Help...My Wife is a Spy

Haili = Halia

Haili = Halia

0Back at the casino, Jackson was enjoying breakfast in his hotel suite when there was a knock on his room door. He immediately glanced at Amelie and Amelie went to open the door. The 'couple' had already received all the room service they ordered so they had a feeling they knew who had arrived.     

As soon as Amelie opened the door a young woman dressed in the hotel's uniform was standing in the doorway. In her arms was a huge wooden box that completely shrouded her slender frame. "Room service. Here's a 'case' of our finest wine," she said as she peeked around the side and smiled. Amelie nodded her head and immediately let the young woman in. The box looked heavy.     

As soon as the door closed, the woman placed the box on the floor, took a deep breath and saluted Amelie and Jackson. "Agent Roux, Captain Wu, here are the case files you ordered," she said with respect.     

Jackson nodded his head and walked over to the box to open it. Sitting inside was a stack of files.     

"Good job, Trisha," he said.     

The young woman blushed a little. Her new captain was much too charming. Who would have thought that the new head of Interpol in Hong Kong would be so handsome?     

The first time her and her colleagues were called into a meeting with this man, they were completely dumbfounded. Their previous captain was old and boring; nothing like the man in front of them! But, most surprising of all (especially for the women), they heard this new captain was still single!     

"Is there anything else I can do for you, Captain?" Trisha asked as she tucked a strand of hair shyly behind her ear.     

"No, that's it for now," Jackson said as he gestured for Amelie to show the woman out.     

Trisha glanced at the man with disappointment, but Amelie immediately did as told and guided her back out the door. She had just arrived. Couldn't she look at this handsome face a little longer?     

After the woman left, Amelie turned to Jackson and chuckled. "I think you got yourself a fan," she said. Amelie recognized the infatuation in the woman's eyes. After all, she once looked at Jackson in the same way too. But now, she only thought of this man as a good friend.     

Jackson ignored his friend as he pulled out the files from the big wooden box. It was a fairly large and heavy box, so Jackson was quite surprised that a slender woman like Trisha managed to carry it all the way there on her own. But, then again, she was a highly trained Interpol agent; she probably lifted more weights than that at the gym every day.     

Jackson laughed to himself; this woman was quite capable. Perhaps, she would be a great asset in the future.     

Jackson turned his attention back to the files. The files were all marked clearly on the front: 'Case File 2/25', Case File 3/25', and so on...     

Including the file that President Kim gave him in France, all 25 files were now sitting in front of Jackson. These were the files that supposedly involved his mother!     

Jackson looked at them curiously.     

Why did Interpol have these files and what conspiracy was his mother's death entangled in?     

Jackson had already read through the first file on the plane from France, so he grabbed 'Case File 2/25' and walked over to the balcony. With a sigh, he opened it up and started reading...     

Today was going to be a long day...     


Meanwhile, over in Hong Kong, Emerson's mother arrived at a secluded cafe. She had her hair tucked inside a baseball cap and sunglasses to hide her identity, and she specifically picked an inconspicuous seat in the back corner. She even dressed in simple clothes, removed all her jewelry and drove herself to the cafe so no one could recognize her. It seemed, she had done this many times before...     

Not long after she sat down, a skinny man approached with an envelope and sat down opposite her.     

"Hello, Mrs. Wu," the man whispered as he sat down.     

Without saying a word, Mother Wu immediately slid a small envelope with money to the man and the man exchanged it with the envelope in his hands.     

"I investigated the name Haili Feng in Beijing, but I discovered that she went by a different name while she was there. She was known as Halia Feng and she was a nurse at one of the hospitals," the man explained quietly.     

"A nurse?" Mother Wu asked confusedly. From what she had heard, Halia studied something along the lines of business; how did she become a nurse? Above all, wasn't she working for her father?     

"I also discovered that she worked at a bar!" the man added.     

After hearing this, the middle-aged woman was even more confused. None of this information made sense. Was this private investigator a fraud?     

But, just as she began to doubt the man, she decided to look at the documents in the envelope and froze when she saw what was inside. Inside the envelope were screenshots from surveillance footage taken from a strip club!      

The screenshots clearly showed a man and woman kissing passionately.     

Mother Wu immediately realized the woman in the screenshot was Halia. Otherwise, why would the private investigator give this to her? But, when she pulled the screenshots closer to her face and looked at them in detail, her eyes opened wide in shock.     

The person Halia was kissing, was none other than her stepson - Jackson Wu!     

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