Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 454: Your Grandfather Wants To Meet You

Chapter 454: Your Grandfather Wants To Meet You

0Thinking of this, Jessica took a sudden breath. She had hoped James would die, but it's particularly complicated for her to tell her feelings when this moment came.     

James had been a bodyguard for Jessica for six years and had gone through many things with her, including taking her virginity.     

She had been drugged, but he made an antidote with his body, and brazenly said that he would be responsible for her. But then how did he change?     

He had used to be elegant, and now he was cruel.     

What had happened between them flashed in Jessica's mind.     

"James, did you drug me? Do you want to hit on me?"     

"You want to hear the truth?"     

"You want to lie?"     

"I really didn't drug you, and I did ask your opinion at the time. As long as you soak in cold water for half an hour, you'll be fine, but you say you are afraid of coldness. This is my fault. I will be responsible for you."     

The gun was loaded. Andrew smiled wildly and expected that James was dead this time.     

Jessica was terrified by the loaded sound, and hurriedly shouted, "Andrew, let me do it."     


Andrew was surprised. Jessica has always been spoiled at the Clifford Family, and she has never killed any creatures, not to mention a person.     

Jessica reached out to take the gun. Andrew did not insist, watching her walking step by step to James with the gun.     

James slightly squinted, "Are you really going to kill me?"     

"Do you think I have a reason not to kill you?" Jessica remembered his abuse of her in recent times, and she did have a reason to kill him.     

Jessica struggled to lift her hand.     

The gun was held in her hand as if it were a thousand kilograms, and her palm was full of sweat.     

She worked so hard to point the gun at him, and her arms trembled.     

James sneered, "You are trembling."     

"It's because of the wind."     

Her words made James smile.     

He began to have tinnitus again because of the crowd, but his world seemed to be quiet because of Jessica's proximity.     

"Do you want me to help you?" With his gun thrown on the ground, James made a surrender posture in the air, but he had no intention of surrendering.     

Jessica suddenly stopped and called his name, "James, have you ever loved me?"     

James was frozen for a moment, and he really changed a lot than before.     

Then, he shook his head, "Never."     

Jessica was desperate, and her forehead was full of sweat, "That's fine."     

With that, she suddenly put the gun at her temple and said, "Andrew, let him go."     

Andrew, "..."     

James frowned. He had thought the woman would hate him to the bone, but he did not expect her to put a gun on the temple to save him. James did not leave but looked at the woman in front of him with great interest.     

"Get Jessica out of here!"     

Jessica looked back at Andrew in dismay, "Andrew, are you not afraid that I will really shoot?"     

Andrew took out another gun and pointed it at James again, "Your gun is unloaded."     

Jessica, "..."     

The bodyguards rushed over to catch Jessica, while James turned around and opened the car door to go in.     

With a sudden bang, there was a hand around his waist.     

James turned slowly to see Jessica. Jessica seemed weak and smiled, "James, my family no longer owes you."     

Her body was so light that she slid down. James looked down and found his clothes were wet with blood.     

It was Jessica's blood. At the moment Andrew shot, she blocked the bullet for James with her body.     

"Jessica!" James began to panic. Where did she hurt? Why was there so much blood?     

James didn't know why he was so panicked, and he didn't have time to think about it. When Andrew was about to run over, he bent down to pick up the gun and put it around Jessica's neck, "Don't come over! I'm taking her away."     

"You can't leave!" Andrew glared at him as if he wanted to tear him apart.     

"If I can't get away, I don't mind killing one more person."     

Andrew knew who he said was Jessica, and he believed that James would do it.     

Finally, Andrew raised his hand to let his men back reluctantly.     

James hijacked Jessica and dragged her into the car.     

Looking at James, driving away, Andrew severely beat the gun to the ground and stepped on it.     

Unexpectedly, Jessica blocked the gun for James at the critical moment. Was she really not afraid of death?     

Did she forget how their grandfather died? Did she forget how she was sold to the black market?           

Andrew gave a long cry to the sky, angry and unwilling.     


A week later.     

Robert took the tray carried by the servant from the window, which was filled with steaming porridge and nutritious dishes, accidentally stepped on the empty bottle that had been thrown away at will on the ground, and almost fell down with the tray.     

When he looked up to the sofa, Evan leaned sideways on the sofa, folded his legs on the coffee table, and held the wine bottle in his hand.     

"Mr. Howel..." Robert was locked up in the castle after with Evan. They have been locked up for seven days, and Evan had never had something in seven days, except for drinking.     

Hearing someone call him, Evan ignored and continued to drink, for he knew that there was no one but Robert in the room.     

"Mr. Howel, eat something. If you don't eat it, you'll starve to death." Robert knew that the food in the tray would be either thrown or dropped.     

"Leave me alone." Evan was drunk these days. Without Avery, he was like a walking dead.     

Robert sighed and eventually passed the tray out of the window.     

After a while, outside the door again came a knock on the door, "Robert, Mr. Howel's grandfather wants to see him."     

Robert was overjoyed. The other day, while Evan's grandfather kept them in this place, he refused Evan's request for a meeting.     

Now Evan's grandfather wanted to meet him.     

Robert quickly turned around to wake up, Evan, "Mr. Howel, your grandfather wants to meet you."     

At last, Evan opened his eyes slowly, "When?"     

"He wants to see you now!"     

Robert helped Evan up, who walked unsteadily because of the wine.     

Evan pushed him away and staggered towards the door.     

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