Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 263 – Shadow

Chapter 263 – Shadow

0At night, everyone peacefully went to sleep.     

It was midnight, and a silver moon hung in the sky, giving off a faint silver light.     

At that moment, the village was deathly silent as if it was a place of death.     

It was just that some hazy figures could be seen.     

They were black shadows, which stood in the surroundings. They stood in the corners of each house, looking about.     

If one looked closely, they would discover these were all people. It was just that their appearances were very different—their faces were all extremely pale, and they gave off strange auras.     

Chen Heng and the others were before their eyes, and they watched their every move.     

Looking at the people within the houses, their expressions were extremely cold and emotionless. They were not like living people but like corpses that had died for a long time.     

Looking at these travellers, they only stared and did not do much.     

The silver moon hung in the sky, but as time passed, there seemed to be traces of blood-red appearing within it.     

If one looked from the distance, they would discover a surprising scene.     

From outside, one would no longer be able to see the village.     

There was no longer an abandoned village nor any traces of it.     

It looked like a normal place, where no one had ever lived before.     

Drip… drip…     

Clear sounds sounded out, like water dripping onto the floor.     

Hearing those sounds, Chen Heng silently opened his eyes.     

The room's layout was quite simple, and he was lying on a bed made of rice straw, still wearing his clothes from before.     

However, compared to the others, he was not sleeping and was just doing Meditation.     

To Sorcerers, Meditation could replace sleep to a certain extent, and its effects were even better by a bit.     

Moreover, Chen Heng was in a dangerous situation, and if he let down his guard and actually fell asleep, it would be much too risky.     

As such, even though he looked like he was asleep, he was still conscious.     

"It's not raining…"      

Hearing those sounds, Chen Heng instinctively frowned.     

Drip… drip…     

The dripping did not stop, and it still sounded out clearly.     

However, it was not raining outside, so where was the dripping coming from?     

Chen Heng thought to himself before silently getting up.     

From just then to now, he had clearly sensed the changes in the surroundings.     

The negative energy in the surroundings had become much stronger.     

This kind of thing was not normal.     

Moreover, there was that dripping now.     

Chen Heng's expression was calm as he thought of various things and stood up.     

He walked to the door and slowly stretched out a hand.     

Outside, cold-looking figures stood there, icily staring at Chen Heng.     

Seeing Chen Heng's actions, they gave slight smiles.     

It was a smile, but it looked quite terrifying.     

Not only did it not make one at ease, but it also contained a suffocating pressure that made one feel instinctively terrified.     

As they watched on, Chen Heng stretched out his hand and prepared to open the door.     

Seeing this, the figures' smiles became even more evident as their eyes gradually became red.     

Under their gaze, Chen Heng seemed to sense something and paused.     

"This aura…" Chen Heng muttered to himself.     

Just then, he sensed some abnormalities.     

That feeling was extremely cold and felt quite uncomfortable.     

The feeling he felt was like there were countless eyes staring at him.     

This feeling definitely was not a misconception.     

Even though he had lost most of his strength, Chen Heng was not at the point that he would hallucinate.     

This place was quite strange.     

Ahead, the rotten wooden door was there as if it separated two different regions, making one feel quite nervous.     

Outside, faint breezes blew in. They were quite slight at first, but they became more and more intense as if they wanted to blow this door open.     

Chen Heng was not too startled and turned to look.     

Ahead of him, the old wooden door rocked back and forth, and the lock looked like it would break at any moment.     

It was as if anyone lightly pushing it could cause it to collapse.     

However, despite this, the door did not fall and continued to rock back and forth.     

If it was anyone else, they would have panicked by then and wanted to do something.     

However, Chen Heng calmly continued to watch the situation unfold.     

Not too long after, the wind suddenly stopped.     

It was as if someone had suddenly cut it off, and everything quietened down.     

Everything fell into absolute silence.     

If there was a normal person there, they most likely would have been scared to death.     

However, Chen Heng continued to watch and was not too surprised.     

