so the case for human bodies.     

As such, the Protagonist falling as a result of unleashing that kind of power was very believable.     

However, some people disagreed.     

The Protagonist's devout believers that he would never die and that he was still alive. Perhaps he was hiding in the human world, protecting it in another way.     

Perhaps the next time the world suffered a disaster, he would come out again to protect humanity.     

Many people also agreed with this, and most were fanatic believers.     

However, after that day, the Protagonist had disappeared.     

No matter how they searched for him, they could not find his figure.     

It was as if he had vanished into thin air; they were unable to even find a corpse.     

Of course, it was possible that the Protagonist's corpse had been blown to smithereens as the star had exploded.     

From that terrifying energy from the explosion, it seemed that even the Protagonist might be reduced to dust.     

After this matter, the government listed the Protagonist as a martyr and allowed people to establish a religion and churches around him.     

From how everyone saw it, the Protagonist was no ordinary human and was instead a god who had descended.     

He had come from the heavens to save mankind and the world, just like the myths and legends.     

Soon, Chen Heng's churches began to spread across the world.     

However, Chen Heng did not know about any of this—the current him was no longer in that world.     

A heavy silence appeared in his heart.     

In that moment, an eternal coldness seemed to pass through his mind, covering Chen Heng's body. Chen Heng felt as if he had had a very long dream.     

However, soon, he once again woke up in the real world.     

In front of him was the familiar scene of his room.     

In front of him, rows of words appeared.     

"The simulation has concluded…"     

"You have obtained: 17,300 Points…"     

Looking at those words, Chen Heng nodded and was not too surprised.     

This was the most Points he had ever obtained from a simulation.     

However, now, this kind of gain could not make him too excited.     

However, what happened next made him feel surprised.     

"Essence return has begun…"     

More words appeared.     

Following this, some changes began to happen within Chen Heng's body.     

At that moment, some scenes appeared in Chen Heng's mind.     

Everything he had done in that world, from when he had first awoken to when he had defended the world against the incoming star, appeared in his mind.     

Those scenes flashed through his mind incredibly clearly, before fixing on a corpse floating in space.     

In order to destroy the star, Chen Heng had used up all of his divine energy.     

In the end, he had successfully achieved what he had wanted to do, but his body had reached its limit and he had perished.     

Chen Heng was not too surprised.     

To most people, death was incredibly terrifying, but it was not a big deal to him.     

Counting all of the simulations he had been through, he had already experienced death many times.     

Another time was not a big deal; he was already used to it.     

However, at this moment, the simulator's power appeared, and Chen Heng discovered that something new was happening.     

Within Chen Heng's mind, that corpse in space began to glow.     

A faint light covered that corpse, before it melted and turned into pure essence that rushed out and flowed into Chen Heng's body.     


In that moment, Chen Heng's body froze as he sensed massive changes in his body.     

His strength in this world was not very great, and he had been at Second Ring level.     

However, as the simulation body's essence flowed into his body, his real body began to become stronger and stronger.     

Great power began to surge within his frail body, and his originally weak vitality became much stronger.     

When these changes finished, Chen Heng's aura had become much greater.     

"This feeling…"      

Standing there, Chen Heng swung his arm.     

Massive power spread out, bringing with it large winds.     

Just this power far surpassed what Chen Heng had in the past.     

It seemed that after his simulation body's essence had been added to him, he had become much stronger.     

"What grew was not just my strength but also my essence…"     

Standing there, Chen Heng sensed his condition and thought to himself.     

Compared to normal people, his mental energy was much stronger, and he could clearly sense the condition of his body.     

Right now, he could sense that his body had been improved in all regards.     

This was also an improvement of his very essence.     

As for the increase in strength, it was merely a byproduct.     

Sensing this, Chen Heng could not help but feel delighted.     

An increase in his very essence was much more difficult than an increase in strength.     

After all, an improvement of his essence represented great changes to his talent and potential.     

Thinking about it, Chen Heng could not help but grin.     

It seemed that this was a change from the simulator's transformation.     

In the past, the conclusion of the simulation would just give him Points.     

However, now, apart from the Points this time, his essence had been improved.     

This was a very good change.     

Chen Heng grinned and looked down.     

In front of him, more words appeared.     

"The world's coordinates have been found; would you like to form a connection?"     

Following this, some information was sent from the simulator into Chen Heng's mind, allowing him to understand.     

