Help...My Wife is a Spy

Arranged Marriage

Arranged Marriage

0By the time that Sean, Halia, and Jackson returned to the hotel, it was almost midnight.     

While they were gone, Natalie had been sitting anxiously in her hotel room by herself. Her husband was going after a killer and her best friend was going after a corrupt officer that tried to kidnap her, so she was naturally worried.     

Her life was like a drama - a drama in which she was of no help at all...     

As soon as she heard the door of her hotel room open, she jumped straight up.     

"A pregnant woman can't be stressed like this," she said when she saw the trio finally return. "Did you know that stress can have potentially harmful effects on the brain and development of an unborn baby?"     

Sean quickly ran over and kissed his wife. "Does this take your stress away?" he asked. He understood how she felt, but this was the kind of life he led and she knew that when she married him.     

Natalie's face immediately softened as she smiled. This man always knew what to do. She pouted her lips and closed her eyes, "One more kiss."     

While the two were displaying their affection again, Jackson looked at Halia and said, "Did you hear that? No more crime-fighting and stressing about the organization. Leave everything with Trisha and Interpol, they will handle it."     

Halia looked at her husband and nodded her head. As she did so, she suddenly felt like vomiting again and rushed into the bathroom.     

Natalie turned her head in surprise, "Was she disgusted by us kissing again?"     

Jackson smiled warmly and shook his head, "She's just got morning sickness..."     

Sean looked at Jackson in confusion, "Morning sickness? But, it's the middle of the ni..."     

Before he finished speaking, Natalie suddenly interrupted. Although nausea during pregnancy was often called, 'morning sickness', it could actually occur at any time of the day. Of course, Sean had no idea, but Natalie knew this well. However, her mind was not focused on the timing, she was shocked that her best friend was even experiencing morning sickness at all. "Is Halia pregnant?!!" she squealed, trying to contain her excitement.     

Jackson laughed and nodded his head, "We just found out at the hospital."     

Natalie's eyes lit up and she immediately pounced on Halia as soon as she stepped out of the bathroom. "If we give birth to different genders, let's get our kids married to each other!! That way we can be family!" she said.     

Halia looked at her friend in surprise and realized Jackson had announced the good news.     

With a laugh, she replied, "Don't you think it's a bit too early to think about that? Besides, what era are we living in? Arranged marriages are so outdated."     

Natalie shook her head stubbornly, "I'm sure our children will like each other. With my personality and your looks, our grandchildren are going to be perfect!"     

"Grandchildren?!" Sean, Jackson, and Halia exclaimed.     

This woman was really getting ahead of herself...     


At this time, over in Russia, Boginya received a call from Hong Kong, "Interpol suddenly increased security around Trojan and we can't get our people anywhere near him. It seems someone warned them about us."     

Boginya furrowed her brows. Her organization spanned multiple countries and she had members of all different levels of influence, but for some reason, this mere SPU agent seemed to also have connections everywhere. Worst of all, she was always one step ahead.     

Losing her patience, she dialed another number. This time, she contacted a member in China. The same man that had originally told her Halia's identity. "Did you discover anything else about that woman?!" she asked impatiently.     

The man on the other end trembled a little when he heard the anger in the Russian woman's voice, "I already told you what I found. There's nothing special about her. She studied business and criminal justice in university, graduated from the police academy last year, joined the Beijing police force, and was transferred to SPU a few months ago. That's all I know about her."     

"She only graduated last year?" Boginya asked in surprise. How could a new graduate have the influence and abilities that Halia had? She even captured Trojan, Florence, and Eagle, and she uncovered their operation in Boracay. More importantly, she witnessed her fight with Eagle. She was much too skilled for a fresh graduate. There had to be more to this woman. She was certain of it!     

"Forget it! If you can't find anything, then I'll have to go there and investigate myself," Boginya sighed with frustration before she hung up the phone. She was going to find everything there was to know about Halia.     


Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, Emerson looked at the beautiful woman opposite him and asked again, "Will you be my girlfriend?"      

He had waited so long to ask her this question, but she was only looking at him blankly, so he repeated himself to make sure she had heard his question.     

Avaleigh trembled a little as she looked at Emerson. She wanted to say yes, but her words seemed to be stuck in the back of her throat. Just as she almost got her words out, her phone suddenly rang.      

She quickly jumped off the dining table and held her phone nervously to her ear, "Hello?"     

"My dear daughter, it's so good to hear your voice," Mrs. Song's voice sounded from the other end.     

Sean did not lie to her. Her daughter was indeed alive.     

Almost in tears, she said, "Your father's been arrested..."     

Avaleigh almost dropped her phone on the ground when she heard this. She had no idea that Emerson had asked Jackson to help her father and had no idea that Mimi's murderer was someone else, so her heart immediately dropped. "Is he getting the death sentence?" she asked.     

"Huh?" Mrs. Song asked in confusion.     

"Did they prove that he killed Mimi?" Avaleigh added.     

Mrs. Song didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She took a deep breath and explained, "Your father didn't kill Mimi, it was someone else. The real murderer's been caught. Your father's been arrested for other crimes, but he helped your friends find the real murderer so his sentence may be shortened."     

"Friends?" Avaleigh asked with a puzzled expression.     

"Yes, Emerson sent them to help," Mr. Song explained.     

Avaleigh glanced at Emerson as he popped another piece of sushi in his mouth and her heart began to race. How did such a busy man have the time to worry about her matters?     

As she hung up the phone, she returned to his side without hesitation and said one simple word, "Yes!"     

Emerson swallowed and looked at her with confusion.     

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend," Avaleigh clarified.     

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