Help...My Wife is a Spy

I Do Too!

I Do Too!

0The next day, everyone woke up nice and early for Sean and Natalie's wedding. It was a grand, but intimate wedding, and because it was so rushed, they decided not to have any bridesmaids and groomsmen. Only Little Pumpkin served as a page boy, and he held onto the wedding rings proudly as he stood beside the couple.     

The wedding ceremony was held in the garden of the same hotel where their reception was to be held afterwards. Beautiful palm trees lined the sides of the garden and fresh spring flowers were blooming. The couple stood in front of a floral arch, decorated with soft pink roses and held each other's hands nervously as the wedding celebrant began to talk.     

"We are gathered here today, to witness the wedding of a beautiful couple that fate has brought together..."     

Halia watched as her best friend stood beautifully in her wedding gown and couldn't help but feel a little emotional. She finally understood why Natalie got a little teary when she and Jackson were signing their marriage papers. "I'm so proud of her," Halia whispered to Jackson as she held tightly to his hand. "She's gone through so many struggles to get to where she is today. I'm so happy. Sean will definitely treat her well and she will finally have the loving family that she deserves."     

Jackson smiled, "But she's always had a loving family..."      

He then pointed to Natalie's parents, Jeremy's parents, and Halia's father, who were all sitting in the front row, dabbing their eyes with tissues. Halia laughed. That was true, after all, who had 5 loving parents? She then glanced at Sean's parents who were also dabbing their eyes. To be exact, she was about to have 7!     

Halia felt happy for her friend, "That's true, after all, she has 7 parents."     

"7?" Jackson asked.     

Halia pointed to Sean's parents and Jackson laughed.     

Soon, Natalie and Sean exchanged their vows and Little Pumpkin handed them their rings.     

"I do," Sean smiled.     

"I do," Natalie also smiled.     

Everyone felt emotional and quite a few tears of joy were shed.     

As the couple helped each other put on their wedding rings, Pumpkin jumped up and said, "I do too!"     

Everyone quickly wiped away their tears and erupted in laughter. Children always had a way to lighten the mood.     

"Now kiss already!" the little boy added before the marriage celebrant announced that the groom could kiss his bride.     

Natalie looked at her son in surprise. Where did he learn this from? But, before she got to question the little boy, Sean pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips firmly against hers.     

Pumpkin quickly covered his eyes and smiled.     

Soon after the ceremony, everyone piled into the hotel for the wedding reception. The reception was just as intimate and beautiful as the ceremony. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, pink roses decorated each table, and dried ice created a smoky effect on the dancefloor.     

Halia looked around in amazement, "This is beautiful."     

Jackson smiled and felt a little bad that he hadn't given Halia a wedding yet. Sure, they had signed their papers and shared a dinner with family, but he knew every woman dreamed about a fairytale wedding and he still intended on giving it to Halia, he just needed some time to organize it. "Don't worry, your wedding will be just as beautiful," he whispered.     

Halia smiled and shook her head, "I'm already happy to have married you. I don't need a wedding."     

Jackson patted his wife dotingly on the head, "But, I want one. I don't want you to miss out on anything that other women get."     

At that moment, a beautiful melody echoed across the intimate banquet hall and the lights turned off. A spotlight turned on and Natalie and Sean were seen standing in the middle of the dancefloor, gliding gracefully to the music. It was their first dance.     

Natalie was like a princess and Sean was like her prince. The scene was very romantic and Halia couldn't help but admire the two.     

Just as the dance came to an end, the next song started playing, and the couple invited everyone else to the dancefloor.     

At that moment, Jackson stretched out his hand and said, "May I have this dance?"     

Halia looked at her handsome husband and nodded her head, "Of course."     

As she and Jackson danced beside Natalie and Sean, Halia glanced at her best friend and smiled. It felt like only yesterday that they were still in primary school playing with dolls and dreaming about being princesses. Now, they had both grown up, found their Prince Charming and were married.     


Back in Hong Kong, Emerson was scratching his head as he looked at a file in front of him.     

Danson had left for Singapore that morning and left his PR company in his hands.     

Originally, he wanted to reject Danson's request to help him. But, when he heard that Marissa gave birth to Danson's son, his heart softened and he decided to help out his old friend. After all, who else could help him while keeping such a big secret under wraps?     

Danson had assured him that he wouldn't need to do much apart from attending a few meetings and turning up at the company every few days. But, right off the bat, he told him that there was an urgent meeting with an idol girl group member from Korea the next day. Supposedly, the girl group was holding a series of concerts in Hong Kong and Danson's company was managing their publicity while they were there, but one of the members was caught in a scandal.     

Idols? Girl groups? Scandals? These were all foreign concepts to the low-key and aloof Emerson.      

He glanced at the girl group name: Macaron. There were 7 members in the group and the one he was meeting tomorrow was called, Avaleigh Song; a 24-year-old woman that was originally from Hong Kong.     

"Well, at least I don't need an interpreter," Emerson said to himself as he glanced at a photo of the woman.     

But, as he stared at her, he felt a sense of familiarity like he had seen her before.     

Especially her eyes...     

Had they met before?     

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