After the sounds of wind, hurried footsteps could be heard from outside.     

"Aktor, things are bad!" a voice sounded out—it was Herdosiri.     

He quickly came outside Chen Heng's room and continuously knocked as he said, "Oro's people are here; we have to quickly leave this place. Hurry up and come out!"     

His voice sounded incredibly urgent, and he seemed like he was in great distress.     

As he spoke, he continuously banged at the door, trying to get Chen Heng to open the door.     

"The door isn't locked," Chen Heng's voice sounded out from inside.     

Sitting on the bed, Chen Heng looked out, "If you want to come in, you can just come in."     

The house was not very well-built, and Chen Heng could see the state outside from some cracks.     

Outside the door, there was a tall and well-built figure standing there, who looked like Herdosiri.     

It was just that compared to during the daytime, his face was much paler and did not seem to contain any color. However, given his frightened expression, it did not seem that surprising.     

It was late at night, and ordinary people would not notice that detail.     

Hearing Chen Heng's voice, Herdosiri paused as if he did not expect this answer.     

However, soon, he came to his senses and began to knock even harder.     

"Aktor, I'm not joking around!"      

He looked incredibly earnest as he said, "Oro's people are here, and if we don't leave now, it'll be too late."     

He continued to call out, but he did not receive a reply.     

Chen Heng continued to sit there, looking at that figure outside and ignoring him.     

Outside, Herdosiri's voice continuously sounded out and became louder and louder.     

The old wooden door was continuously slammed at by him, making Chen Heng wonder just how long it would last for.     

However, by now, even a normal person would realize that there was something off.     

This door was not so sturdy that it could endure being continuously slammed at by a strong young man. It looked like it was incredibly weak but had lasted for so long.     

If anyone looked out, they would find that the door was indeed as Chen Heng had said and was unlocked.     

A door that was not locked should have been easily pushed open.     

However, despite slamming at the door for so long, he still had not opened it.     

"Hurry up and come out!" Herdosiri's expression began to change and became quite dark.     

Before, his voice had been quite good, but as time passed, it became sharper and more hysteric.     

"Get out here!!" a furious roar sounded out as his expression became bloodthirsty and savage.     

After a while, the shouts and knocking disappeared, but he did not see anyone else outside.     

This did not make sense.     

According to Herdosiri's arrangements, they were all living quite close together, and if he was shouting like this, then others would have heard him.     

However, despite him shouting for so long, there was no one else outside.     

What was going on?     

This situation definitely was not normal.     

Sensing the quietness, many thoughts flashed in Chen Heng's mind.     

Either everything from before had been a hallucination, or it was that the others had already fallen for a trap.     

However, these two possibilities could not explain some things.     

If all of that was fake, it would be a bit too terrifying.     

After all, Chen Heng was not the same as before. His mental power could rival a true Sorcerer, making his senses incredibly keen.     

If all of that had been fake and tricked him, it would have to be a terrifying level.     

As for other people already falling for the trap, that was possible but not very likely.     


Putting aside the girls, at least Herdosiri and Lamu did not seem like they would die easily.     

That was just Chen Heng's instinct.     

If that was the case, what was going on?     

Chen Heng was not sure.     

When would this situation dissipate?     

If it did not dissipate, he would just be stuck here.     

There was no food or water in the room. He would be fine for a short while, but as time passed, even Chen Heng would starve to death.     

Thinking to there, Chen Heng sighed and silently got up.     

Outside, silver moonlight fell on the ground.     

However, for some reason, the silver moon now seemed a bit red, seeming both devilish and terrifying.     

Outside, a figure stood at the door—it was Herdosiri.     

Even though he did not make any sounds, he was still outside the door.     

It seemed that he realized that since he had not been able to call Chen Heng out, he had decided to hide and silently wait.     

After all, as time passed, the person inside would have to come out; he just had to wait here.     

However, he did not expect that the opportunity would come sooner than he expected.     

Light footsteps sounded out ahead of him.     

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