My Crazy Housemate

Perverted thoughts

Perverted thoughts

0Immediately Leo left the room claiming he wanted to go fix something,  Mia jumped out of the bed and ran straight into the bathroom.     

She looked at the mirror and noticed her face was still flushed and her lips still slightly swollen from from the intense kiss earlier.     

"What have I done?" She asked herself in shock as her heart continued to beat very fast. She sat on the toilet bowl with both hands on the sides of her face.      

"Mia.. Mia... Mia.." She cried out her name over and over again.      

How could she lose herself completely like that? Her mother had called her a slut and a prostitute because she was living with a guy and had kissed 'him' even though it was his brother. What was she going to call her if she realised what she had done? She had even initiated it and acted like a sex starved prostitute.     

She couldn't explain how it happened. It was as if she was suddenly possessed and wanted to swallow him whole.      

She couldn't believe she who always claimed to have more self control than Leo had actually gone that far and it was the same Leo who stopped her before things escalated further.      

It was still not helping because she was feeling funny. As silly as it may sound, she had enjoyed it and wanted it to happen again. At that realization, she stood up and began to pace around the bathroom.     

The memories just now kept flooding her head. His hands around her, she on top of 'him', their wet kiss, her hands around his neck, his surprised eyes which looked cute, his warm hands on her bare stomach.     

"Oh God... oh God... Oh God!" She gasped and opened the sink's tap and began to splatter water all over her face.      

She didn't know why she felt really hot and uncomfortable and nothing seemed to be working to keep her hormones down. Was it what it meant when they said someone was extremely turned on and needed relief?      

She shook the thought out of her head. She had to think about something else and she knew the first thing that was going to pop into her head was the issue with Mr Timothy.      

Which was she going to choose? Think about Leo or Mr Timothy?     

Her phone began to ring inside the room and her body stiffened.      

What if it was Mr Timothy? Or her mother? She walked slowly as she returned to the room and noticed it was a call from Mira so she sighed in relief before taking the call.     

"What's up girl? Where have you been?" Mira asked immediately the call connected.     

"Been good." Mia tried to sound normal but her voice was still unsteady.     

"Are you okay? You sound.... weird." Mira noted.      

Mia cleared her throat.     

''Yea sure... I am fine. You do not need to worry." Mia assured her in a clearer voice now.     

"Leo sounded worried about you last night. Did you go somewhere?" She asked     

"Leo? He called you?"     

"Yes, he did. He asked whether I knew anyone who would come pick you up late at night with a car and bodyguards."      

Mia figured Leo and Louis had probably followed them and that was why they had been in that environment. Or was it just coincidence?     

"Are you okay? Did something happen with you? Someone came to pick you up?'' Mira sounded worried as she asked.     

"You don't have to worry yourself about that Mira. It's nothing. I need to take my bath. Can I call you back later?"      

"Let's hang out later instead. You are free today right?"      

"Yea... sure." Mia said before hanging up.      

None of her friends knew about her ordeal with Mr Timothy. They didn't even know she was in debt and she didn't plan to tell them. She didn't want them to pity her.     

An idea suddenly struck her. She could just borrow from Mira or James right?     

She would consider that. But now, she needed a cold bath. She felt slightly relieved from the tension but she still wanted to have a cold bath. She guessed she would be better then.     

She returned to the bathroom and looked at the clothes she was wearing and almost laughed. She had worn a grandma's kind of clothes to keep him away yet she had pounced on him. She was glad she changed into this last night. Else, she would have probably left the house in whatever she had been wearing and  only God knew what Mr Timothy's man would have done to her plus, it would have given free access to Leo before he returned to his senses.      

She pulled the shirt over her head. She hadn't been wearing a bra. If Leo's hand had gone a bit higher... he probably would have touched it.. she closed her eyes and felt her hand touch her breast as she imagined it was... Leo's hand?     

"Christ!" She gasped in shock and her eyes shot open immediately. Why was she suddenly acting like a pervert?     

She quickly took off her entire clothes. She really needed to have a cold bath for her brain to start functioning properly.     

When she took off her panties, she noticed there was a wet patch there and she could feel more between her legs.     

She felt the urge to touch herself but she quickly jumped into the shower.      

"Mia.. you are not a pervert."     

"You are not a pervert."     

She reminded herself over and over again as the water ran down her body.     


Leo had actually made an excuse to leave the room earlier because even though he had stopped them from going further, he was still hard and she had still been sitting on 'him'.     

With her on his body like that, it was impossible to think straight because he kept trying to control himself from running his hands all over her body. Thank goodness she hadn't been wearing one of those revealing clothes she uaually wore around the house. He didn't know what would have happened.     

Immediately he entered his room, he slapped both sides of his cheeks repeatedly while Tara looked at him in confusion.      

This had been an opportunity he had been waiting for. For the past few weeks, he had been sexually frustrated. The last girl he would have been with, Mia's sudden appearance had ruined his whole plan when they saw her inside the room.     

He had been trying to hook up with one so he would stop feeling the way he was feeling for Mia but he hadn't been able to hook up with anyone and he didn't know why.     

Now here was a girl he had always fantasized about. He always had dreams about her some which where very erotic and he woke up even more frustrated than before. She had willingly offered herself to him but what had he done?     

He almost cried in despair as he fell on the bed.      

"What were you thinking Leo? Since when did you become a gentleman?" He asked himself as he lay on his back and kicked the air in frustration.     

That moment had been nothing like he had imagined. It had been more and he almost exploded right there from the too much excitement plus the fact that he hadn't done it in over a month but he stopped before that happened.     

Things would have changed if he had exploded there.      

He closed his eyes and that was all he could remember.     

Her hot mouth on his, her hands around his neck, her body pressed to his. Jeez! He remembered that feeling. Feeling her directly on 'him'. She had been rocking her hips back and forth. Who the hell taught his innocent Mia that!?      

A silly thought had appeared on his head back then to flip her over till he was lying on top of her and take her right there but he didn't know why but for some reason, he kept stalling.     

'You did well Leo.' Something in his head whispered.     

"Haha! I see how that is helping" He said in a mock tone as he looked down at himself. He was still very much aroused.     

He needed relief but the idea of masturbating always repulsed him. Neither did he want to go out.      

"I want only her" He cried as he buried his face in his pillow.      

"A cold bath. I need a cold bath." He said as he stood up. He quickly stripped out of his clothes and entered the cold shower which almost made him jump out from the cold.     

He closed his eyes and once more, he remembered the scene.      

Was it wrong that he wanted to do it again?     

Was it wrong that he wanted to do more?     

Mia was certainly driving him crazy and he wasn't sure how long his self control was going to last.     


Mia lay down with her back on the bed and eyes on the ceiling. She felt better now but she was hungry.      

There was a knock on her door and her heart skipped.      

What was she going to do? How was she going to face him?     

The knock came again and she slowly got down from the bed and moved to the door.     

She took in a really deep breath before opening the door just a little with only her head out.     

She looked at him for a second before looking down. He was dressed so she guessed he wanted to tell her he was going out.     

"Are you busy?" He asked her as he watched her face flush from embarrassment.     

She shook her head. She just couldn't seem to open her mouth.     

There was a little pause before he spoke again...     

"Do you want to hang out... with me?" He asked with skepticism.      

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