My Crazy Housemate

Mr Bill?

Mr Bill?

0"Are you seriously not going home tonight also? Shouldn't you at least talk to your parents? Your mother have called me twice already and it feels very awkward lying to her." James said when he entered inside his room to see Mira still lying on the bed with her eyes on the ceiling.      

"I don't want to go back there. They are both bad people" She said sadly.      

From the way she looked, James could tell that she had cried when he left her there and he knew it had to do with her parents getting divorced.      

She suddenly sat up and looked at him with teary eyes. "They didn't even care about me when they were together. I feel they are finally going to abandon me now. How am I going to live in a far away country, knowing my parents are no longer together?"      

"Come on Mira..." James said as he walked over to the side where she was sitting and sat down beside her.      

"I really want to tell you it's going to be okay and you would survive but I know that isn't what you want to hear right now. But let's hope, this wouldn't pull through and they will eventually realise how much the other means to them and stop this whole thing."  He assured her with a pat on her back.     

"I'm just scared James. I'm scared I'll be alone." She said with tears sliding down her face while James quickly used his hand to clean it off.     

"Something is up. I can sense it. They wouldn't just bring up divorce out of the blue. Even though mum is always busy, I know she loves my dad a lot and I do not buy the crap about them falling out of love or just wanting to separate."     

"So what are you saying...?" James asked patiently.      

"I don't know." She cried and hit the bed in frustration.      

"Why can't they just stay together? At least because of me?"      

James heaved a deep sigh before hugging her gently. "It's going to be fine okay? I promise.."     

He pulled away from the hug to help smoothen her hair with both hands and looked at her small face.      

"Stop crying, you look older than me right now."      

Mira eyed him before hitting his arm which made him laugh.      

"I guess I should should bring your dinner up here so you eat while we play soccer."      

"Dinner? It's time for dinner?" Mira asked in surprise as she picked up her phone.     

She gasped when she saw it was already past 8 and all the missed calls and messages she had missed. While brooding and sulking, she had silenced her phone so she wouldn't be disturb.  She had no idea she had spent hours just lying there.      

"Oh my goodness! How did the day suddenly fly by?" She asked as she jumped out of the bed to pull the curtain and confirm if it was really dark outside. And it was.     

"What's wrong?" James asked as he saw her moving around frantically while carrying her dress and shoes from his wardrobe.      

"I have a date with Richard tonight. I totally forgot." She said in a hurry and opened the messages he had sent her, asking if she was okay and to text her when she finally saw his calls and messages.      

"A date? With Richard?" James asked carefully.      

"Yea yea.. we planned it last night. I have to get dressed." She said and hurried inside his bathroom.      

"I had no idea you were both at that stage." He said as he stopped in front of the bathroom's door so they could still talk to each other even though he felt uncomfortable standing there.      

He heard her turn on the tap and gargle before speaking.      

"That's why we are going so we can know each other."     

"Oh..." James nodded slowly. He wasn't sure he liked the sound of that. He didn't like Richard for some reason he didn't understand. Maybe it was like those cases where people just disliked someone for no reason at all.     

"Where is Peter and Rachel? I haven't seen either of them at all." Mira asked.     


"I told you to stay at home! Why did you follow me here if you were just going to freak?" Peter asked Rachel with a scowl as they both got down from the car.     

Rachel looked at the luxurious building and became more nervous. It was an exclusive bar and night club which was newly opened the previous week.      

When Rachel overheard Peter saying he was going there tonight, she had pleaded with him to go with him and had made sure to dress in a way where no one would doubt she was more than 18 years even though she was still 16.     

"Hey Bro!" A young man who just stepped out of his sport's car waved at them before coming over to side hug Peter.      

He looked at Rachel with surprise while she smiled at him.     

He was Noah Vicker. Peter's super hot best friend and class mate. His father was super rich but Noah didn't like to show it unless when they saw his cars and studied his simple outfits properly. He was their high school's prince charming and the best basketball player. Well, it was all going to end when he graduates very soon.      

He wore a teeshirt which hugged his athletic body, with the first three buttons undone, a black denim and a simple shoe. His hair was in a neat undercut and in one ear, he wore a diamond earring which she had always wanted to steal.     

"What is she doing here?" He asked Peter as he looked at Rachel who wore blue short gown with a deep V-neckline which exposed her small cleavages, and a thigh high boots with a mild make up on her face. She looked totally different from the Rachel he knew.      

"She insisted on coming here." Peter said with a shrug.     

"And you let her?" Noah asked in bewilderment.      

"Hey! Why are you sounding like my father right now?" Rachel frowned at him. Even her brother didn't react that way.      

"Because your brother is clearly out of his mind letting you come here, dressed like that when you are still a minor." He said while shaking his head in disapproval.      

"Do not call me a minor!" She snapped at him before taking out an ID to flash in front of his eyes       

He took it from her to look at it properly and raised his head to look at Peter.      

"Seriously? You let her come here with a fake ID? What if she get caught?"     

"I really dislike you." Rachel hissed at him and stretched to take it back but he dipped it inside his pocket.      

"You ain't going in there little lady. Unless you want me to tell your Mrs Black."      

"What?" Rachel asked in astonishment. "You aren't even my brother. Who do you think you are to always control my life?" She asked angrily while Peter just watched the both of them with a sigh.      

He knew when they started, it was going to take a long time for them to stop their banter.      

"..... and I didn't want to say this, but you should stay away from my business. Don't think I do not know how you chase my admirers at school away just because you want to be the 'super good brother'. I am 16 and can take care of myself!"      

"Why would you even have an admirer at 16? At 16 I was studying really hard and also became the school's best basketball player and racer."     

She scoffed. "I don't care about your silly basketball! Just—"     

She stopped talking when her eyes caught sight of two people coming down from a car at the opposite side of the parking lot which she was facing.      

Noah and Peter noticed she was looking at something or someone, so they turned around to check and Peter's eyes widened slightly.     

"Isn't that..."     

"Mr Bill." Rachel answered in surprise before Peter could complete his question.      

"Mr Bill? As in, your brother's best friend's father?" Noah asked in confusion as he watched the young lady beside him clutch his arm while smiling at him lovingly. He was old enough to be her father, yet he was openly flirting with her also?     

"What the hell! Who is that lady?" Rachel asked as she watched them head towards the entrance of the club house.      

"He is cheating on Mrs Bill? This is crazy!" Peter said with a deep frown on his face as he watched how doting Mr Bill acted towards the young girl who was dressed to the nines.      

"What are you doing?" Noah asked when he saw Rachel was dialing a number.      

"To tell Mira about it, of course."     

"And why would you do that? You are just going to cause trouble." Peter said as he tried to take the phone away from her.      

"If you were Mira, wouldn't you like to know? Imagine she later finds out we knew about this and didn't tell her... look, I've seen a lot of movies to know one should always talk when they have the chance to do so. So I'm calling her right now!" She said with a tone of finality before the call connected.      

Mira who was about living the room took the call and her eyes turned red from anger when Rachel told her about it.       

"I am going to kill that bitch, whoever she is!" She said in anger as she stomped out with James closely following behind her,  trying to stop her and also cussing his sister in his head for telling her about it.     

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