Help...My Wife is a Spy



0Trisha stretched her arms and glanced at the time. It was almost 9pm; time to call it a night. She had tried to call Halia a few times to update her and discuss how they should proceed, but she couldn't get through, so it was time to go home and get some rest.     

There was no time difference between Hong Kong and the Philippines, so Trisha assumed Halia was having dinner. After all, she was on her honeymoon. Not wanting to disturb the woman, she typed up a brief message explaining what she had discovered and sent it to Halia's phone so she could look at it later. She then packed her things, turned off all the lights and began to head out of the building.     

Trisha didn't live far from the building so she usually just walked home. Even at this time of night, Hong Kong was still lively and vibrant, so walking home was relatively safe. With the added fact that Trisha was a highly trained Interpol agent, there was never anything to worry about.     

But, that particular day, a dark figure stepped out of the shadows as soon as Trisha left the building and started following her. He maintained a fair distance so the woman wouldn't notice him and watched her every move from afar.     

She hadn't changed much since he last saw her. Her hair was a little longer and she didn't look as cheerful as he remembered, but she was still the same person.     

The woman walked confidently through the streets, appearing oblivious to the stalker that was behind her, but just as he followed her around a corner and into a quiet alleyway, he felt a tight grip on his arm. Before he knew it, he was flipped over the woman's shoulder and lying on the floor.     

The man blinked a few times as a street lamp shone down on his face and grunted in pain, "Ow..."     

A moment later, a familiar face stepped into view and looked down at him with frustration. "What are you doing here, Oliver?" Trisha asked.     

Oliver looked at the beautiful woman he hadn't seen in a month and felt his heart almost jump out of his chest. What was he doing here? He had contacted some reporter friends in Hong Kong and tracked her down, of course. He couldn't let this woman leave after he worked so hard to win her heart.     

With a smirk he stood up and looked at the woman, "Hi Trish, have you been well?"     

As Trisha looked at the man with curly brown hair and diamond blue eyes, she felt her breathing stop. He was repeating the message he had sent earlier; the message that she had deleted.      

She thought she could avoid him if she didn't answer, but she never expected him to appear in Hong Kong and ask her in person. Without answering his question, she frowned and asked back, "Why are you in Hong Kong?"     

Oliver smiled. This woman was the same. Always so sassy and aggressive. But, he was here to break down her barriers. "Why do we always meet in alleyways?" he smirked charmingly as he stepped forward.     

Trisha felt her heart race when she heard this question. The man was right. The first time they met, she had dragged him into an alleyway in London's Chinatown. The second time they met, he discovered her identity in the same alleyway. Even their first proper kiss was shared in an alleyway in Munich. Trisha subconsciously bit her lip, it had been a month since she kissed this man, and she was beginning to forget how it felt. But, there were a few things that she couldn't forget. She couldn't forget the way his mother insulted and humiliated her; she couldn't forget the way she unintentionally drove a wedge between the mother and son; and she couldn't forget the way that Oliver was left in an awkward position between them.     

So, in a firm voice, she decided to clarify things with the man, "I thought I made it clear when I left that we were not meant to be. Oliver, you and I are from two different worlds. I don't want to hurt anymore and I don't want to see you being hurt either. Please, go back to London and continue with your life there. Don't try to contact me again."     

As soon as these words left her mouth, Trisha began to walk away.     

But, all of a sudden, she heard the man grunt again in pain. This time, he was much louder than before, "Arrrgh..."     

Trisha subconsciously ran back to check on him.     

"My foot..." Oliver frowned. "I think you sprained it when you flipped me..."     

Trisha furrowed her brows. Was this man made of jelly? How did he sprain his foot so easily?     

"I only arrived in Hong Kong today and I've never been here before. It took me all afternoon just to find your office. Can you, at least, help me find a doctor?" Oliver asked.     

Trisha took a deep breath in frustration. She wanted to leave, but she couldn't abandon this man in a foreign place.     

Seeing the hesitation on Trisha's face, Oliver held back a smile. His trick was working. He didn't actually sprain his foot, but he had to do whatever he could to hold onto her.     

"Even if we're not in a relationship anymore, we're still friends, right? You're not going to abandon me, are you?" Oliver asked, deliberately trying to make the woman feel guilty.     

Trisha sighed, "No doctors are open at this time of night."     

She then added, "But...I don't live too far from here. I can give you an ice pack to apply. Come with me."     

She then turned back onto the main road and started walking. But, Oliver grunted again. "Ow, I think I might need some help. This hurts a lot," he exclaimed.     

He then stretched out one arm, gesturing for her to give him a shoulder to lean on.     

With no choice, Trisha returned to the man's side and helped him.     

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