Help...My Wife is a Spy

Photo Of A Murderer

Photo Of A Murderer

0Halia walked over to the elevator. As it opened up and the people inside walked out, she said calmly, "You guys catch the next elevator, I need to go check something. I'll explain everything later."     

Jackson and Sean found it strange that Halia wanted to catch the elevator on her own. They had so many questions regarding the woman's strange actions. What was the golden keycard that she got from the unconscious man in the bar? What was it used for? Was she on a mission? Wasn't she on leave? Why was she working during her honeymoon? A little uncomfortable with leaving her on her own, they immediately protested against her suggestion, "No, we will come with you."     

They had no idea what Halia was up to. But, one thing was for sure, it was dangerous. So, as soon as she stepped into the elevator, they both ran in as well. "Natalie, go back to our room first," Sean said as the elevator door closed.     

Of course, Natalie couldn't go along as well. Not only was she inexperienced with stuff like this, she was also pregnant, so she agreed to not get involved. After all, the act she put on inside the bar was already her limit. Any more suspense and anxiety, and her heart would probably explode.     

After the elevator door closed, Jackson and Sean looked at Halia with curiosity.     

Halia pulled out the golden key card she stole and showed it properly to the two men, "I discovered there's a secret level to this resort that's linked to Trojan and The Organization..."     

Jackson and Sean's eyes opened wide. Trojan and The Organization? Those were two names they hadn't heard for a while. It was a serious matter.     


Before either man got to ask for more details, Halia scanned the card on the card scanner.     

"I'm not sure what's down there, so stay alert," Halia said.     


Meanwhile, in Hong Kong, Avaleigh sat inside Emerson's unfamiliar apartment and twiddled her thumbs awkwardly.     

It was rare for her to have a completely empty schedule and it felt a little strange to be doing nothing.      

She glanced at her pile of dirty clothes. Since they were bloodstained, she decided to throw them away. They were just a one-time disguise anyway so she had no intention of ever wearing them again.     

But, before she threw it away, she double-checked the pockets to see if there was anything inside.     

Sure enough, she pulled out two business cards. She had almost forgotten that before she left the police headquarters earlier, both Officer Liang and Albert had given these to her. It was lucky that she decided to check her pockets.     

As she looked at Albert's business card, a thought suddenly came to her mind.     

She picked up the phone that Emerson gave her and dialed the number on the card.     

"Hi Albert, it's Avaleigh."     

On the other end of the phone, Albert answered excitedly, "Miss Song, I didn't expect you to call. Is there something I can help you with?"     

"Could you drive me somewhere?" Avaleigh asked.     

Albert jumped up and grabbed his keys. He hadn't started his shift yet so after he returned home, he had a short nap and had just woken up with nothing else planned for the day.     

"Of course," he answered.     

Avaleigh gave Albert her address and explained where she wanted to go, and the man immediately headed out to pick her up.     

After she hung up the phone, Avaleigh thought about what Emerson told her before he left earlier. He had told her that he had masks in the medicine cabinet. So, she went and grabbed one. But, even after she put on the mask, she found that her hair stood out a little too much.     

She glanced at the man's bedroom. Emerson had also told her that she could use anything in his wardrobe. She hesitated for a moment and walked inside to see if there was anything she could use.     

As Emerson didn't stay at the apartment all the time, the wardrobe only contained a small selection of clothing. But, she did spot a hat hanging on the wall.     

With a smile, she grabbed the hat, put it on her head, and tucked her hair inside. Perfect!     

For some reason, wearing the man's hat gave a sense of warmth, like he was inadvertently protecting her like he always did.     

Soon enough, Albert arrived downstairs and Avaleigh went down to meet him.     

As soon as she sat inside, the man began driving. She had already told him where she wanted to go, so he did not waste any time.     

Hong Kong was a small but extremely busy city so traffic jams were often, but Albert knew all the shortcuts and fastest routes, so they quickly arrived at their intended location.     

"Miss Song, I'll wait for you nearby. Give me a call when you're finished and I'll come back to meet you."     

Avaleigh nodded and stepped out of the car.     

They had stopped at a market.      

As it was the afternoon, some of the stalls were already beginning to close, but there were still a lot of things to buy.     

Avaleigh smiled and started walking inside. It had been many years since she came here. She used to visit this market with her mother when they still lived in Hong Kong, but ever since she moved to Korea with her mother to pursue her career, she had not stepped foot in this market again.     

Avaleigh took a sniff of the air. Even with her mask on, she could smell the familiar scent of the market. It still smelled the same.     

She walked in and headed straight for a meat stall.     

"What would you like, young lady," the stallholder asked.     

Avaleigh smiled and replied, "Can I get some boneless rib-eye steak?"     

She had promised Emerson a dinner, so she was going to make him one...     


Not too far away, at Trisha's home, there was a knock on the door. Trisha was at work, so Oliver was there on his own, but he knew exactly who was at the door.     

The moment the door opened, his good friend, Steven, walked straight in with an anxious look on his face. "I need to show you something," he said as he pulled out a stack of photos.     

"I think I may have captured the photo of a murderer... What should I do?"     

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