Something Beautiful and Wicked

Lovely Lady

Lovely Lady

0A sandy-haired man wearing a coat that covered from neck to knee observed them with a cold and calculative gaze. "Where's my payment?" he asked them.     

Luo Wanting reached for the chest pocket of his shirt. He pulled out a check, passing it to the man. Shi Ailin couldn't identify if he belonged to any of the organizations since most of his skin was covered. The sandy-haired man glanced at her. "Is the bitch part of the payment, too?" he asked Luo Wanting.     

Luo Wanting released a mocking smile before he pinned down the man by the neck, hitting his head against the bar table. He bent down and said in a low and angry whisper, "You're fortunate that I'm in a good mood tonight and that this lovely lady is watching me. But don't call her a bitch or confuse her as a companion."     

The man's eyes went wide and wild. "All—All right," he stammered. "I assumed…because she..."     

"Shut up," Luo Wanting demanded. "You'll make it worse for yourself. Now give me what I ask for."     

The man pulled out a thin package from the inside of his coat pocket, bringing it out. He presented it to Luo Wanting, and he quickly swiped it from his hand, passing it to Shi Ailin. Eye-wide, Shi Ailin took it, holding onto it.     

Luo Wanting then took back the check, ripping it from his hand.     

"You promised payment!" the sandy-haired man said.     

"You pissed me off. Now get out of my sight," Luo Wanting countered.     

The man clenched his fingers into fists, and Luo Wanting didn't appear intimidated one moment. Shi Ailin also watched as the guests in the bar collectively gathered, backing up Luo Wanting. She then realized that despite not knowing that Luo Wanting was their prince and leader, they all looked after him and each other like family.     

The man straightened, eyeing them all, and he quickly dashed away. Shi Ailin released a breath, realizing she held it the entire time.     

Luo Wanting turned to face her, his dark expression softening. "I'm sorry," he said. "Are you all right?"     

Shi Ailin's breath caught. "I'm fine. I promise. Thank you."     

Luo Wanting gave out a small beautiful smile. "I don't want to scare you, princess."     

Shi Ailin lifted her chin, facing him directly, head-on. "I'm not as timid, shy, or afraid as I used to be. I won't scare, especially not from you."     

Luo Wanting sighed in relief. His lips then curved into a smile. "As expected from a princess," he replied.     

Shi Ailin smiled back smugly. She took one of his arms, locking it with hers. "Let's go. We have what we came for."     

They both then headed back to the Luo estate, entering his suite. Shi Ailin hastily opened the thin package as they stepped inside his personal study. Her hands trembled, but she willed herself not to be afraid. She placed the documents on his desk, spreading them out. Luo Wanting looked at them with her. He took some pages himself, observing them.     

Shi Ailin began to read aloud. "Six years ago, we received a blood sample of the next kin, Shi Yenni, and we have determined that the DNA matches the blood of the potential victims on aircraft Shi-Ni. The blood identified belongs to Shi Yan, the CEO of Shi Group. There is some evidence of blood that matches Shi Chyou (née Cai Chyou). However, the evidence of her death is inconclusive due to the little amount of blood found (approx. 90 ml). Due to Mr. Luo Wanting's request, we picked up further examination of the aircraft results from six years ago. We acknowledged that former investigators that are no longer in our employ might have compromised the results from before. We have then agreed to Mr. Luo's request on re-opening the case, following the correct procedures. Since the remains of the aircraft had been disintegrated, we can neither confirm nor deny the deaths of Shi Yan and Shi Chyou at this time." She then drifted off.     

"Do you mind me asking if your parents have graves?" Luo Wanting asked.     

"They do, but it's empty," Shi Ailin responded.     

Nothing prepared Luo Wanting for that answer. Shi Ailin gave him a small smile to tell him not to dwell on the fact. She then continued.      

"However, despite the severity of the crash, we have determined that other than blood found on the aircraft, the only other evidence is hair, fingerprints, and clothes. There is no evidence of dismembered limbs. There were no issues with the mechanics behind the aircraft, nor has it been tampered. The cause of the helicopter crash was either intentional or accidental…"     

Shi Ailin read every detail, startled. She glanced at Luo Wanting again. He held her gaze and then she leapt into his arms. He caught her and asked, "what happened?"     

She smiled gleefully. "They didn't die in the crash. I know it!" her smile then turned into a frown, and she released him. "This then confirms that my sister and I had been right all this time."     

"What do you think happened?"     

The reality sunk into her, seeping right through her skin, clenching her heart. She balled her hands into fists. "Someone fucking killed them and made it seem like an accident."     

Luo Wanting hadn't seen her this filled with rage and pain at once. He reached out and tucked her against him. "We'll find out who did this and why. We'll keep looking. We won't stop."     

Shi Ailin squeezed onto him. "Can I stay here tonight?" she asked. "I don't want to go home."     

Luo Wanting stilled. He gave her a reassuring touch on her back. "Of course," he replied. "I don't have a guest room, but you can use mine tonight."      

Shi Ailin loosened her grip on him. "Thank you."     

Luo Wanting grabbed one of her hands, taking her to his bedroom. Shi Ailin allowed him to lead her the way. Luo Wanting then flicked on the lights, revealing his neat and organized bedroom. It was low-lit, adorned with oriental furniture.     

He went to his dresser, grabbing a shirt and pants. He then passed them along to her. "You can wash up and change first."     

Shi Ailin took the clothes. "Thank you," she said. She then walked towards the bathroom, washing up. She changed, and she used a hairband to swoop her curls, but some of them fell out when she tied it up.     

When she finished, she stepped into the bedroom, where Luo Wanting was already washed up and changed.     

"I couldn't wear the pants," she said shyly. "They kept falling from my waist, but luckily this shirt is big enough to cover my thighs."     

She looked so lovely that it was difficult for him not to stare. Luo Wanting felt like tracing the curl that had slipped from her hair. He turned away to flush without her noticing. He then looked up at the ceiling, imagining a sky, wondering if he was being tested.     

"I'm going to sleep on the couch," he said to her. "If you need anything, let me know."     

Luo Wanting then stood up, heading out when he suddenly felt a firm grasp on his wrist. He turned, his eyes wide. Shi Ailin looked at him with so much resolve. "Stay," she said.      

Shi Ailin tried to hide the desperation in her voice, the obvious need of wanting someone to be with her.      

"Okay," he responded. He then joined her in the bed, just as how they used to share it when Shi Ailin tended to him. At first, they stared into the darkness like some void until she shuffled over, nestling against him. Luo Wanting released a breath. Shi Ailin reminded him tonight that she was with his brother before, and those two shared more history than their short time courting. But, he did not feel one ounce of guilt for taking what could have been Luo Tian's final chances. If that made him wicked and vile, then so be it.      

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