Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 431: I Fell Curious

Chapter 431: I Fell Curious

0Avery beamed, which made her back hurt, and slightly frowned, "What can I hide from you?"     

Even if there was, she couldn't tell him, and there was no need to tell him.     

"You do!" Evan's whole expression became solemn, with a pair of sharp eyes staring at her.     

This made Avery nervous, and she began to avoid eye contact with him.     

She believed that this would not be known until his grandfather told him.     

It was clear that his grandfather could not have told him for the sake of the current benefits.     

But even so, she was still afraid of being found out.     

"What's the medicine?"     

Avery was so eager to find Jessica to ask her where the medicine was even at the risk of sneaking into the presidential palace. She wanted to approach Jessica, which made Evan have to guess the inevitable connection of this matter.     

"The medicine?" Avery said calmly, "People in Cambola City said the medicine was so magical. I just feel curious."     


Evan looked at her and did not believe her.     

Avery still kept a smile on her mouth. Before waiting for Avery to speak, the doctor carrying the medicine box at the door had hurried in, followed by Rebecca.     

Their posture remained the same. Avery sat on the sofa, while Evan half knelt between her legs. The woman's white leg was exposed. Although Avery wore the skirt, it was clear that the big palm of Evan had poked into the dress and pressed on Avery's thigh.     

Rebecca didn't expect them to flirt in front of her, and she felt angry and wronged.         

It was Avery who wanted to pull the man's hand out of her skirt. Seeing Rebecca's pale face and running out, Avery pushed Evan, "Don't you chase her out? Your Diana is still in her hand. Don't you afraid Rebecca will hurt her?"     

Instead of answering her directly, Evan ordered a few male doctors, "You, and you, get out of here."     

Then he told the remaining female doctor, "Give her a rabies shot and leave the wound behind to me."     

"Do you really want to see the wound on my back? Did you ask me if I agreed?"     

Evan gave her a look, hinting her to stop talking nonsense. Instead of being scared by him, Avery smiled, cooperated with the doctor, and saw Evan walking out of the room.     


Rebecca ran out of Avery's bedroom all the way. She knew they would be together, and she had made countless psychological preparations. But when she saw that they were still hugging each other, she was not as relieved as she thought.     

She did care about it.     

No matter how hard she tried, it was futile.     

Why? What exactly was she not as good as that woman?     

Tears finally fell down her face.     

There was no facial tissue available on her body, so she could only wipe her tears with her hands as she walked.     

When she reached the mansion, she realized that she had reached James' residence.     

When seeing her, the servants greeted her one after another.     

"Where's my brother?"     

"He is not feeling well. Doctor Darling has just left. He should still be in the bedroom."     

Rebecca pushed open the door and heard the sound of water flowing from the bathroom. Looking around, she found James was not here. He was probably bathing in the bathroom.     

Suddenly she remembered the medicine mentioned by Avery, and she hurriedly looked around. Bed Stand, coffee table, and wardrobe were turned over to her. As expected, she found nothing.     

Looking up, she found an oil portrait hung above the head of the bed, in which a woman was holding a smiling baby in purple lavender.     

She made her way to the front, reached out to touch the oil painting, and found that it could be moved!     

At this time, the bathroom door was opened. James, in a dark blue silk robe, came out and saw Rebecca in the room.     

He was a little surprised, and then slowly frowned, "Why are you here?"     

Rebecca had just touched the oil painting and was still standing by the bed.     

She was obviously frightened by James and didn't expect him to come out of the bathroom suddenly. She was probably too focused and didn't notice the door opening.     

The man in front of her had just taken a bath, and his handsome face let her blush.     

"James." Rebecca took a few steps forward and suddenly hugged the man's delicate waist with both hands.     

The breath of a strange woman got into the mouth and nose of James. The perfume on Rebecca was not smelly, but let James frown. He suddenly began to miss the natural fragrance of Jessica.     

James pressed Rebecca's shoulders, trying to push her away, but Rebecca hugged him more tightly.     

His relationship with Rebecca was not very good. As a princess, Rebecca seemed friendly to everyone, but she was born with pride.     

Rebecca despised him as an adopted son, and there was no blood relationship between them. At the age of six, Logan had brought him back from the orphanage and adopted him. Because he was an orphan, almost all of them looked down on him except for the girl in his arms.     

Rebecca shared her favorite things with him and gave him all the things that others used to bribe and please her.     

He thought she was an angel to him. But one day, at the age of ten, Rebecca had said to the servant, "I feel sympathetic about James. He is not worthy of being my brother. He was adopted. He doesn't even deserve to talk to me."     

From then on, he knew that Rebecca was always the noble and arrogant princess, but he had fantasized about her as a little angel.     

He wanted to have the supreme power by all kinds of means to smack people who looked him down.     

They were different, and James had no conquest fantasies about her.     

Now, Rebecca hugged him tightly, and burst into tears, "Why does Evan like Avery so much. Why doesn't he like me? What's wrong with him? Where am I inferior to her?"     

James felt that a large part of his chest was wet. Feeling uncomfortable, he pushed her hand down to the ground.     

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