Help...My Wife is a Spy

A Little Push

A Little Push

0It was awkwardly quiet around the dining table as Marissa looked at Emerson, Emerson looked at Danson, Danson looked at Avaleigh, and Avaleigh looked at Marissa. Meanwhile, Daniel scanned his eyes across the adults with curiosity. What was this strange vibe?     

Finally, after what felt like forever, Danson cleared his throat and asked, "Miss Song, what are you doing here?"     

Avaleigh was dressed in a set of daggy clothes that looked oddly stylish on her, but she was soaked in water from head to toe and she was trying to dry herself with a towel. The tap in the bathroom was leaking earlier and was spraying water everywhere. That was why she suddenly screamed.     

Avaleigh looked at Danson. Clearly, Danson knew who she was, but Avaleigh had never met Danson before, she had only met Marissa during her previous visits to Hong Kong, so she looked at him blankly for a while, unsure of how to respond.     

Seeing her confusion, Marissa smiled and explained, "This is President Qian, the CEO of Magnolia PR."     

A look of understanding flashed across Avaleigh's face. Back when she first met Emerson, she had thought he was Danson for a while. It turned out, this was the real Danson - the infamous playboy.     

"Ava is staying here temporarily until it's safe for her to return to Korea," Emerson explained.     

"She's staying here...with you?" Danson asked as he looked at Emerson suspiciously.     

These two looked surprisingly close. They were even on a first-name basis.      

Emerson blushed a little. He knew what his friend was thinking but he did not want to make Avaleigh uncomfortable so he quickly explained, "She stays here by herself. I only visit to check on her."     

Danson smiled knowingly. He knew there was more to it than that. Even though their friendship had been a little rocky over the years, everyone in the business/socialite world knew about Emerson and his 'lack of' relationships. He was one of the most eligible bachelors in Hong Kong, but he was barely even seen with a woman, let alone allow a woman into his home.     

If there wasn't anything going on, why was she the only one allowed to stay in his apartment? Didn't Macaron have other members?     

Marissa could tell there was something going on as well. Her womanly instincts saw straight through the two. But, not only was she sure Emerson felt something for Avaleigh, she could tell by the look in Avaleigh's eyes that she liked Emerson as well. It seemed, Danson didn't need to pay Emerson back anything for his help. Avaleigh was already the best reward. All they had to do was give them a little push.     

Marissa glanced at Danson cheekily and Danson immediately knew what she was thinking.      

So, he smiled at Emerson and replied, "That's good. I almost thought I had lost the chance to be your stepson..."     

Avaleigh immediately looked at Danson in confusion. Stepson?     

She then looked at Marissa who suddenly leaned forward to grab Emerson's hand. As she did this, her cleavage was highlighted by her plunging top.     

"We should catch up over dinner tonight, Emerson. Danson agreed to babysit. We can go have your favorite sushi," Marissa said as she fluttered her lashes.     

Emerson looked at the woman in surprise. Wasn't she and Danson together now? Did he misunderstand? Did they merely come to a compromise and decide to live in harmony as a family?      

Emerson glanced at Avaleigh awkwardly.     

"Oh, Miss Song, you mustn't know since you haven't lived in Hong Kong for a while. The three of us have known each other since high school and Marissa's always been in love with Emerson. Although she married my father for a while, her heart never forgot about Emerson. Perhaps, now is the right time for them to finally be together..." Danson whispered as he leaned forward towards Avaleigh.     

Avaleigh looked at Emerson and Marissa. They were both successful business people, they were both rich, and they were both good-looking. Although Marissa relied on a lot of surgery to get her current look, she looked like the perfect trophy wife that rich men had. Most importantly, she knew Emerson well. She even knew his favorite food.     

But, just as she was thinking this, Emerson replied to Marissa, "I already have plans for dinner. Maybe next time."     

Avaleigh looked worriedly at Emerson. Did he have a dinner meeting? He already worked so hard, yet even his dinner was occupied by work.     

Marissa pulled her hand away and chuckled. She then said with a wink, "Well, now that you don't have to worry about the PR agency anymore, I'm sure we'll have plenty of time to catch up. Once Daniel's at school, I'll probably be alone at home a lot. You can come over at any time."     

She then twirled some hair around her finger and bit her lip sexily.     

Danson peered at her and subconsciously narrowed his eyes. Her actions had no effect on Emerson, but it drove him crazy.     

It also drove her son a different kind of way. What was his mother doing when his father was sitting right there? He was old enough to realize her actions were a little inappropriate.     

Meanwhile, Avaleigh almost choked when she saw how direct the woman was. If she thought Mimi was a seductive vixen, she was nothing compared to Marissa...     

How was she supposed to compete against someone like this?     

"Mom, are you done here? Let's go home. I'm tired," Daniel complained.     

Marissa pouted, pretending to be upset, "OK, then, let's go."     

Danson almost laughed out loud when he saw this. Actions like this normally made him jealous, but knowing why she was doing it, only made him love her more.     

Just as they reached the door, Marissa threw one last killer move. She suddenly turned around, hooked her arms around Emerson's neck and placed a kiss on his cheek.     

Emerson froze in shock and so did Avaleigh.     

Just before she moved away, Marissa whispered beside Emerson's ear, "Good luck, don't forget to invite us to the wedding..."     

She then grabbed Daniel's hand and walked out with Danson following behind.     

Emerson closed the door and chuckled to himself as he realized what the woman meant. It seemed, she was just messing with him and had actually moved on.     

But, as he turned around, Avaleigh saw the smile on his face and subconsciously frowned. It looked like he enjoyed the woman's intimate actions.     

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