Help...My Wife is a Spy

The Luckiest Person On Earth

The Luckiest Person On Earth

0Halia had kissed this man quite a few times by now, but every time they kissed, she still felt sparks between them and butterflies in her stomach. It was the most exhilarating feeling and she couldn't get enough.     

The driver peeked at the couple through the rearview mirror and smiled. "It's good to be young," he sighed. He still remembered when he first started dating his wife and how beautiful she was on their wedding day. Even though they had been married for many years now and their children were already grown up, they were still as loving as ever. For him, marriage was the most beautiful thing. This was why he decided to enter the wedding business; he loved witnessing the love between two people and being a part of their love story.     

The couple continued to kiss as though they were the only ones in the car until they ran out of breath and could kiss no more. As Halia moved away from Jackson's lips she smiled lovingly at the man. "I wouldn't want to be in Germany with anyone else," she said. "I'm so glad that I'm marrying you."     

Jackson ran his fingers through Halia's hair affectionately. He felt the same way too. There was a sense of warmth in his heart that he couldn't explain. He had been acting as a cold gangster for so many years that he thought he had become emotionless and heartless, but Halia somehow planted a seed of love into his heart and it was now blooming uncontrollably. After his mom's death, he thought he would never love again, but this woman proved him wrong.     

After roughly 1.5 hours on the road, the white Mercedes finally stopped beside a paved walking trail in the mountains.     

The spring weather was beautiful: the sky was blue, the sun was warm and the air was fresh. It was the perfect day to be outside.     

Halia stepped out of the car carefully as Jackson helped her hold the train of her dress. She still didn't know what was going on, but she saw a few hikers starting on the trail and could tell it was quite a popular place. It was still very early in the morning and she could still smell the dewdrops in the air from the lush canopy above her. She closed her eyes and soaked in her surroundings. It was amazing to be amongst nature.     

She then looked at Jackson with curiosity.     

"Don't tell me you're taking me hiking in this?" Halia giggled as she glanced down at the beautiful white dress on her body. "It's going to turn brown by the end," she joked.     

Both her and Jackson were extremely fit. After all, they were specially trained agents; a simple bit of hiking was no challenge for them. But, wearing a wedding dress while hiking was a different story.     

"It's just a short walk to where I want to take you. We aren't doing the entire hike," Jackson smiled reassuringly as he held onto Halia's hand.     

"Ernst will take you up first. I need to go to the bathroom so I'll meet you there," he said as he handed his fiancee to the middle-aged gentleman.     

Ernst hooked Halia's arm around his and slowly led her onto the paved trail as she glanced back worriedly at her fiance. She didn't mind waiting for him, but she knew she would be walking at a really slow pace in her dress, so it made sense for her to get a headstart. The path sloped up slightly, but it wasn't difficult to walk on. Especially since Halia was still wearing her sneakers underneath the elegant dress.     

A few hikers walked past and gave their congratulations when they saw the beautiful bride, but they did not seem surprised to see her there. This only made Halia more curious. Where were they and what were they doing?     

After a short walk, Halia and Ernst arrived at a metal footbridge. Even though it was still early in the morning, there were already a few people on it.     

Halia glanced down at the treetops below as Ernst led her onto the bridge. It was very high up and she didn't want to trip.     

"This is the Marienbrucke or Queen Mary's Bridge. It is very popular among tourists. In a couple of hours, this entire bridge will be filled with people and there will be a long queue to cross it," Ernst explained.      

Halia kept her eyes focused on her feet as she took one careful step at a time. The bridge wasn't very long, so they soon reached the middle. As soon as they reached the middle, Ernst smiled and stretched out his hand to the left, gesturing for Halia to look up.     

The entire time, Halia had been so focused on looking down that she didn't even notice the view that this bridge had.     

As she lifted her head, her eyes opened wide in surprise.     

The Marienbrucke was one of the most famous bridges in the world!     

This was the place where people got the world-famous postcard view of one of the most beautiful castles in the world - Neuschwanstein Castle.     

The castle that inspired Disney's Sleeping Beauty castle...     

...the iconic castle in the middle of Disneyland...     

...the one seen in the opening title of every Disney film!     

"Wow," Halia gasped.     

The elegant white castle with the blue roof looked magical as it stood perched above the lush green treetops. This was the first castle that Halia had ever seen in real life and it was so beautiful that she wanted to cry. It was like she was in a fairytale, and in her beautiful white dress, she felt like a princess. All she needed was her prince.     

Just as she thought this, she felt a warm body press up against her back and a pair of strong arms wrap around her body. The familiar scent of Jackson's cologne wafted into her nose and she smiled.      

"Thank you for bringing me here. This is amazing," Halia said in a gentle voice as she slowly turned around to face her fiance.     

But, as soon as the man came into view, Halia gasped in surprise.      

Jackson had gotten changed!     

He was dressed in a classy white suit, looking stylish and refined, just like a prince. His hair was also neat and he had a dark blue bow tie attached to his collar that matched the rooftop of the magical castle.     

Halia was speechless.     

This man was normally handsome to begin with, but this suit gave him an extra layer of charm. Halia couldn't believe she was marrying this man.      

"I feel like the luckiest person on Earth," Halia smiled as her eyes grew teary.     

Jackson held onto Halia's hands and placed a loving kiss on the back of them.     

"No, you're only the second luckiest," he corrected.     

Halia looked at Jackson with confusion.     

"Because I'm the luckiest," he explained.     

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