My Crazy Housemate

A penny for your thought

A penny for your thought

0Leo knew he was falling into a pit. A really deep and dark pit. But he couldn't help it.      

After the incident with Cherry, he had made sure to lock himself out of anything called special feelings towards the female specie. The only female he ever liked where those from his family.      

He didn't want to take that road anymore. It had been difficult, suffocating, and he felt like giving up at that moment. When he slowly began to recover, he warned himself never to fall for any woman. To always keep them at arm's length and if he wanted them for pleasure, he had to make it known to them. He had been living that way. But it made him laugh at himself that it was only two years. Just two years and a little ignorant seductress came into his house and refused to leave and had captured his heart in the process.      

Why it was even more funny was because she had all of the characteristics he hated in women. She had been really loud, foul mouthed, rude and she always banged doors which wasn't good for his case of hyperacusis— which made him very sensitive to sounds and it was really inconveniencing for him.     

How had it all happened? He asked himself. How did he even think to fall for a girl and especially someone as innocent as Mia?      

Aside from the fact that he was scared because he had a phobia for this whole love thingy, he was scared because he didn't know how to go about it with her.      

She had never had a boyfriend, her first kiss had been with him also. He saw her as an egg which he had to protect so she wouldn't break. He didn't want to force her against her will. He was scared he may hurt her and she would have a very bad notion about love in general since her first didn't turn out well. He didn't want to make any mistakes so he should leave her right?      

But he couldn't.     

He didn't want to imagine someone else beside her. He had been so crazily jealous at the party. Seeing her sitting down beside Benjamin, it had taken everything in him to not pull her away from there. He wanted her to sit beside him. To have her sidetalks with him and not Benjamin. He wanted to be the only guy she would dance with. The only guy she would be so close to.      

He wanted to be the one to bring countless smiles to her pretty face. He wanted them to always go out, holding each other side by side with nothing to worry about.      

A sudden painful knot in his stomach reminded him what love always came with— disappointment, heartbreak, heartache and many more unpleasant things.     

Maybe he was crazy to think he could make Mia happy without promising her love. He hoped telling her he liked her would at least make her see he felt same way about her or even liked her more than she liked him.     

Now, he didn't want this moment to end. This very moment where they were both together. He didn't want it to end.      

He slowly pulled away from the kiss and opened his eyes.      

They were both breathing really deeply and hard. Mia's face was as red as a tomato. Her eyes were still tightly shut, he had no idea if it was from embarrassment or because she was trying to pull herself together.      

Her lips were slightly swollen and moist and he stared at them longer than he had intended to.      

"God! You are so pretty." He said quietly as he brushed some stubborn strands of hair away from her face. She truly was pretty.      

Immediately those words left his lips, she stopped breathing but still didn't open her eyes to look at him.      

Leo willed himself to only look at her face. Just her face and not her chest which kept heaving up and down beneath him.      

The sight of her like this was making him have ideas.. naughty ideas. But he was scared to pursue those ideas. He was scared to try anything with her. This was Mia. She wasn't one of those other ladies he hooked up with.      

Those ones were just flings and after the deed was done, they were completely out of his life. But he feared that if that happened between himself and Mia, he may even fall deeper.      

Now, he was scared of a whole lot of things.      

"You know you are going to suffocate to death if you do not breathe right?" He asked in a very deep but low voice.      

Ever so slowly, she opened her eyes. And her already flushed face got even redder as she locked eyes with him.      

"Breathe Mia" He reminded her and she finally gasped for breath making him chuckle softly at how adorable she looked.      

"I didn't know I had much self control in me until lately." He said in amusement, hoping it would lighten the tension but it made her even more embarrassed.      

She had been completely lost in that kiss. She didn't know how to explain it. How do you describe a mind blowing kiss just after the person you liked confessed to you that he liked you also?      

He had been so gentle with her. He hadn't even touched or tried to grope her but instead, he played with her hair while she played with his.     

She wanted more. She wanted to kiss him. Even if she had any doubt in her before, now, she just confirmed it. There was no Bejamin for her. Leo was the only one and would probably be the only one. But how had it ended up like this?      

The number one kind of guy on the list of guys every girl should avoid were those good looking and rich guys who didn't have a partner and didn't mind hooking up with random ladies.      

She had always thought women who fell for such men regardless of knowing the kind of person he was, were pretty dumb.      

Most times when she went to the cinema with her friends, she didn't usually go there because she was interested in the movie. She went there to criticize it and call the characters dumb. She didn't think that kind of love made sense.      

But now, she was in a hole. A really big, deep, black and scary hole and she wasn't sure how she was going to come out of it.     

She was now one of those dumb characters in the movies she often criticized. She was probably in for a heartbreak. She knew it would be inevitable. But she couldn't stop herself. Not now.      

"A penny for your thought." Leo said after watching her face for a while. She had just been staring without saying anything and he could tell she was deep in thought.      

Mia snapped back to reality and looked at him.      

"It's nothing." She really didn't know what to tell him. Was she to say, "I am scared I may end up getting heartbroken" or "I just came to a fine conclusion that I am dumb."     

Whichever it was, it didn't make any sense.      

To her surprise, Leo lowered his head and kissed the corner of her mouth making her suck in air.     

"Tell me what you are thinking." He said quietly with his lips still hovering right above hers.      

Mia gulped nervously. He was trying to seduce her into talking and the good thing– no, bad thing was... it was working damn well.      

"I... I.."     

He lowered his head and kissed the other corner of her mouth and this time, he stayed a bit longer.      

She cringed in embarrassment when a soft moan left her lips. It also surprised Leo lightly to hear that melodious sound come from her from merely a little kiss.      

She was probably worked up. He smirked devilishly. He liked the fact he had such effect on her. He was happy he wasn't the only one so worked up right now.     

He waited for her to speak but she just blinked at him and turned her head to the side in embarrassment.      

'Why don't you tell him to get away from your body, you idiot?' She scolded herself. But in a naughty part of her mind, she wanted him to do it again.      

"You aren't going to talk?" Leo asked as he looked at her exposed neck. It was smooth, white, inviting... and it was calling him. This was a battle he couldn't win so he didn't even bother to fight it.     

He didn't wait for her to say a word before he buried his lips there and kissed her neck.      

"Ahhh!" She gasped in shock and her body arched up and pressed hard into his body. Her eyes widened when she felt his hard-on. His eyes also slightly widened at the impact.     

He had not been leaning completely on her so she hadn't felt it earlier.      

Her heartbeat increased and began to pound violently.     

"I didn't know you were this sensitive." He said in a very low whisper with his eyes never leaving her neck.     


'I didn't know that too!' She said in her head.      

He returned to her neck and kissed her again and she gave the exact same reaction which almost drove Leo insane.     

'Come back to your senses Leo. If you continue, you may lose your self control.' He warned himself but he still didn't listen.      

This time, he dropped his head on her neck and slowly sucked on it making her moan loudly this time while her eyes fluttered close in the immense pleasure it brought her.      

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