Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 535: Suspecting Something More

Chapter 535: Suspecting Something More

0It started jiggling after the maid touched it. All sorts of jingle bells were tied up to the toy with different sea creatures kids adored, like a hippo, little dolphins, clownfish of green, blue, and orange colors, which were different from traditional colors. These bright colors were specially made to soften the lightness. They weren't so blaring.     

The piece was the traditional one, Iris Twinkle Toes. She didn't know why the baby didn't like it. But the look Evan gave her was odd.     

"Are you suspecting something more now?"     

Evan didn't challenge Avery in a questioning tone. But he used the word "more." He made Avery feel like she invented something from nothing. Diana didn't do anything, but she already took her as a cartoon villain.     

Everything Diana did had a hidden agenda as Avery was concerned.     

"What if I am suspicious?"     

Avery gently patted on the baby's back. Even if she was too sensitive, she was persistent. She was poisoned in Howel's house, and she needed to watch out for everything.     

Even if Diana was gone, it didn't mean everything was back. She used to do all the cooking on her own. Now she had Sarah, and she was trustworthy. So she let Sarah do most of the things.     

But not everyone could understand why Avery was so careful, even Evan.     

"What do you want from me?"     

Avery was uncomfortable with Evan's fake help. It felt she was making a scene. She shook her head. As she was about to say anything, Evan said to the maid staring at the toy, "Give it to Tinder and have it tested. I want results tomorrow."     

The maid took the toy fast from the crib and left. Gabby sensed something was wrong between Avery and Evan. She was about to excuse herself when her phone beeped. It was Bryan who told him there would be a dinner for the film crew this night. He asked if she could drop by. She held the phone like holding the lifeline without hesitation and said to Avery, "Sis, umm, my crew has an event tonight. Em, I'm leaving now."     

Avery didn't make her stay. She asked the maid to send Avery to the mansion. And the driver drove her off.     

After gabby left, the baby gradually stopped crying. After Avery left her to Sarah, she went into the bathroom.     

Evan followed her. Avery pulled up the wall and ignored Evan. So he came over, grabbed her shoulder, and made her face himself.     

He slid down her beautiful back with think and dry hands. Then he was touching her tight butt and moved it up.     

Avery shouted out in surprise and was held up.     

She was still wearing the dinner gown for the birthday party of Evan's grandmother. She wore black high heels and held her legs around his robust waist. She was against the wall outside the bathroom.     

He looked down to touch his forehead against hers. He said, "The test results are back tomorrow. Why aren't you happy?"     

Avery still had a poker face though her looks were bright. She didn't look back at him and said coldly, "Do you think I'm paranoid and act up for nothing?"     

Evan withdrew his feelings and patted her butt, "Your highness, whatever you think and whatever you do is right."     


"How come?"     

"You subconsciously choose to believe Diana. But you're afraid I get mad. So you take the toy for testing."     

Afterward, Evan paused for a few seconds. Avery slightly squinted and sneered, "I guess I'm right after all."     

"Okay, fine, I admit that I don't think a toy can do much harm. Your hostility is so transparent from when she gave us watches, toys, and you're hostile to her mother. If you admit you're jealous, I would be over the moon."     

Avery glared at him. But she couldn't explain. If it was not jealousy, what was it?     

She was never jealous of any woman from Leonie Summer to Rebecca Arlington. But she was different from Diana. Even if Evan has explained thousands of times there was nothing going on between them, nor did they have intimate actions, she couldn't help standing on guard.     

She wasn't the sort of woman who would die without man's love. So she tried everything she could to get away from him and reject him. But now, she suddenly realized Evan was more and more important in her life.     

She loved him more than she could expect.     

Maybe she was too sensitive. Her poison had been transferred. She had enough time to walk with Evan. But why did she keep feeling not reassured?     

"Are you responsible for getting me hard?"     

Evan's brisk breath was on Avery's ears. She started to feel something, and goosebumps came up.     

"You're not a man until you get control of your upper body."     

Avery struggled to get down. Her look wasn't getting better, "If you're so sure about Diana, propose to her and get married."     

Evan had no intention to drop her down. He stared at her and didn't even blink. He put on a happy and smiling face, "Honey, is this your jealousy look?"     

"What? In your dream!"     

Avery was stuck between him and the wall in an embarrassing position. She had her legs around his waist so she couldn't drop. She couldn't move at all.     

At the same time, what was foreign to Avery was, the angrier she was, the happier Evan got. Avery had an indifferent nature. She was never interested in any women around him. Evan once assumed she didn't love him enough.     

That was why she rejected him multiple times. In every choice about him, it was always her that gave up first.     

He didn't mind who loved who more. Even if she didn't love him, it was enough that he gave her enough love.     

Evan put his handsome face against hers. He lowered his voice and said good things to her with the most tempting voice, "Fine, it's all my bad. Don't get mad, and don't get in a fight with me over this, em?"     

Avery looked aside. She wasn't mad. She was bitter. She had to vent through this way to get better.     

That was perfect. Avery left her fair and tender neck skin at Evan. He pecked it without hesitation.     

He made great noises. So it was easy for Avery to know he left a strong mark.     

It was lucky they were in winter. She could hide it wearing a high-collar outfit. So Avery didn't stop him. After he was done sucking, she held his face and squeezed it deliberately.     

She realized how much god favored this man. His looks were perfect. It was hard to make him ugly even if she tried to.     

She looked into his deep eyes and suddenly had an idea, "How should I punish you if the results suggest there's something wrong with the toy?"     

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