Help...My Wife is a Spy

Eat And Leave

Eat And Leave

0Avaleigh stared at the bundle of clothes that sat on the plate in front of her. "What's that?" she shrieked. She was expecting food, but this did not look edible at all.     

The man in front of her laughed and carefully removed his hat to reveal his identity. "Get changed, let me take you somewhere with good food," he said mysteriously.     

Avaleigh's eyes opened wide in surprise when she realized who the man was. He was dressed in the hotel's uniform, but he was not a member of the staff. The man in front of her was Emerson!     

Her heart immediately began to race. This man had called her his woman earlier, so the sight of him made her nervous. What was he doing here?     

Avaleigh picked up the pile of clothes and unfolded them curiously.     

It was a cleaner's uniform!     

"There are reporters outside. If you want to leave this room without them noticing, get changed into this. There's also a dust mask for you to cover your nose and mouth," Emerson explained. "Trust me. I have something good prepared for you."     

Avaleigh usually followed the rules and didn't do things like sneaking out in the middle of the night, but the man's suggestion suddenly made her feel a little excited. Slightly hesitant, she picked up the clothes and walked into the bathroom.     

Before long, she stepped back out dressed as a cleaner.     

"You're not abducting me, are you?" Avaleigh laughed as she looked at herself in the mirror.     

"Do I look like someone who would abduct you?" Emerson laughed as he spread his arms for her to analyze him.     

Avaleigh looked at the hotel uniform on the man's body and nodded her head with a giggle. The uniform did not suit him at all. But, of course, she was just joking. After the way he took care of her over the past few days, she knew he was not a bad person.     

With a smirk, Emerson put his hat back on, "Follow me and don't say a thing."     

Avaleigh quickly pulled up her mask and followed beside Emerson as he covered up the plate and started pushing the trolley back out of the room.     

The room door closed behind them with a 'bang' and they started walking down the corridor towards the elevator.     

After many years of experience, Avaleigh had developed a keen sense of paparazzi. So, she immediately spotted one hiding at the end of the corridor.     

As she and Emerson got closer to the reporter, she began to feel nervous. Would he notice it's her? Would he find it strange that Emerson walked in alone and came back out with an extra person?     

But, just as she was thinking this, Emerson suddenly said, "What were you still doing in there? You were supposed to vacate the room before the guest returned. If Miss Song decides to file a complaint against you, you're going to be fired. You may be new here, but you need to learn how to work faster!"     

Avaleigh almost burst into laughter when she heard this. She had done a few cameo roles in television dramas, so she quickly channeled the actress inside her and bowed apologetically.     

At that moment, the elevator arrived and the two stepped inside. As the doors closed, Avaleigh took a quick peek at the paparazzi that was hiding and noticed his eyes were still glued to the room door. From the looks of it, he had no idea he was watching over an empty room.     

With a giggle, she looked at Emerson and said, "I've never done something like this before. Where are you taking me?"     

Without answering, Emerson grabbed hold of Avaleigh's hand. A moment later, the doors of the elevator opened to the underground parking lot and he quickly dragged her out to his car.     

After they were both seated inside, he started the car and smiled. "I'm taking you to my place," he finally replied.     

Avaleigh's eyes widened. To his place? In the middle of the night? She had never been to a man's place before.     

The last time she dated a guy was just before she became an idol and they broke up because he had tried to rush things with her. At that time, she was only 19 and he invited her to his place for dinner. He had tricked her by telling her that his mother wanted to meet her, but when she arrived, she realized he was home alone and he had other plans on his mind.     

Was history about to repeat itself? She thought Emerson was a good person, but that didn't mean good people didn't have desires. Although he called her his woman earlier, she had never agreed to anything...     

Emerson glanced at the woman and saw her twiddling her thumbs nervously. "Are you nervous about coming to my place?" he asked.     

Avaleigh froze. How did he know what she was thinking?     

"Don't worry, it's very comfortable there. You are going to like what I've prepared, you might even beg me for more tomorrow. If it's too late and you're tired, you can even sleep there. I'll make sure to return you to the hotel before your concert tomorrow," Emerson reassured.     

However, these words only made Avaleigh even more nervous.     

She glanced out the window and noticed they were driving up a mountain road. She grew up in Hong Kong and was familiar with the direction they were headed. Although she could never afford a place in this part of Hong Kong, she knew they were headed up The Peak. That was right, the first time she met Emerson, he had said he was headed for The Peak.      

As the car continued to drive further and further away from the high-rises of the downtown, Avaleigh began to panic. It was like she was headed up a pathway of no return.     

She subconsciously reached into her pocket to look for her phone. Perhaps, if she demanded to get out of the car now, she could call a taxi back to the hotel and pretend nothing happened. This man wouldn't force her beyond her will, right?     

But, as she dug around, she furrowed her brows and sighed. She had left her phone in the hotel!     

Emerson didn't know what the woman was thinking, but he did sense a bit of discomfort. "You must be starving. Don't worry, we're almost there. We can eat as soon as we arrive," he said.     

Avaleigh's stomach grumbled at the mention of food and she sighed again. She wanted to leave, but her stomach was betraying her.     

In the end, she decided to quickly eat and leave. She couldn't waste the food...     

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