Help...My Wife is a Spy

A Woman In Emerson's Apartment?

A Woman In Emerson's Apartment?

0While Jackson was busy talking to Mrs. Song, Halia and the others were checking into their hotel not too far away. Even though they had slept on the plane, traveling was tiring, so they couldn't wait to relax in their rooms.      

Fortunately, they managed to book a room next to each other.     

After they reached their rooms, Halia separated from Natalie and Sean and agreed to meet again for lunch after they had a little nap. Halia was particularly lethargic. Perhaps, Jackson was right, she had been working too hard. So, as soon as she entered her room, she dropped her luggage and went straight to bed.     

Outside, a mysterious figure lit a cigarette and stared at the doorway of the 5-star hotel. He then picked up his phone and sent a message, "Target acquired. I should have her in my arms soon."     

He put his phone away and walked over to a bench where an old lady was sitting and sat down beside her. The old lady frowned with disgust. "Stop smoking so much, your nails are all black," she said with a cough. Out of all the places this man could have seated himself, he chose to sit next to her. As she glared at the man's fingers, his sleeve slid down a little revealing the end of a tattoo. She sighed. For someone at his age to have a tattoo, he was definitely involved with the gangs. Not wanting to stay around any longer, the old lady stood up and hobbled away with her walking stick.     

Meanwhile, the man was unaffected by the old lady's reaction as he continued to smoke and watch the entrance of the hotel. "What goes in, must come out eventually. When you leave that're mine..." he whispered to himself as he narrowed his eyes. "And if you refuse to leave, I'll come in to get you. It's not like I haven't snuck into a hotel room before..."     


At that time, in Hong Kong, someone else had just alighted from a plane.     

Accompanying him was a woman and a child.      

Originally, Danson wanted to hide in Singapore for a while and forget everything that was happening in Hong Kong. In Singapore, no one knew who he and Marissa were and no one cast any judgmental gazes upon them. He could walk around with Marissa and Daniel and no one questioned their relationship. In fact, some thought they looked like a lovely young family.     

But, all good things had to come to an end and it came sooner than he expected when a member of Macaron was suddenly murdered. This was huge news that even spread to Singapore. When Marissa saw the news, she immediately offered to return with Danson. After all, she had run the PR agency for many years before he stepped in; she had much more experience than him.     

However, she also made the decision to bring Daniel back with them.     

Her parents were right, no one could ever find out that Daniel was Danson's son, but that didn't mean her son had to continue living without his father. He deserved a complete family, even if it was a secret family.     

"Remember, Daniel. In public, your father is your stepbrother. You can only call him Dad at home," Marissa reminded.     

Daniel crossed his arms and did not say a word. Although he acted like he didn't care, he knew it was something he had to do if he wanted to live with his parents. Like any other child, he did not want to be separated from his parents. He had already lived with his grandparents for too many years; he did not want to live that life again.     

Daniel was young, but he understood a lot more than people thought. For many years, he was upset that his mother abandoned him with his grandparents while she went to marry an old man for money. But, during this week that she spent with Danson, he had overheard a lot of things and started to understand his mother even though she had made things extremely complicated...     

So, when he met Emerson for the first time that afternoon, he greeted obediently, "Hi, my name is Daniel. I am Danson's stepbrother."     

Emerson looked at the little boy and raised an eyebrow. Stepbrother? He knew better than anyone whose child this was. Danson had confided in him before he left and said he was going to Singapore to find Marissa and his son.     

"It's OK, Daniel," Danson quickly corrected as he stood outside the door of Emerson's apartment. "Uncle Emerson knows you're my son. He's the only person we can trust with this secret."     

Danson had mentioned he was rushing back to Hong Kong, but when he got back, he couldn't get a hold of Emerson so he called his assistant and his assistant told him he was at his apartment sorting out a plumbing issue. Thus, Danson arrived at his doorstep unexpectedly.     

Daniel looked at Emerson and slowly nodded his head in understanding as Marissa watched Danson give Emerson a brotherly hug. Her eyes opened wide in surprise. Was she seeing things? When did their relationship improve so much? Before she left Hong Kong, they were still like strangers.      

When she first learned about Mimi's death, it was through a rerun of the press conference on television. She remembered seeing Emerson represent Magnolia PR and thinking it was a bit strange. At that time, she simply thought he was doing it as an urgent favor. After all, they were in such a rush to get back, she didn't get the chance to ask about the details. Who knew these two best friends had suddenly reconciled.     

"Ems, I'm sorry you had to deal with this," Danson frowned. He knew how busy Emerson was and he felt bad for troubling him with such a huge incident. Before he left Hong Kong, he had promised him that he didn't need to do much apart from attending a few meetings. But, as it turned out, the low key Emerson ended up appearing at two important press conferences and was all over the news, television, and internet.     

Marissa punched Danson on the arm, "Why did you trouble Emerson with this? Don't you know how busy he is? How are you ever going to make it up to him?"     

Even though Marissa and Danson were a secret couple, she had a habit of sticking up for Emerson.     

But, just as she said this, a woman's scream could be heard coming from Emerson's bathroom. Marissa and Danson immediately looked at each other in surprise as Emerson ran back into the apartment. A woman? They had known Emerson for over a decade but they had never seen him with a woman...     

They quickly followed Emerson into the apartment to see what was happening.      

When they saw the woman standing in his bathroom, they both froze in surprise...     

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