Fantasy Simulator

Chapter 258 – Waking Up

Chapter 258 – Waking Up

0"Should be ready soon…" Wang Li hurried about in the kitchen as she prepared lunch.     

It had been a few days, and it seemed like everything was normal as usual.     

Wang Li had been quite happy because Chen Heng had been staying at home the past few days, keeping her company.     

This made her feel quite happy.     

For parents, the most important thing was not their children attaining great achievements but their children keeping them company.     

It was just strange that after coming back that day, it was as if Chen Heng had become a different person. He sat in his room all day and did not go out to practice martial arts.     

Wang Li felt a bit confused but did not think too much.     

She could sense that he was going through something, but he was just keeping it in his heart.     

Since Chen Heng did not take the initiative to tell her, she would not ask.     

She knew that this was how her child had always been.     

If he was willing to tell her, he would have told her without her having to ask.     

If he did not want to tell her, even if she asked, he most likely would not say.     

She was already used to this after living together for so many years.     

As such, she did not plan to say anything, and she just made some food that he liked to eat.     

Outside, the sunlight was quite bright, creating a beautiful scene.     

Looking out, Wang Li smiled.     

Not too far away, Chen Heng was standing on the balcony by himself.     

If he was a normal person, they would have thought the world was the same as it always was. However, this was not the case for Chen Heng.     

Right now, he could sense that as time passed, the world was quickly going through changes.     

There were large patches of darkness in the world, which seemed to want to devour everything.     

This had started a few days ago. At first, the changes were slight, but soon, a large hole had appeared in the sky, and it had become more and more obvious.     

The abnormalities continuously grew, but no one could tell and continued to live as normal.     

As time passed, the real world would approach.     

Chen Heng could see this clearly.     

The abnormalities began to become more apparent, and they continuously grew, wanting to cover the entire world.     

Standing there, Chen Heng's expression was calm as he silently raised his head and looked ahead of him.     

As he looked on, the world before him began to change.     

A large building suddenly appeared on a previously-flat area of land.     

The large building looked quite old and run-down, and it gave off an ancient aura.     

If anyone could see this big building, they would definitely be stunned.     

As time went on, similar scenes continuously appeared.     

The dreamscape would wake up at some point.     

People could not live within a dream for their whole lives. No matter how good the dream was, they would still wake up.     

For this world's people, that day was not too far away.     

When that time came, this world's people would see the real world and remember the past.     

Chen Heng stood there, silently waiting for that time.     

Ahead, the scene before him continued to change.     

At first, it was a big building.     

As time passed, the building became bigger and bigger.     

The people in the surroundings began to go through changes: Their flesh began to wither, and they instantly became withered corpses.     

The world greatly changed in an instant, creating a terrifying scene.     

However, no one realized this.     

Of course, perhaps a small minority could sense this.     

Even though this was a dreamscape, different people's souls were different, causing them to become unique existences in this dreamscape.     

The members of the Guardians, the Awakeners, were such existences.     

Their souls had originally been quite special, making it so that they could see some of the truth in this world.     

This was why they could see those abnormalities, just like Chen Heng.     

In actuality, during this period of time, that group of people had become the busiest group.     

They were special and could see the changes in the world. However, they did not know the truth, so they continuously struggled, trying to change the situation.     

In the past few days, many people had come to contact Chen Heng, but Chen Heng had ignored them.     

This was not that he had given up on hope, but because he knew that even if he busied himself with those things, it would be pointless.     

This world had already died, and it only left behind a corpse.     

No matter how hard they worked, they could not make this dead world come back to life.     

Dead people could not come back to life, and this was even more so for a whole world.     

Chen Heng sighed and looked down.     

In front of him, golden light flashed as words appeared.     

"The dreamscape world is collapsing…"     

It was the simulator.     

It seemed that after Chen Heng had discovered the truth of this world, the simulator had become like this.     

Chen Heng could sense the changes in the simulator.     

From how Chen Heng saw it, it was an evolution.     

As time went on, his massive number of Points was gradually decreasing as the simulator evolved.     

Standing there and sensing the changes in the simulator, Chen Heng came to a realization.     

The simulator seemed to be an extension of himself, like a normal person's hands or feet.     

It existed within his essence, and the simulator was just how it manifested.     

The reason why it had appeared like that before was because of Chen Heng's environment and circumstances.     

It was just that as time passed and the world went through changes, the simulator also adjusted to accommodate.     

The simulator was very important to Chen Heng; strictly speaking, most of what he had gained and accomplished came from the simulator.     

If it wasn't for the simulator, even if he did become powerful, it would have taken him much longer to reach this level.     

Right now, it was his only lifeline.     

The dreamscape was about to be destroyed, and if Chen Heng wanted to continue to live, the only thing he could rely on was the simulator.     

The simulator was able to connect to other worlds and provide him with an identity there.     

This ability was the most suitable for Chen Heng's current circumstances.     

Since this world was about to be destroyed, then he could just go to another world.     

It was just that in the past, he had just entered the other world as a clone, and his main body had remained in this world.     

Now that his original world was going to be destroyed, he wanted to send his main body to another world.     

Since the simulator could bring his clone to another world, it should be able to accomplish this.     

As for how it was going to happen, Chen Heng had no idea.     

Chen Heng remained calm as he silently looked into the distance.     

After those few days, his emotions had calmed down.     

The emotions from this body's identity had faded, leaving Chen Heng in peace.     

In the past, back when Chen Heng had first come to this world, he had wanted to make up for all of his regrets and climb as high as he could.     

It was just that everything had been a dream, and no matter how hard he tried, it was all pointless.     

"I've already done my best…" Chen Heng looked up as he said, "I've done my best and achieved much… as for the conclusion, it has nothing to do with me."     

By now, nothing he did could affect anything.     

Since that was the case, he would just wait for the end.     

No matter if he was destroyed or if he received a new life, Chen Heng would calmly accept it.     

Time gradually passed.     

In the sky, the sun shined on the ground, illuminating everything.     

However, for some reason, the once-warm sunlight now made people feel a trace of coldness.     

"Why is it so cold…" someone muttered to themselves.     

It was an ordinary girl who looked around 15 or 16 years old.     

On that day, she had planned to go out and play.     

However, at that moment, she sensed that something was off.     

She felt a strange sense of unease in her mind—for some reason, as she walked on this street, she kept feeling that she had forgotten something.     

What was that important thing that she had forgotten?     

Just what was it?     

She continuously thought to herself but could not find the answer.     

Everything in the surroundings was normal, and she had long since prepared for this outing, so she had not left anything behind.     

The ticket that she had bought ahead of time was in her hand, and it had not disappeared.     

Just what had she forgotten then?     


The girl instinctively felt incredibly unsettled.     

She continued on towards her destination but had long since lost her eagerness.     

In actuality, it was not just her—everyone else was the same.     

All over the world, no matter if it was a man or woman, an elder or child, everyone felt this way—they felt that they had forgotten something.     

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