Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 268 – Skull (1)

Chapter 268 – Skull (1)

0"Just what is hiding in there…" Chen Heng frowned and wondered.     

He had a bad feeling in his heart.     

As he continued to advance, the throbbing in his heart became more and more intense.     

It seemed that there was a powerful energy within, combined with a great might, that made even Chen Heng feel suffocated.     

Even a true Sorcerer's powerful mental energy would be suppressed by this powerful energy, causing their body to tremble.     

If the one standing here was not Chen Heng, but Herdosiri or someone else, they would have fallen already.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng's expression became grim. He was facing this kind of situation; what would Herdosiri be facing?     

He deeply sighed and continued onwards.     

Right now, he had no other choice.     

Time gradually passed.     

Chen Heng walked for a long time, and the passage of time felt incredibly slow here, making it difficult for him to tell how long it had been.     

A strange feeling arose in the surroundings, and after reaching a certain place, his surroundings changed.     

Chen Heng looked around and found that the stone slabs were somewhat different.     

Before, the stone slabs had unique-looking demon creatures on them as if they had been captured and imprisoned within the stone slabs.     

There were no pictures of demon creatures here, and they were instead replaced by some divine runes.     

The stone slabs were covered densely with stone slabs, as if they wanted to say something.     

It was a pity that Chen Heng could not understand these divine runes.     

Otherwise, they might have been able to help his current situation.     

"It looks like this really is a historical remnant left behind by a god…" Chen Heng's expression was calm as he thought to himself.     

This kind of thing was quite common in this world.     

Based on his previous identity's memories, this world indeed had many gods.     

During the age of gods, the gods did all kinds of miracles, spreading their light and creating many holy lands.     

Many holy lands were affected by the gods' power, and they gained unique energy. Even after countless years passed, that energy still did not dissipate.     

Historical remnants related to gods were a treasure trove for the current people. If they were lucky, they could find many valuable things within.     

In fact, they could even find divine weapons left behind by the gods, as well as other precious things.     

However, to ordinary people, historical remnants also meant danger.     

Ordinary people did not have the qualifications to directly face gods; even if they just felt a bit of a god's aura, their bodies and souls would collapse.     

Right now, Chen Heng did not know if his luck was good or bad.     

Undoubtedly, a god's historical remnant was immensely valuable but also immensely dangerous.     

However, right now, Chen Heng did not have the luxury of choice.     

As Chen Heng headed forwards, the pressure from the depths of the historical remnant became stronger and stronger.     

Without realizing it, Chen Heng's consciousness and vision began to become hazy.     

His surroundings changed, and he saw all kinds of scenes.     

There was a majestic palace, peerlessly beautiful women, as well as an enormous army.     

In those scenes, he was like an incomparable emperor who had control over countless people's lives with just a single word.     

That kind of scene was incredibly attractive.     

Chen Heng frowned and roused himself, breaking free from that illusion. He knew clearly that what he had seen was not real.     

If he continued to sink into it and accept it, he would be in great danger.     

Ahead, the suffocating pressure became greater and greater, and even with Chen Heng's powerful mind and will, he almost could not bear it.     

The mental energy of a true Sorcerer was already incredibly terrifying, and if Chen Heng had not been a True Lord, who was even more powerful, he would not have been able to last this long.     

However, even so, he was under great difficulty.     

Soon, he saw a dry corpse.     

It looked like a man dressed in gray robes, and he was already half-rotten.     

Chen Heng did not know how long it had been here for, but for that person to have endured until now, that person would have been very strong.     

Looking at the corpse, Chen Heng hesitated for a moment before stopping to search the corpse.     

Just as his hand touched the corpse, changes happened.     

The gray robe turned into dust, revealing white bones.     

Chen Heng looked down and saw a few things next to the corpse.     

They were two black crystals, which were the same as the black crystals Chen Heng had obtained before.     

Looking at those black crystals, Chen Heng picked them up, and a warm feeling spread throughout his body.     

The simulator once again absorbed the energy, and his Points increased.     

Simulation Points: 327.     

Looking at the number, Chen Heng nodded before heading onwards.     

"What a pity."      

Before leaving, he looked at the skeleton and felt that it was a pity.     

If he could, he would have wanted to bring this corpse with him.     

For it to come so far, this corpse's strength was most likely no weaker than his current self and might have been even stronger.     

The corpse of a person like that was a rare material, and if he could take it out, he would be able to refine some amazing items.     

It was a pity that this corpse was too big, and Chen Heng had nowhere to put it; he definitely would not carry it the whole time.     

As such, Chen Heng continued onwards.     

As he headed onwards, he saw some corpses now and then.     

Some of the corpses were still somewhat fresh, like they had not been dead for a long time, while others almost turned to dust as soon as they were touched.     

This told Chen Heng that this place had existed for a long, long time.     

Of course, this could be because of that unique energy within the passageway, causing time in here to flow differently from outside.     

