Billionaire Defiant Wife

Chapter 513: They’re Poison-Proof

Chapter 513: They’re Poison-Proof

0Not only Avery, Olivia, and the maid were also surprised. They screamed in low voices.     

"It's me."     

His deep voice, well-fit suit, and timed appearance in the dark and damp basement like a god suggested who he was.     

Avery looked behind him. He was alone, and Tinder didn't come, "Why are you here?"     

He said briefly, "I got worried." He would never leave her in such a dangerous position.     

"You're a huge target, you know?"     

"So I can cover your back," then he protected Avery in front of her, "have you ever seen the movie, The Professional?"     

Avery nodded. Was he trying to make the situation less intense? Why would he bring up the movie?     

"Please bring my ashes with you. You can sprinkle them at bad guys. Let me protect for the last time."     

This was her favorite line. She knew his heart. She went next to him and held his hand, "Together."     

"Pss," Olivia said, "the man who only knows to be sweet on the mouth, psst--"     

Olivia couldn't say more in the dark passage. Evan didn't mind. At such a dangerous place, the priority was safety.     

They went along the long and winding paths. Every ten meters, a new crossroad appeared.     

The maid was extra careful. Her every step was tentative. When she chose the road, she tried to walk the right one.     

After twenty minutes or so, they were in front of a door as they wished.     

The maid was released, "We're here."     

Avery heard the water running.     

"Where is this place?"     

"This is a sewer. Outside is a port that is connected to the dock. This is the closest way if you choose to leave by sea."     

The maid took out the king to open the rotten lock.     

Avery quietly went inside her boots for her pistol—     

She couldn't trust the maid. If she wanted to do something, she could act if Evan didn't act in time.     

She looked at Evan, and he had another hand in his pockets.     

After the door was opened, the light came in.     

The sound of water was obvious. The water in the sewer was broad. A small speedboat was there.     

Another man was waiting there. He looked at them, and Evan was there. He was frozen for a bit but soon said, "You're finally here. Come on. We've been waiting for almost half an hour. The dock is about to exchange shits. If we miss the time, we have to wait until night."     

Evan wanted to hold Olivia up on the speedboat. But she ignored him and gave her hand to the man on the boat.     

Avery held hers on Evan's and got on.     

She found there were crossroads in the sewer. There were not only cunning devices but also alligators. If they chose the wrong way, they were dead.     

They were at the exit leading to the port.     

Two giant stone lions guarded it with round balls in their mouths.     

Twitching the ball in the middle and the door would open.     

Avery noticed the man wore gloves to twist the ball.     

She wanted to ask, and Evan whispered, "They're poison-proof. The balls are laced with poison."     

Avery gasped. She didn't realize every device was fatal. Who knew the balls in the lion's mouth was poisonous? If they let them twist it, she wouldn't think twice to do it.     

The big iron gate was slowly emerging from underneath the water. It had sharp barbs at the bottom. If one got in contact with it, the gate would probably fall down, and the barbs would pierce the scalp.     

She finally realized Evan was right to come with them. She was scared.     

Avery frowned. The more she witnessed along the way, the more spooky and horrible she found the presidential house was. She had no idea how Andrew got out of here at first. But whoever did was so lucky.     

There were so many guards that one couldn't get in or not.     

The speedboat went into the port. They saw the sunshine.     

Avery breathed as hard as she could because it was the air outside. It was salty. But she felt reborn.     

But it didn't last long. There was sudden turbulence, and the bost started to get bumpy.     

Evan held her tightly in her arms. But Olivia was not so fortunate. After one bump, she half-knelt on the ground. Avery reached out to her. But Evan took her hand back in case she couldn't reach and offered his hands with reluctance.     

Olivia looked at him and ignored his hand. She held the handrail and got up.     

Avery held back her laughter. How much did she dislike Evan?     

The speedboat was at the iron gate on the fast water. Avery looked at the direction of the running water. The presidential house was built at the feet of a mountain. The sea was at its feet.     

The bodyguard said it was the last exit. He opened the gate, got off the boat and closed the door quickly.     


He suddenly shot the propeller several times. The boat was bumpy. Water started to rush in because the propeller was sabotaged.     

Avery found two water reserves with white fogs.     

She only noticed more smoke came out when some plants got in when the door was opened.     

It was acid...     

On the top of Avery's head, he wanted to shove them in. After the water got in, they'd be drowned. Maybe some device would let the liquids in the reserves in they would be left to bones.     

Avery targeted the man. Evan was faster and shot on his legs. So he couldn't run.     

"Who sent you?"     

On the rocky boat, Avery watched as he struggled to get up and come towards them for some device.     


Evan shot more at his legs. He was on the ground. But his hands were still moving. He crawled forward.     

Evan held the iron gate. If they wanted to open the gate, he needed to stand on the narrow side next to the reserves. It was rushed by the water for a long time and was slippy. He would fall into the acid pond easily.     

Evan looked at Avery with a stern look, "Are you scared?"     

Avery bit her teeth. She wasn't so much worried about herself as her mother. She held her hands tightly, "Mom, get up first. Careful, it's slippery."     

They forged a straight line.     

Olivia bit her teeth. The boat was shaking too hard for her to hesitate. She got out from the side and stood on the line next to the reserves. Suddenly she slipped...     

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