Help...My Wife is a Spy

Moving To Guiyang City

Moving To Guiyang City

0The sun shone in through the hotel window in Seoul. Halia gently opened her eyes and looked at her husband. Jackson was still sleeping peacefully but he had a gentle smile on his face as his hand lay on top of her stomach. Last night, they had fallen asleep after making a late-night phone call to Father Feng.     

"'re going to be a grandfather..." Halia announced.     

Father Feng stared at his daughter through the phone screen in shock as she rubbed her stomach with a smile. He immediately smiled as well and placed Pumpkin on his lap. The little boy was sleeping over again and they had been building a train set all day, so he was in the middle of playing with their completed creation when he was suddenly interrupted.     

"Grandpa Feng, I was playing..." the little boy frowned. But, he quickly noticed the phone in Father Feng's hand and spotted Halia and Jackson on the screen. With a huge smile, he waved and said, "Auntie Haili, Uncle Jackson, can you see me?"     

Halia and Jackson nodded their heads and laughed.     

Father Feng pointed to Halia's stomach and said to the little boy, "Your Auntie Haili and Uncle Jackson are having a baby!"     

Pumpkin's eyes lit up and he immediately clapped his hands. "Another baby to play with? I'm so happy!" he cheered.     

"You're going to be a big brother soon. After the two babies are born, you will have to look after them and protect them well, OK?" Father Feng taught the little boy.     

Pumpkin nodded his head with confidence and leaned into the screen like he was trying to talk to the baby in Halia's stomach, "Auntie Haili's baby, this is your big brother, Pumpkin. Don't be afraid. When you come out of that stomach, I will protect you well and make sure nobody hurts you!"     

Halia looked at the little boy and her heart melted. He was such a good child. If her child turned out to be half as good as Pumpkin, then she would be really happy.     

After Pumpkin finished speaking to Halia's stomach, Father Feng placed him back on the ground and said, "You can go back to playing with the train set. I'll come to join you soon. I just have a few other things to say to your Auntie Haili."     

Pumpkin nodded with understanding and ran back over to the train set.     

Father Feng then looked at his daughter with seriousness. He had never interfered with his daughter's life decisions and supported her in whatever she chose to do, but she was pregnant now and he couldn't help but worry a little, "Now that you're pregnant, you should put your work on hold until after the baby is born. It's too dangerous for you to be running around."     

Halia glanced at Jackson and he smiled at her supportively. He agreed with Father Feng, but he was going to let her make the decision on her own. He trusted that she knew what was best.     

"But, if I put my work on hold, what will I do? I don't want to sit at home doing nothing," Halia said worriedly. She didn't want to stop working, law enforcement and justice had always been her biggest passions in life and she was just getting started, but she knew her father was right. Today was the best example. If Eagle had landed one single hit on her stomach, she may have lost her child before she even knew it was there.     

Father Feng looked at his daughter awkwardly with a trace of hope in his eyes. He knew his daughter's passion lay elsewhere, but he had always been hopeful that she would return to run the family business one day. "Why don't you return to Guiyang City to help me?" Father Feng asked carefully without sounding forceful. "Natalie will be there to help you and she's pregnant too so you can watch out for each other..."      

Halia listened to her father's suggestion and looked into his hopeful eyes. He had always been so supportive and understanding. As a single parent, he had sacrificed a lot for her over the years. In fact, Halia knew that a part of the reason why her father never found another partner after her mother's death was because he was so busy at work. If she had helped him a little, would he have had a little more time to enjoy his life?     

Now that she was about to become a mother, it was time for her to make some sacrifices too. So, she glanced at Jackson and asked, "Do you want to move to Guiyang City with me?"     

Jackson smiled, "I will go wherever you want to go."     

"In that case, we'll book a flight back to Guiyang City after our honeymoon," Halia nodded at her father, gesturing that she was taking his suggestion.     

A big smile appeared on Father Feng's face. With excitement, he said, "I'll get the maids to prepare a room for you! We are going to have so much fun living together again! While you're at work, Jackson can play chess with me and we can go to the golf club and..."     

Halia glanced at Jackson awkwardly. Although she loved her father, she was married now and wanted her own place with her husband. Especially if they were planning to stay in Guiyang City long term and Jackson was staying home every day. The old man was going to drive her husband crazy...     

At that moment, she remembered something. "I'll call the Captain tomorrow and I'll organize to get Coco flown to Guiyang City as well," she said casually.     

Father Feng looked at his daughter in horror as soon as she mentioned Coco. Why was that little monster coming as well? He was afraid of dogs, probably more afraid than Max, so he never owned one. But, Halia had always loved dogs, so she adopted Coco a few years after she left home. Now, he was practically a part of the family; she couldn't leave him behind.     

Originally, Father Feng wanted his daughter and son-in-law to live with him. However...the dog immediately changed everything.     

"But, of course, you need your own space eventually..." Father Feng suddenly said. "You can stay here until you find a suitable place in Guiyang City. I know some realtors that can help."     

Halia secretly laughed to herself. Originally, she was a little worried about how she would reject her father, but fortunately, Coco had saved the day...     

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