Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 452: Are You Crazy?

Chapter 452: Are You Crazy?

0It was the general trend for Avery to be confined until she gave birth to the child.     

Evan's grandfather needed Avery's umbilical cord blood to cure Rebecca, so Avery would not be hurt because she disfigured Rebecca's face.     

It just would be a tough life.     

When Avery got into the car, the car started quickly. When she was looking through the window, she couldn't see Evan. She knew that, but she still continued to look in that direction until the car was getting farther away.     

When the car went downtown, the driver braked sharply.     

Avery bumped forward and hit her head on the back of the seat.     

Then the driver apologized, "Sorry, there are many black cars suddenly."     

The black cars, as seen by Avery, were driving quickly, and occupied the lane completely.     

How could they be so arrogant in front of the Howel Family?     

There was no one in Country B, except for the president, who could ignore the Howel Family.     

Waiting for all the cars to leave, the driver continued to drive. When Avery looked out of the window, she saw a woman wearing a white dress and running hard.     

It's Jessica!     

Didn't she meet Andrew?     

Why was she running?     

Did James send those black cars just now? If so, then everything made sense.     

No wonder they were so arrogant.     

At this time, Jessica was very nervous. When she had left the wedding dress store, she had gone to meet Andrew as planned, but she had lost her way.     

When she had found the right way, she had found one black luxury car after another.     

From the license plate, she quickly had recognized the cars. They turned out to be James' cars.     

James was coming for her.     

In the panic, Jessica did not care about the way, and she could only go wherever there were many people.     

But she was still wearing a wedding dress, and she was especially conspicuous in the street. Wherever she passed, people would look back at her as if she were a runaway bride.     

This was downtown with many shopping malls, and she wanted to rush into a mall to change the wedding dress.     

However, the mall was doing a promotion. There was a large booth surrounded by people at the gate of the mall, so she had to squeeze in from the crowd to enter the mall.     

There were beautiful models from a jewelry store displaying jewelry.     

A reporter carried a camera to do a live broadcast. The camera accidentally hit Jessica so that the reporter mistook that she was a model of the show, so he carried the camera to follow Jessica.     

Jessica blocked her face with her hands, which attracted more people to look at her.     

It made her feel a sense of crisis. Her dress was too conspicuous.     

She could only speed up and wanted to rush into the jewelry store. A reporter was suddenly in front of her, "This jewelry show was greatly praised by the public, and the products are also popular in the majority of consumers. I am curious whether the gemstone on your neck is the masterpiece of the store."     

Jessica was a little stunned for a moment and waved her hand hurriedly.     

The reporter thought she was shy and encouraged her, "Come on, introduce it to the audience. I believe everyone is very interested in it."     

No wonder the reporter misunderstood her dress, as well as accessories, matched the style of the show. Who would hang out on the street in such a grand dress?     

Jessica hurriedly blocked the camera with her hands, "You made a mistake. I'm not a model. I'm just passing by. Don't shoot me again."     

"Miss, this is a live broadcast."     

Live? Jessica followed the direction of the reporter's hand, and her face appeared on the huge screen of the mall.     

The screen was in the most conspicuous position. Didn't it just tell James that she was here?     

Feeling bad, Jessica gave the reporter a push in a hurry.     

The camera was pushed to the ground, and all other photographic equipment hit the ground.     

He shouted, "Are you crazy? How dare you push me!"     

Before more people gathered here, Jessica bowed her head and flew away from the crowd.     

She couldn't care about changing her clothes, and she just wanted to stop a taxi and get out of here.     

Unfortunately, as soon as she stopped a car, she was squeezed out by a fat woman next to her. The woman got into the car first, shut the door with a bang, and the car went away.     

Jessica did not have time to feel the pain from the knees. She climbed up and started to run. Suddenly, she looked up at the stand of the glass window and took off the black suit on the model immediately.     

Five minutes later, Jessica left the clothing store with a golden wig.     

By the time the clerk found that the suit had been taken off and chased out, Jessica had run away already.     

Not long after Jessica ran, she saw several bodyguards asking a passer-by and taking out the photos in hand for questioning.     

That photo was a screenshot on the screen. All the bodyguards had one.     

Jessica hid in a boutique next to her.     

She put sunglasses on the beautiful nose. With blond curly hair, she picked up a hat and put it on her head.     

Now, she thought she would not be recognized.     

At this time, James came out and stepped on the ground.     

James was wearing black sunglasses, and his demeanor immediately let the surrounding women scream one after another.     

He glanced at the white dress on the booth in the clothing store.     

"I'm sorry, sir, but this dress is not for sale."     

James raised his hand, and a bodyguard immediately brought the Ipad, which was full of screenshots from the screen.     

When the clerk saw them, she thought they were gangsters and shocked.     

"She took off the clothes and the wig on the model while we were not paying attention."     

"Which way did she go?"     

The clerk shook her head in horror and said, "I didn't see it clearly."     

At this time, Jessica was walking on the road secretly. Suddenly, her shoulder was patted by someone from behind.     

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