After all, being affected by that unknown energy, those corpses might have decayed even faster.     

After seeing those corpses, Chen Heng did not hesitate to search them.     

To him, it was not a big deal—as long as it could bring him benefits, he naturally did not mind.     

Most of the things they had left behind were already broken, and only a few things could be used as materials.     

Occasionally, Chen Heng would be able to find some black crystals, netting him more Points.     

Soon, his Points had increased to 500.     

It was quite a decent gain.     

However, as Chen Heng headed onwards, he could sense that his will was slowly being corroded, while the terrifying energy from within became more and more terrifying.     

Ahead of him, waves of golden light flashed.     

The simulator's energy once again appeared, waking up Chen Heng and clearing his mind.     

"That was close…"     

After being woken up, Chen Heng opened his eyes and looked ahead.     

Similar things had happened a few times already.     

By now, his mind could no longer resist that corrosion.     

Fortunately, as he gained more Points, the simulator's power seemed to come to life.     

Every time Chen Heng was corroded by that energy and fell into darkness, the simulator's power would appear and wake up Chen Heng.     

If this was not the case, Chen Heng would not have been able to hold on for so long.     

If he fell here, his fate would be the same as those corpses from before.     

"Is it finally over…"      

After who knows how long, Chen Heng stopped and looked ahead.     

In front of him were a pair of big, golden doors.     

At that moment, the powerful energy that filled this passageway disappeared as if it had never existed.     

Evidently, this was the end of the passageway.     

Looking at the door, Chen Heng did not hesitate and continued onwards.     

A light sound rang out as Chen Heng pushed the golden doors open.     

Light shined out, and after it dissipated, Chen Heng saw the scene before him.     

In front of him was a world of nothingness.     

At the center of the world of nothingness, there was an altar.     

The altar was covered with divine runes, and there was even a massive skull on it.     

The skull was incredibly big, and it was one meter tall.     

This skull definitely did not belong to a human, and it was much bigger than a normal human's.     

Looking at that skull, Chen Heng felt a suffocating feeling.     

It had an overwhelming might and was terrifying to the point that Chen Heng felt it difficult to breathe.     

Chen Heng's face became incredibly pale and he stumbled back a few steps, frowning as he looked at that skull.     

"This is…"      

Standing there, he stared at the massive skull.     

At that moment, he thought of something.     


Those divine runes already proved that this was a historical remnant connected to a god.     

In that case, was that skull something that the god had left behind?     

Otherwise, why would this skull give off such an aura?     

Chen Heng thought to himself as he looked seriously ahead.     

As he examined the skull, he saw many details.     

There seemed to be a small crack on that skull.     

The crack looked very sharp; it had not naturally opened up but had been caused by some sharp weapon.     

Looking at that crack, Chen Heng's body paused, as if he thought of something.     

A feeling of desire arose in his heart—it was like a starving person seeing a table of delicious food.     

This feeling came from Chen Heng's soul.     

"This feeling…" Sensing that feeling in his heart, Chen Heng thought to himself, and the simulator interface appeared before him.     

As if it sensed this aura, the dormant simulator activated by itself.     

Sensing the feeling in his soul, Chen Heng deeply breathed in and slowly walked forwards.     

He approached the altar and stretched out his hand.     

As he stretched out his hand, the formless pressure became stronger, and a suffocating energy came from the skull, weighing down on Chen Heng.     

In just a moment, blood and flesh left Chen Heng's body, and blood splattered on the ground as his arm was reduced to bones.     

Immense pain wracked his body and even his soul.     

Feeling this, Chen Heng gritted his teeth and directly rushed up.     

He could sense that an unknown energy had spread from his arm, quickly spreading to the rest of his body.     

If that happened, his outcome would not be good.     

Sensing this, he no longer hesitated and charged forwards.     

An arm of bone stretched forwards, relying on the last bit of mental energy.     

During that process, the formless energy continued to spread.     

In an instant, Chen Heng's body was corroded by this energy, turning into a skeleton.     

All blood and flesh had disappeared, making him look incredibly terrifying.     

If any person saw him, they would be scared to the point that they would no longer be able to sleep.     

However, despite this, the skeleton was incredibly resolute, and its arm continued onwards.     

A light sound rang out as the bone touched the skull.     

Following this, massive changes happened.     

As Chen Heng's body touched the skull, the simulator's golden light flashed incredibly brightly.     

"Detected the power of Law, extracting…"     

Words appeared before Chen Heng's eyes.     

Of course, the current Chen Heng no longer had eyes and only had a trace of his soul left.     

As the simulator operated, energy began to flow into him.     

In terms of strength, this energy was definitely the strongest that Chen Heng had ever come into contact with.     

Moreover, there was an incredible amount of it.     

In front of him, the simulator's light continuously flashed as it took in this energy.     

At that moment, new changes also happened.     

A golden flame began to burn, and within the golden flames, Chen Heng's body began to be rebuilt.     

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