"So it's like that…"      

Sensing the information in his mind, Chen Heng nodded in understanding.     

According to the information from the simulator, obtaining a world's coordinates meant that he would be able to stably enter another world.     

In the past, Chen Heng could repeatedly enter the same world because the simulator had the world's coordinates.     

However, after the simulator had left Earth and come to this world, all of the previously-stored coordinates had been lost.     

That was why Chen Heng could no longer enter those words and could only enter random worlds.     

However, despite entering other worlds, he could still use Points to obtain other worlds' coordinates, just like before.     

Of course, the prerequisite was that Chen Heng had visited that world before and established a connection with it.     

Only then could the simulator use that connection to obtain that world's coordinates.     

Evidently, Chen Heng's actions in that world had allowed him to obtain that world's coordinates.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng could not help but nod.     

Standing there, he did not hesitate for long before nodding and agreed.     

There were no downsides to forming a connection.     

At the very least, if he wanted to in the future, he could enter that world again in the future.     

"Would you like to spend 10,000 Points to record the coordinates?"     

More words appeared.     


Looking at that number, Chen Heng's mouth twitched, but he still confirmed.     

10,000 Simulation Points was a massive number.     

Chen Heng had not even enjoyed having that 17,000 or so Points before most of it had been taken away from him again.     

However, this was not too bad.     

At least, for now, Chen Heng did not desperately need Points.     


At the end of the day, Points were like money: Only by using it did it have value.     

Following this, a sensation appeared in Chen Heng's mind.     

As the simulator's power appeared, everything that Chen Heng had done in the previous world appeared in Chen Heng's mind.     

Following those, the memories became clearer and clearer before being condensed into a complicated mark.     

"The world's coordinates have been obtained…"     

Faint words appeared before Chen Heng's eyes.     

As those words appeared, Chen Heng's Points decreased by more than half.     

Looking at the decrease in Points, Chen Heng sighed before walking forwards, preparing to leave this place.     

However, after taking two steps, he paused.     

"This feeling.." Standing there, Chen Heng's body froze as he looked shocked, "Faith energy?"     

He could sense the changes in his body.     

As he formed a connection to the world from the previous simulation, traces of faith threads appeared in his body.     

They were incredibly sturdy, and there were hundreds of thousands of them.     

Massive amounts of faith energy came through these faith threads.     

As that massive amount of faith energy surged into Chen Heng's body, it made him feel incredibly full.     

Unlike when he was in the Mutated Creature World, Chen Heng did not have many followers in the World of Gods. This meant that he did not have much faith energy, and he naturally would not feel this kind of sensation.     

"What's going on?"      

Sensing this, Chen Heng frowned and felt quite confused.     

At most, he had a few thousand citizens in the World of Gods; how could he have hundreds of thousands of believers?     

As such, he felt quite perplexed about the source of this faith energy.     

Thus, he examined his body closely and soon came to a conclusion.     

The Mutated Creature World.     

The origin of this faith energy in his body was the Mutated Creature World.     

It was as if, after the connection was formed, he could receive faith energy from that world.     

However, perhaps it was because they were in different worlds, but the number of faith threads Chen Heng had access to was limited to just the incredibly strong ones.     

Only the incredibly fervent and fanatic believers could send their faith energy across worlds to reach Chen Heng.     

Otherwise, the amount of faith threads he would have access to would be many times greater.     

After all, the Mutated Creature World had tens of billions of people.     

If he could obtain faith energy from all of them, he would be very rich indeed.     

However, evidently, things were not that great.     

Of course, for Chen Heng to be able to receive faith energy from hundreds of thousands of people, it was already quite good.     

In the World of Gods, even small Kingdoms would not have such a population.     

Moreover, those hundreds of thousands of people's faith energy could provide Chen Heng with some divine energy, making it easy for him to deal with some things.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng could not help but smile as he walked out.     

Faint sunlight shone on the ground, illuminating the surroundings.     

Standing there, Chen Heng looked towards the sky. Looking at the beautiful scenery around him, his emotions calmed down.     

The memories of fighting and struggling in the Mutated Creature World began to fade, replaced by peace.     

After standing there for a long time, he walked away.     


"This is what has happened in recent days," Herdosiri looked at Chen Heng respectfully as he handed some documents over.     

This was what Chen Heng had ordered him to do.     

Many things in this world were not recorded, which meant that some details were often lost.     

As such, Chen Heng had especially set down rules to record everything so that it could be checked.     

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