My Crazy Housemate

Granting permission

Granting permission

0Mia had been really worried seeing Leo lying there with his eyes closed. What if he was really sick? She didn't want him to fall sick. Without thinking twice, she approached him to touch his forehead. His body was hot but he hadn't given her a moment to check properly because he pulled her forcefully making her fall on top of him.     

Her heart skipped several beats as she looked at his face in surprise when he pulled her up so she was looking directly at his face. His eyes slowly opened and their eyes locked making her want to get away as soon as possible.      

She was still very embarrassed after confessing to him last night and had been thankful he hadn't mentioned it. But she also didn't want to stay on top of him like this. Not at all! Her heart was beating so fast she feared it may explode.      

He said something with his eyes never leaving hers making her gulp as her eyes lowered to the lips which had just opened up to let the words come out.      

God! He was gorgeous. It made her so angry that there was someone else out there who had his exact features. She wanted it to be just one who had these looks. Just Leo King and no one else. But there was Louis.     

Her brain which was already very slow finally registered the words he just spoke.      

"You look.... flustered." Were the words.      

Hell yea she did! She was lying on top of him! On top of a guy she just admitted to herself and to him that she liked. And worse of all, he hadn't given her any answer even though he did show that he liked her.      

She shook every nasty thought out of her head. 'You are a good girl Mia. Don't let him get to you. Do not let him seduce you. You aren't even sure about what he feels for you so don't be silly, okay?'      

She schooled herself as she finally opened her mouth to say something in a very weak voice.      

"Stop being naughty. You are sick."     

"So... I can be naughty when I am not sick?" He asked with a teasing smirk making her swallow hard and chew her lower lip nervously.      

Why did he always say such teasing words to say to her? Why??????     

When she made a move to pull herself away from his arms, he suddenly flipped her and before she knew it, he was on top of her making her squirm nervously but she relaxed when she looked into his eyes and saw how intensely he was gazing at her.      

Her skirt had rode up far higher than she had bargained for and she was still wearing her shoe!     

She wanted to say something but nothing came out. All she could see was his very handsome face staring at hers and making her shiver involuntarily.      

Just when she thought the staring competition was never going to end, he finally opened his mouth to speak.     

"I... like you, Mia Lucas."     

The thunder which rumbled outside, the words he just spoke and his fingertips touching her face as he brushed her hair away from her face, made her squeal in shock while her eyes widened.      

Leo looked like he had struggled to say the words out and his breathing became laboured.      

"I thought I... should at least.. let you know.." He stuttered as he continued to stare at her wide eyes.      

Mia's head was spinning. Was this a confession? Was he really confessing to her?     

She never thought someone like him would like her. This wasn't a matter of ego right now. They were both from totally different worlds metaphorically and she hadn't imagined he would like her. Or.. was this a ploy to have sex with her?      

A frown appeared on her face and she narrowed her gaze.      

"Are you... serious?" She asked quietly as she heard the almost silent rain drops outside.      

He heard the doubt in her voice and didn't blame her for it even though it actually did hurt him a lot. It had taken a whole lot to finally say that to her yet, she was doubting him.     

"What do you think?" He asked her quietly and felt her chest heave up and down as she gulped.     

"I.... don't know. Maybe you are just saying that because of what I said last night or you... are just..."      

"Deceiving you?" He asked when she didn't complete the sentence due to how flustered she was      

Seeing her slowly nod her head to affirm his question, his face fell.      

"I don't... I.." She tried to say something seeing how sad he looked but she didn't know what to say.     

"Look Mia...." He started without bothering to move away from on top of her.      

"I can be anything else... but never a liar." He assured her.      

"I do not lie to girls because I want to get into their pants. And I would never lie to you since you have told me nothing but the truth all these while."     

"I... know." She said before nodding slowly again.      

"But... I don't know. I have never been confessed to before..." She didn't want to include Benjamin's confession since she wasn't considering that as one. She concluded that maybe he had just said that since he didn't know how else to answer the question Jeremy had asked him.     

Leo watched her carefully as he waited for her to complete her sentence. It was a bit strange for him to be lying on top of a girl like this and not doing anything with her other than talking and nervously waiting to hear whatever she had to say.     

"So.. I really can't tell what guys sound like when they are deceiving a lady... I don't know. This feels... strange. And why are we having this conversation with you on top of me?" She suddenly asked as if self conscious all of a sudden.      

She remembered the last time they had been like this inside this room. It had been the morning she woke up to find him inside her room while she was wearing nothing but her underwear.     

Her face suddenly colored as she remembered that day and Leo looked at her in disbelief.      

He knew Mia well enough to know how her eyes and face looked like when she was having naughty thoughts. He had seen the looks in her eyes earlier when he pulled her on him but he wasn't expecting her to be having those thoughts now that they were both having a serious conversation.     

"Mia, focus. Will you?" He asked her quietly. It was more in a pleading voice actually.      

If Mia's thoughts was drifting towards that direction, it was unavoidable that he also thought so.     

"I'm listening!" She said in an overly defensive voice and her face flushed from embarrassment making Leo chuckle despite himself.      

"I think I feel better after telling you this. Maybe next time when you invite me to a party, you wouldn't invite another man." He said as he moved away from on top of her to lie beside her making her eyes blink in sadness.      

She had actually liked him being on top of her like that. She knew it was crazy for her to think so of him but she couldn't help it.     

"You don't have to think so much about it."     

"I wasn't thinking about it!" She snapped at him again in a defensive voice making him to look at her with a raised brow.      

"I was telling you not to think about what I said too much. Why are you overreacting?" He asked her quietly and pinched her cheek which was very red.      

She sat up immediately and hurried to leave the bed but heard him laugh.     

A voice told Leo in his head to let her leave the bed but instead, he pulled her down causing her to fall on top of him.      

"What are you---" She was prepared to snap at him when she came face to face with his lips. Those red and pretty looking lips.      

'What the hell is wrong with you Mia? Are you this desperate to be touched by a man?' A voice in her head which sounded so similar to her mother's chastised her.     

'God! Why is she so pretty? It's very difficult to escape her charms' Leo thought to himself as he watched how she was looking seriously at his lips.      

'Why doesn't he just kiss me?'      

'Why isn't she doing it?'     

They both asked themself in their heads.     

"Leo king?" She called him in a quiet voice with her eyes never leaving his lips.      


"It's raining outside." She said making him raise a confused brow.     

"You are also sick."     


"So... I won't throw you outside."      

She said before looking into his eyes.      

Leo's eyes slightly widened when he understood what she was trying to say and the corners of his lips twitched in amusement.      

She was giving him the permission to kiss her. She was too shy to do it herself or ask for it directly.      

And with that, he flipped her again and she was  beneath him.      

They stared at each other for a few seconds before he slowly lowered his head.     

She shut her eyes as she anticipated it while his eyes fluttered shut with a pleased smile on his face before their lips met, sending shivers down the spines of the both of them.     

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