My Crazy Housemate



0Mia hadn't thought anything was wrong with her clothes until that moment. She didn't know where she was following him to. He had simply asked her to get dressed and he would be waiting for her outside.     

She threw all her things around in frustration as she tried to pick the best one to wear. There was nothing. The only decent clothes she had were the ones she wore to school and they were too formal.      

She sighed deeply. She didn't want to keep him waiting so she quickly threw in one of her polo and a trouser with boot. Looking all black.     

She cringed when she saw herself on the mirror. She didn't even have anything to use on her face. The other time she went to the party with Mira, Mira had brought her make up kits from her house and used it on her.      

She paused for a few seconds to ask herself why she was doing all of this. It wasn't like they were going on a date. He was simply asking her to hang out.      

She sighed again, brushed her hair and left the room after tying it in a ponytail.     

Leo wondered why she was spending so much time but he didn't disturb. Girls naturally spent time dressing up but from the little while he had known Mia, she wasn't the type to pay much attention to her looks.     

Or did she change her mind about going? He wondered with a frown but just then, the door opened and she stepped out.     

He had thought she was going to come out looking all glamorous since she had spent so much time inside, but notwithstanding, he was still happy she came out even though she dressed casually just like him who wore a grey polo and black jean trousers.     

"Where are we going to?" She finally asked once they stepped out of the door.     

"First, to have breakfast somewhere. You still haven't eaten anything" He said as he threw her a quick glance and continued walking towards where his car was parked.     

"Oh.. I wanted to tell you earlier. I changed the passcode for the house. The new passcode is 2327." He informed her as he opened the car door for her to get in. The gesture surprised Mia since she had never had anyone open a door for her but she got in anyway after saying a simple "Thanks."     

He hopped in also and began to drive.     

"Why did you change the previous passcode?" She asked curiously trying to keep the conversation going since she didn't want him to mention what they had both done earlier.     

He paused for a few seconds before answering...     

"Well, other people knows the passcode. And I don't want a case where anyone could easily get in." He explained.     

"By anyone.... you mean that Cherry girl?" She asked before looking out the window beside her. Why didn't she like this topic?     

"Chloe also." He added.     

Yea, that was right. Chloe also knew the passcode. It was the reason she could easily claim ownership of the house. Plus she remembered the day Chloe entered the house and was met with a scene of Leo on top of her inside the room with her half naked.     

She blushed at the memory. Her mind was beginning to wander to strange and perverted places when she suddenly asked another question to keep her mind away from it..     

"2327? Where did you get that combination from?"      

He winked at her before saying... "Your age plus mine."      

Mia looked at him in surprise before she managed a smile. "You're 27" She said to herself before looking out the window again.     

"So what about your previous code, 1508? Is that your birth date?" She asked curiously.     

Leo was a bit surprised that Mia was keeping up the conversation and he was grateful because it stopped his mind from thinking about other things. He couldn't even seem to look at her without remembering what they had done just that morning.     

"Well... that just popped up." He said casually.     

Mia could guess he didn't want to talk about it so she didn't push him.     

They stopped in front of a small restaurant with a signboard at the front which read "Petit Déjeuner"     

"It means Breakfast in French" He explained when he saw the confusion on her face.     

"It's already past 12." She said wondering why they were still open if they only served breakfast.      

"They make light foods. For those who prefer to eat light foods, they can come here anytime." He said as they both walked in.     

"Bonjour Mademoiselle et Monsieur" The waitress greeted the both of them with a smile on her pretty face.     


"Bonjour" Mia greeted after Leo.     

"What would you like?" The waitress asked as they both took their seats.     

"We'll check and let you know." Leo said to her with a wink and she blushed as she turned around to leave.     

Mia watched with a frown on her face. Did he always flirt with every woman?     

"Are you okay?" He asked when he turned and saw the frown on her face.      

"Yea, sure. I'm fine." She said before forcing out a smile.     

They placed their orders and soon it was served.      

He ordered for some cakes and milk shake while Mia had freshly baked bread and milk shake also.     

"You seem to like breads." He noted.      

She shrugged her shoulders while still looking down. "I spent most of my years eating bread." She said to him and continued to eat.     

"How's school been?" He asked when he couldn't think of anything else.      

"Good. How's work?" She asked.      


There was a bit of quietness as they both continued to eat before he spoke again,     

"So.... tell me.. what do you like?" He asked curiously. He still didn't know much about Mia and he was curious to know.     

"Be specific." She said to him.     

"Hmmm... favourite color, hobbies, movie series, just anything..."      


"I've noticed." He said as he looked her up and down making her almost laugh.     

"For hobby... I like to dance."      

"Really?" He asked as he sat up. She did have the body of a dancer but he had never imagined her as someone who liked to dance.     

"Yea. Been dancing since I was... I can't remember. Been really long" She said.     

"Wow!" He said with a glint in his eyes. "Can I see you dance?"      

"Here?" She asked with a look of horror as she looked around.     

"No.. no.. I don't mean here. Probably when we get home." He said in a pleading voice.     

She looked at him with an embarrassed face before looking down.     

"I can't promise you that." She said while shaking her head.     

"Please Mia. I'll also dance for you." He said with his hands pressed together and his lips pouted.      

'He looks cute' She said to herself as a small smile creeped up her face. "I'll think about it."     

"Yes! Thank you Mia!" He said excitedly.     

"Favourite movie series... hmm... Merlin." She said after thinking for a while.     

"Merlin? Cool. I love Merlin also. I think it's the most underrated movie of all time     

"I think so too." She said with a firm nod. "I felt so sad and empty when the series ended." She admitted.     

He smiled when he heard that.     

"What about you? Your favourite food, color, hobby, movie series?" She asked.     

"Hmm.. I like all foods. No specific preference. I like hmm... all colors." He laughed a bit. "Sorry.. my profession has messed with my mind. I can't really say the color I like the most since I work with a whole lot of colors and I really love them all." He explained to her.     

"I think I understand what you are saying" She said.     

He nodded. "For hobbies, you can guess. I like to travel. I like to take photos. For favourite movie series, hmmm... anyone with X-rated contents." He said and winked at her.     

Mia scoffed at him and he laughed. "I was joking. I don't usually have the time to watch movies or dramas."     

"Your work must really be stressing you out."      

"Yea, but I like it." He said with a smile before asking..      

"So why are you studying business?" He asked her. She didn't look like the type who fancied working in big corporations. It was as if she was doing everything she was not supposed to do.     

Mia didn't say a word and looked down at her plate.     

He waited for a minute and when he realised she wasn't going to talk, he said,     

"You don't have to answ—."     

"My mother wanted me to." She interrupted before raising her head to look at him.     

"It was either Law, Medicine or Business. I chose Business." She said with a sad smile.     

There was a frown on his face as he watched her..     

"What do you really want to do?" He asked her curiously.     

"I... don't know." She answered with a shrug. "I don't know what I would have preferred to study other than business."      

He noticed she looked sad so he stopped talking about it. She was already in a bad mood. He didn't want her mood to worsen.     

"Let's go somewhere else" He said as he stood up and offered his hand to her.     

"Where?" She asked curiously as she kept looking at his hand not knowing whether it was a wise decision to hold it.     

"You'll see." He said with a smile and grabbed her hand when she still hesitated.     

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