My Crazy Housemate

See you in 10 minutes.

See you in 10 minutes.

0The next day, Leo tried to focus on working but he could not. His mind was completely messed up. He felt terrible for what he had done.     

He knew Mia was not like other girls before he went on to kiss her and she had further proved that to him by her threat last night.     

Ever since she left the kitchen in the middle of their lunch, he hadn't seen her again. She remained in her room the entire night and even when he stood in front of her door to knock so he could finally apologize, he could not bring himself to do so.     

Now, it was Sunday. He had hoped she would at least come out so they could patch things up. He really did not want to fight with her. He didn't want that at all since he was already used to her friendship and used to the both of them eating together. He didn't want to be the one to ruin things between them.     

But before he came out from his room, he realised she had already left the house and he didnt know where she was. He sighed deeply and placed his laptop aside as his mind began to wander about.     


Mia stood very far from her mother's bakery and watched. Linda was busy moving to and fro, selling bread to her customers.     

Mia turned emotional once she saw her mother. No matter how much she tried to pretend like she didn't care about Linda anymore, she had practically spent all her life trying to please the woman so it was difficult to just cut her off like that. Plus she had a conscience. She could not leave Linda to pay off the loan sharks by herself because she was sure Linda could not do it on her own and if she didn't pay up, Mr Timothy had promised to take her bakery from her, their house and also sell off the both of them. Mr Timothy had promised them that. Both the efforts of herself and her mother hadn't yielded much, how could she possibly leave her to handle it on her own?     

Maybe it was time to look for Mary. If they wanted to sell off anyone, it should be the one who took the loan— Mary Lucas.     

Once Mia left there, she called Jerry to remind him that she was open to odd jobs and if there was one she could do, he shouldn't hesitate to let her know.     

Mia made up her mind that the 'wild' life wasn't meant for her. She was already accustomed to living this way and there was nothing she could do to change it.     

Mia strolled inside the hospital that belonged to the Kings. She wasn't there for her treatment since she was already done with that. She was there to see Leo's twin brother. Thankfully, she knew his name since he had introduced himself that night as Louis King. She wanted to apologize for kissing him on Friday night. It was very necessary to do so especially if it was nonconsensual.     

She remembered she had seen him the second day she visited the hospital and had concluded she was seeing things since Leo wasn't a doctor. Now, she was very sure that person had been Louis and he worked in his father's hospital. She also remembered Leo had asked for 'Doctor Louis' the first day he brought her to the hospital. So she was certain she would find him there.     

"Is Louis King in?" Mia asked a nurse at the counter. The nurse recognized her as the lady who came with Leo the other day so she answered politely. "Doctor Louis isn't in. He is on a 3-day leave."     

He was really a Doctor. Mia said to herself.     

She could have asked Leo for Louis's number but she didn't want to talk to him. His presence was beginning to make her feel uncomfortable and besides, it seemed like he was seeing her differently now. Even though it flattered her to think he fancied her, she had to stay away from him because he was a man and she was a woman. Who was he bullshiting with the brother–sister act?     

"Do you have any idea about when he is going to return to the hospital?" Mia asked before adding "Can I have his phone number?"     

"Mia Lucas."     

Mia turned around when she heard someone call her name and saw Doctor Lily behind her.     

Mia greeted her with a smile. She liked the lady. Doctor Lily was always nice to her whenever they met.     

"What are you here for? Missed me?" Doctor Lily asked with a teasing smile, making Mia laugh.     

"Actually.. I am here to see Doctor Louis."     

"Oh.." Doctor Lily said and looked at her curiously. "You have a business with him?"     

"Yes. It is kind of private. I didn't know he was not in."     

Doctor Lily wanted to ask further but she stopped asking questions when she remembered it wasn't in her place to do so.     

"You could just call him then." She suggested.     

"I don't have his number." Mia said in an embarrassed tone.     

"Oh.. why didn't you ask his brother for it?"     

Mia did not want to tell her that they were not in good terms so she settled for a lie,     

"He promised to give me the number but he left the house this morning before I could remind him."     

Doctor Lily's eyes widened slightly in surprise. "You.. live with him?" She asked before quickly waving her hands "You don't have to answer that. Give me your phone. I'll give you his number." She said.     

Mia frowned in embarrassment. Things just kept getting worse and worse.     

Doctor Lily remembered asking Leo whether Mia was his girlfriend but he had denied it immediately. They were actually staying in the same house?     

She guessed the reason Mia wanted to meet with Louis was probably related to Leo so she didn't bother to question much before giving her the number.     

Mia sighed in relief and thanked Doctor Lily before leaving the hospital.     

"Hello?" Mia said into the phone nervously when Louis picked up.     

"Who is this?" Louis asked politely.     

Mia noted that his voice was a bit deeper than Leo's. She had also noticed it that night.     

"I'm... Mia.. Mia Lucas.. the girl from the–"     

Louis quickly sat up when he heard her name. "I remember you. He cut in." He remembered how his brother had been asking for Mia everywhere.     

Mia sighed in relief. At least she didn't need to bother explaining that awkward incident again.     

"I am actually outside your hospital. I went there to look for you."     

"For me? Why?"     

"I wanted to apologize..."     

He could hear the embarrassment in her voice and smiled.     

"For the other night..." She added. "I actually didn't...."     

"There is a café opposite the hospital...." He suddenly cut in.     

"I'll meet you there in 10 minutes."     

"But uhm..."     

"I thought you wanted to apologize?" He cut in again before she could make any excuse or protest.     

"Let's meet up there. See you in 10 minutes." He said before hanging up.     

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