Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 539: Miss Me So Much?

Chapter 539: Miss Me So Much?

0In a racing Maybach     

Evan was sitting in the back. On his legs were a pad. He slid it with his finger.     

Tinder, on the passenger's seat, turned around and said to Evan, "Sir, the custom made ring is ready. Should we drop by the jewelry store now or get back for it?"     

Evan didn't raise his head, "Go there now."     

The car stopped at the jewelry store. Tinder got off his seatbelt and reached out for the receipt to get off. He went in his pockets and paused. Then he looked up at Evan, "Sir, do you have the receipt on you?"     

Evan frowned. He reached in his pockets to take something out.     

He went for the recipient of the ring, but...     

The atmosphere in the car changed simultaneously. When Tinder saw Evan had a black thong, nobody could understand what he went through.     

Evan and Avery were pretty wild.     

Evan's look also changed quietly. He gave Tinder a warning look.     

Tinder felt his head numb. He hurried to go through the pockets, "Sir, I didn't see anything before. I found the receipt. I'll take the ring now."     

In the roomy office     

Evan stood in front of his office with a lofty presence. He put a jewelry box on the desk. And he took out the black thong from his trouser pocket. He folded it and put it in the first drawer.     

Evan's look changed several times. He stared at it for a long time before shutting the drawer.     

He sat on the desk with an elegant position and started shooting Avery a text.     

"Hon, you're bold to put something like this in my pockets, em?"     

After the message went through, he sent another one.     

"Lace thong, how do you know I like it?"     

Evan's look was changed again. He played with the black pone with his good-looking fingers. He waited for a few minutes, and there were no texts or calls.     

He sent another one.     

"I'll put it in the frame and hang in my office".     

After two minutes, there came a text. Avery sent over a despising look followed by "RU a creep?"     

"Did you want me to be a perve by putting it in my pocket?"     

"Have you stayed in like I said and wait for me?"     

Avery looked down the window. The mansion had airtight security. She couldn't get out even if she wanted to. So she sent over an emoji of hum.     

But lance sent back a kissing emoji. Then he put the phone aside and started working on the paperwork. He didn't shoot her another text.     

At noon     

Evan left the meeting room with one hand in his pocket, followed by a bunch of senior executives in suits.     

Tinder occasionally looked at Evan and quickly looked away.     

For some reason, after what happened this morning, Tinder felt Evan was touching Avery's underpants when he put his hand in his pockets.     

He couldn't bear to look at Evan. But Evan and his perfect face were so serious.     

Evan suddenly gave Tinder a meaningful look. Tinder was so shocked that he lowered his head immediately.     

"Is the result back?"     

"Yes, Sir."     

Tinder hurried to hand over the results. Evan took it and flipped thought. After he saw the results, he threw the report back to Tinder, "Let's go home."     

Tinder looked at the watch. It wasn't 12 yet. But Evan couldn't wait.     

Then Tinder looked at Evan's trousers again and followed.     

Avery heard the car's sound in a long way. She handed the baby over to Sarah and walked over to the gate. She just happened to run into Evan.     

"Miss me so much?"     

Evan held Avery in his arms, "You're in a rush to see the results, right?"     

Avery reached in his pockets and looked at him in curiosity, "Do you really frame it?"     

She believed that Evan framed it. But she didn't believe that Lace hung it in his office. Evan was a possessive man. He would never share something so private.     

"I framed it and planned to keep it in the safe."     

"Aren't you gonna punish me?"     

Evan patted on her butts. Avery was slightly surprised, "the tests are out? Do you lose? The toys contain something harmful to the baby?"     

The odd thing was Evan looked so casual. He should have ordered to get rid of Diana. He looked like he didn't plan to do anything to Diana.     

So he had a soft spot for her childhood sweetheart...     

Evan kept smiling and didn't speak. Tinder was slightly surprised. That was not how the report showed.     

Avery took his silence as yes. She was slightly unhappy. She squinted, "What are you gonna do to Diana?"     

Evan looked at her with meaning. He still wouldn't respond. His attitude was clear. He didn't plan to do anything to Diana.     

"Then, you said you would take the punishment?"     


Avery looked at Evan, and he was ready to take it. She came closer, "Okay, take me to our room. We'll do it behind the closed door."     

Although it was daytime, Avery ordered to shut all the curtains. The light was pretty dark in the bedroom.     

Evan put Avery down. She took a few steps back and checked up and down on Evan, "Take off your suit."     

Evan smiled deeply. She stared at her figure and said, "Are you gonna hit me?"     

"That's too easy for you."     

Avery smiled, "Let's try something more fun."     

She got a mechanic keyboard from the study and threw it in front of Evan, "Kneel on it."     

He didn't believe her and didn't plan to hold Diana accountable.     

He was so forgiving to Diana. Kneeling on the keyboard was light punishment!     

Avery sat on the bed and stared at Evan. He took off his suit. The shirt was unbuttoned. He didn't unbutton his bet and still wore his trousers.     

Evan looked at the keyboard and said after a few seconds, "You wanna me to kneel on this?"     

"You said you would take my punishment. You lose, and you should own it. Do you have second thoughts?"     

Evan squinted, "Am I pampering you too much?"     

How dare she let her husband kneel on the keyboard?     

But Avery didn't give up. She smiled, but the smile didn't reach her heart, "If you don't pamper me and give me whatever I want, why do I need you?"     

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