My Crazy Housemate

Sorry but not sorry

Sorry but not sorry

0Leo waited for Mia the entire night but she didn't return home.      

Worse of it all, her phone wasn't going through, he also didn't have Mira's number and he knew nothing else about her or where she had probably gone to.      

Early the next morning, he heard the front door open and jumped up. He didn't know when he slept off in the couch while waiting for her to return since the previous night.     

Mia entered inside the house looking very pale.     

"Oh God.. where have you been?" He asked while pulling her into a hug that startled the both of them.      

He hadn't expected it to happen but it seemed his hormones were controlling his body lately. He slowly pulled away and looked at her face intently.     

"I... am fine.." Mia said awkwardly without meeting his eyes. She felt really dizzy and tired plus she had a mild headache from the drink last night.     

"Where did you sleep last night? Why didn't you call me? Do you know how worried I was?" He blew up at her when the relief of finally seeing her wore out.      

He frowned when he imagined she had probably slept in a man's house. But on a second thought, he didn't think Mia was that kind of person even though he hadn't known her for a long time.     

Mia was taken aback by his scolding. It was the first time he was yelling at her since after they became closer.      

"I slept over at Mira's." She managed to say. She still couldn't meet his eyes. She had kissed him, she had kissed his brother. The thought didn't seem to sit well with her.      

Leo looked at her again. Now, he noticed she wasn't wearing the outfit from yesterday. She wore a short flair gown with white and blue stripes with a simple slipper. She had even forgotten to change into a house slipper before entering inside the sitting room.     

It was the first time he was seeing her in a gown so he was amazed by how nice she looked on it.     

"I didn't feel like talking to anyone last night so I turned off my phone."     

She didn't feel like talking to anyone? He frowned at that. Was he anyone? But.. who was he then? He asked himself.      

"I'm glad you are safe and uhm.... about last night..."     

Mia interrupted before he could continue.     

"Can we please not talk about last night?" She asked in a pleading voice.     

"I'm sure you've heard about what happened between that guy that looks like you and myself, and I do not blame you for not telling me you had a twin... we aren't so close anyway." She said with a shoulder shrug.      

If only he had told her he had a twin brother, she knew she wouldn't have made such mistake because even though they looked identical, she was sure she would have been able to differentiate between them. But since she didn't know about it, she had assumed that any guy who looked exactly like Leo was Leo.     

"I need to go inside now." She said before moving past him to her room. Thankfully it was Saturday so she could sleep in without worrying about missing her classes.     

Leo could not understand why she was blaming him for it. He also didn't know much about her so he didn't think the fault lied with him alone.      


By afternoon, she was still not out of her room. He made lunch, and tapped on her door for her to get her attention.     

When she opened the door, he sighed in relief to see she looked better. He had expected her to be sulking or something but she looked fine and judging from the laptop and notebooks he saw on her bed, he guessed she was reading.      

Her hair was tied in a messy bun at the top of her head, her face was devoid of make up now and Leo could not help but wonder how she looked pretty on make up and looked prettier even without it.      

His eyes trailed down a bit and he noticed she was back to wearing her big tshirt and tiny shorts. It's probably because she is inside her room. He said to himself since he remembered telling her to always dress well around the house.      

"I made Lunch." He announced.      

She continued to look at him, wondering why he was telling her he made Lunch.     

"For two.." He added when he saw her confused facial expression.     

"Oh.." Mia realised then that she was hungry. She was already used to starving so sometimes she forgot she hadn't eaten anything till she was done with whatever that kept her busy.      

She came out of her room and closed the door and that was when he realised she was not going to change into something else.      

He had to learn to live with her that way then.      

In the morning she had been a bit groggy and tired so she had forgotten about Tara but now that she was clearheaded, she moved closer to Leo as they walked to the kitchen and looked around.      

"Where is Tara?" She asked in a low voice as if afraid the dog would come out.      

Leo almost chuckled when he noticed how she was sticking closer to him while looking around like a thief.      

"Chloe came over to take her for a stroll."     

"When did Chloe come over?"      

"This afternoon."     

"But I didn't see Tara when I came in this morning."      

"She slept inside my room." He said as he served them both their Chicken pasta bake and orange juice.     

"You bake.. you also cook. That's nice." She said with her head down. She didn't know why it was difficult for her to pretend like the previous night hadn't happened. Why was she acting guilty when he was the one who had kissed her anyway?     

"I've been living alone for years so it's something I had to do." He explained but noticed she seemed deep in thought.     

She looked up at him and noticed he had also been looking at her so their eyes met.      

"You kissed me last night.." She said bluntly, making him surprised.      

"Why? I thought you said you didn't want me to learn how to kiss with you?" She sounded bolder this time.     

Leo turned his face away from her and looked down at his plate of food. Never in his life had he been in a situation like this.      

He didn't have any problem with ladies. He slept with the one he wanted to and played with the one he wanted to. He had only ever dated twice one was when he was in high school and the second was Cherry who he dated from when they were both in college.      

He had always considered himself to be the one who made girls flustered, embarrassed, shy or surprised but he could not believe this little one had made him experience all of those emotions in less than a month.      

"I.... uhm.." He stammered with his head still down and suddenly began to laugh at himself for acting that way.      

Now he understood the reason why Mia had such effect on him. Those other girls he met were wild and behaved naughtily while Mia acted out of her innocence and had no idea how most of the things she did on a passing seemed to affect him. Because he didn't want her to be flustered, he always had to be careful.     

"I'm sorry.. I just.. I don't know what to say." He said truthfully.      

He didn't want to lie and say he wanted to teach her properly neither did he want to apologize for it... but he knew he had to. He had taken advantage of her and that was something a person shouldn't do to another person.      

"I am sorry if you felt bad and uncomfortable about it... I shouldn't have done that especially after–"     

"You are sorry if I felt bad and uncomfortable about it? I don't understand." Her brows wrinkled in confusion.     

"Aren't you supposed to be sorry for kissing me instead?" She asked with an innocent look on her face.      

Again, he was flustered.     

He looked at her face and didn't know how to answer that.     

"Mia.. the thing is... I cannot lie and tell you that I am sorry about kissing you..."     

He looked deep into her eyes and said, "Because even right now... I still have the urge to."     

Mia's lips were pursed. She looked down at her food and murmured, "So much for being a big brother."     

"You're mad at me aren't you?" He asked in a low voice.     

Mia shook her head. "I'm not sure." She lifted her head to look at him again.. "But I'm glad you are always sincere with me." After a little pause, she added.     

"And thanks for the kiss yesterday. At least it saved me from giving my first kiss to a total stranger who happened to be your brother.... but if you try that again... I don't care if this is your house, you're going to sleep outside." She shot him a warning glare before she left the dining.     

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