My Crazy Housemate



0Mia was really worried about her friends. As much as she wanted to go there, she couldn't just storm inside the Dean's office. She had been waiting outside the office when a senior lecturer asked her to return to her classroom. She bit her fingernail nervously as she waited impatiently for then to return, hoping Jeremy doesn't get into trouble. The conversations going on around the class didn't make things any easy for her.      

"Do you think he is going to be okay? Poor Jeremy. Kelvin never misses a chance to bully him."     

"I am glad Jeremy fought back. Kelvin is too full of himself thinking he owns the world just because his aunt owns the school."     

"But Jeremy is here on a scholarship right? What if he loses it because of this?"     

"I'm still wondering what's so great about Jeremy that made Chloe like him."     

"What do you mean what's great about him? He is handsome, good looking, pretty, his hair is even more perfect than my life and we all know he's a gentleman."      

Everyone around rolled their eyes. So much for a description.      

"Big news everybody!" One of Mia's classmates ran inside the class, yelling. He didn't have the chance to speak because everyone's phone began to beep with message notifications.      

It took less than a minute before gasps filled the classroom and everyone began to speak at the same time.      

"Oh my God! Is this for real?"     

"This is unbelieveable!"      

"I must be dreaming right now." They all looked at each other's phones to be sure they were looking at the same thing. When they confirmed it, their voices grew even louder.      

Mia wasn't a fan of gossip so she wasn't in any of the group chats that they talked about other irrelevant things except class works.      

"Kelvin and Jeremy are brothers?!" One asked loudly as he looked at the picture of Mr Hank and the two boys, secretly taken in the hallway with a caption which said: Jeremy and Kelvin are brothers!!!!!!!     

What? Mia's head whipped to her side instantly.      

"How... did this happen? Has anyone confirmed the news?" A boy asked.      

The boy who had ran in earlier to give them the news nodded.     

"I went to confirm if we'll be having the next class soon, but Mr Willy wasn't in his office so after waiting for a while, I turned to leave and stumbled upon the scene."     

He took on a dramatic stance and said,      

"I saw Mr Hank, LIKE the real Mr Hank, approach the Dean. He said he was there for his SONS and Jeremy even confirmed it by saying his father was here already!"     

"Oh my God! It must be true!"      

He students began to run out of the classroom one by one. They wanted to see for themselves and confirm it. It was too good to be true. Was this some kind of movie? The news soon spread like wildfire as they all began to share it to other groups and people.      

"Maybe they are stepbrothers?"      

"Is that why Kelvin hates him so much? Because they are stepbrother?"      

"I think Jeremy is older right? Kelvin probably doesn't want Jeremy to have an inheritance."     

"Do you think Jeremy's mother was a mistress or his father married her first or something?"      

"Oh my! What if Jeremy's mother was a mistress? Maybe it's the reason why they hid it?"      


The Dean had sweat all over his face as he tried to process all he just heard.      

After leading Mr Hank to his office, he led him to the softest couch and gestured for him to sit. Mr Hank sat down gently while the three kids stood beside them.      

"Uhm... Mr Hank... the thing is..."      

"I sincerely apologize for the trouble they have caused you and for breaking the law of this school. Personally, I know what it means fighting within the school premises. That is why I am going to take responsibility for it all and I hope you let them off. Their final exams is going to be starting soon, this is a really important moment in their lives."      

"Yes... yes.. it really is important." The Dean rambled causing Jeremy to snigger at his shamlessness.      

Chloe still could not believe any of this. She remembered Jeremy had told her about him having a father who was still out there, she had guessed his father was rich, but the last thing she had expected was for his father to be this rich! And for him to be Kelvin's stepbrother.      

"The kids can return to their classes now. Children always fight so it isn't a big deal." He laughed a bit too forcefully, "Even I fought a lot when I was younger." The Dean said shamelessly before turning to the kids.      

"Miss King, Mr Hank and Jer— I mean.. Mr Will..iams?" He called a bit uncertainly since he was now enlightened about Jeremy's relationship with Mr Hank.      

"You can return to your classroom and study hard. Success in your upcoming exams." He smiled brightly at them like he was their biggest fan and even went as far as seeing them to the door and also waved at them with a smile.      

Benjamin who had been present as the student's union president, and also a few of the lecturers shook their hands at him. Even though they had all been shocked together, the Dean was obviously overdoing it.      

"Mr Hank, you do not need to worry about anything. I will treat them like my sons." He assured him with a big grin.      

"Thank you. I am counting on you."      

"Yes! Yes!! You can count on me."      

Kelvin, who was still standing by the door shook his head, "Disgusting." He said out loud for Jeremy and Chloe to hear.      

Jeremy wouldn't have bothered doing this today. He knew how rumours would begin to spread about him being a mistress' son. After getting bullied for it while growing up, he felt it was better if people didn't ever know.      

But he had to now. The only way to survive the harsh world, was having a strong back up. If he hadn't called his father, the Dean would have surely kicked him out of the school. He didn't like schooling in the first place but he had spent 4 years studying hard to pass all his exams for his mother. It would be unfair to kick him out when it was only a few days to the start of their final exams. Also, he didn't want Chloe to get into trouble because it seemed like she wouldnt let the issue go until they also punished her and Kelvin.      

So he didn't regret inviting his father to school.      

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