I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

0After hearing the story from the maid, Zhichen immediately tried to leave to look for Alice but Daiyu stopped him.     

"Let's check the living room first. Maybe we'll find out what they were fighting about. Besides, if you approach her without a calm heart, your feelings will get the better of you."     

Zhichen paused before reluctantly nodding. They then made their way towards the living room.     


When they arrived, they saw that the room was a mess. One could clearly see that a struggle had taken place and there was even a bit of blood on the floor.     

By the couch, Daiyu saw something that immediately caught her eye.     


He turned his head and faced Daiyu.     

Daiyu then took the letters she found and handed them to him.     

"I think this was why they were fighting."     

"… What are these?" He asked.     

"… See for yourself."     

Zhichen scanned through them and immediately knew that these were Alice's letters. They were all addressed to Zhihao too. He frowned.     

He then sat on the sofa and began reading through them.     

"I'll go check on Bob for now." Daiyu spoke and Zhichen nodded.     

While Daiyu was also curious as to what the letters contained, she wanted to first make sure that Bob was alright.     

She then left the room and made her way towards the bathroom. It wasn't hard to find. After all, she could clearly hear Alice screaming inside.     

"Bob?" She asked.     

"In here." He replied.     

Daiyu blinked. He was in there with her?     

"Are you alright?" She asked.     

"Yep. I'm stuck with a disgusting bitch but other than that, I'm fine."     

Daiyu chuckled.     

"Are you hurt?"     

"Just a few scratches. Nothing bad."     

"Is she hurt?"     

"I think she hit her head earlier but she's not bleeding so far."     

"Do I call the ambulance or the cops first?"     

"Cops. Definitely cops."     

"Alright. Can you hold out for a bit longer?"     

"No prob."     

Daiyu then asked a maid to immediately call the police. Of course, for the sake of her own safety, she also called Butler Tang and informed Wang Jing of the matters happening. Liu Jin had taught her to always inform the adults before making a move.     

"Bob. I've called them. They're on their way."     


"… Why are you in there anyway?"     

"To make sure she doesn't kill herself. I ain't letting this bitch go easily."     

Daiyu laughed.     

Soon, Butler Tang arrived. He already heard from the maids that Daiyu had left the mansion earlier even before Daiyu had called him. He was at the company just now so it took him some time to get to her.     

"Xiao Yu." He called.     

"Uncle Tang." Daiyu stood up to greet him.     

"Are you alright?" He asked, worried.     

Daiyu nodded and he hugged her tightly.     

"Where's grandpa?" She asked as she hugged him back.     

"He's on his way to the hospital."     

Daiyu nodded. At least her Zhihao-gege won't be alone.     

"What happened here?" Butler Tang asked and Daiyu narrated the story to him.     

"Young master Bob." He called.     

Daiyu giggled. Bob hated being called that but Butler Tang had always insisted on it. While he was supposedly a mere bodyguard, Butler Tang saw how close Bob was to Zhihao and had always treated him as if he was Zhihao's older brother.     

"Hey old man. Are the cops there yet?"     

"Not yet but they should be arriving soon. Is there a problem?"     

"Yeah, I think this woman's about to faint. She's not looking so good."     

Butler Tang's eyes widened.     

"Let her out now. I'll see to her from here."     


Bob then unlocked the door and began dragging Alice out. He let go of her hands and held her by her arms instead.     

Outside, he laid her on the floor. She was gasping for air and her complexion was pale.     

"Air. I think she just needs air." Butler Tang concluded.     

Being confined in the bathroom while thrashing about must have tired her out. He then left to look for a fan.     

Daiyu bent down and swept Alice's hair aside to check the part of her head that had been hit earlier on.     

Just then, Alice's eyes widened. She recognized this face. It was Zhihao's girlfriend! She clenched her teeth and in a burst of adrenaline, her arms shot up and she started strangling Daiyu.     

Daiyu's eyes widened and she immediately tried to pull Alice's arms away but to no avail.     

Bob, upon seeing what was happening, immediately tried to pin Alice down but the woman had gone mad. Her arms were tense and her muscles had contracted. He tried to pull her away but her joints seemed to have been locked in place.     

Daiyu struggled as hard as she could. She kicked Alice's stomach repeatedly, clawed at her skin in desperation, but the woman just wouldn't budge.     

"Shit! Old man!" Bob screamed for help.     

Butler Tang immediately returned upon hearing the call and when he saw Alice strangling Daiyu, he immediately tried to pull her away. When it didn't work and he saw that Daiyu had begun turning purple, he made the decision and dislocated Alice's arms.     

The girl screamed in pain but finally let go of Daiyu.     

Zhichen, who was alerted by the commotion, entered the room to see Daiyu choking for air. Alice was on the floor, screaming in pain and her arms where in a terrible state. By instinct, he immediately tried to approach her but Bob stopped him.     

"Stay away! She's gone mad!"     

Zhichen clenched his fists.     

"Alice!" He called.     

Recognizing his voice, Alice's eyes widened and she immediately turned towards Zhichen.     

"Zhichen! Help me! Help me please!" She begged.     

Zhichen looked at her. His body wanted to hold her but his heart had pinned his feet to the ground.     

He gritted his teeth.     

He had just read her letters.     

He had just seen through her lies.     

He loved her but… to what extent would he turn a blind eye?     

He clenched his fists, closed his eyes, and turned his back.     

He was done. This was his good bye.     

Alice's eyes widened.     

"Zhichen!" She called.     



Soon, her voice had been drowned out by the sirens. Policemen started flooding the room and Butler Tang assisted them.     

"ZHICHEN!!! LOOK AT ME ZHICHEN!!!" She screamed but he could no longer hear her voice.     

"ZHICHEEEEEN!!!" She continued screaming as the police forcefully dragged her away.     

He refused to face her but he silently cried.     

Today, he gained his brother back but he lost the love of his life.     

His eyes were finally pried open but his heart had been shattered by her lies.     


At the hospital, Zhihao sat next to Victoria's bed, peeling an orange fruit for his mother. He sighed.     

"Why did the maids say you had 'severe injuries' ??? You look perfectly fine to me!!!" He clenched his teeth.     

"Hush. Peel me some more oranges." Victoria instructed as she stared at her perfectly manicured nails.     

Ying Yue giggled. When they arrived, they found Victoria with her head bandaged but other than that, she was good. The doctors said that she had suffered a cut to her scalp but nothing else.     

"Why are you even confined here?! Let's go home already!" Zhihao whined.     

"Ugh. You're really not bright, are you? If I go home now, how are we going to sue Alice and her parents for money?! We need to make my injury as grand as possible!!!"     

Ying Yue laughed. She heard that Victoria was quite the troublemaker in her younger years but she didn't expect her to have kept some of it even up till today.     

Just then, Victoria's phone rang.     

"Tsk. It's your father! Here, answer it."     

"Huh? Why me?"     

"I'm pretending to be unconscious Zhi!!! I can't answer calls when I'm unconscious, can I?!"     


"Uggghh." Zhihao groaned but took the phone from his mom.     

"Hello dad?"     

"Yes. I'm with mom at the hospital. She's… unconscious right now."     

Victoria flashed him two thumbs up and he rolled his eyes.     

"It's alright. I heard that Grandfather Wang is on his way here as we speak. Yes. Yes. Zhichen is at home right now to check on the situation. I'm not sure. I haven't given him a call yet. Alright. Yes. Love you too, dad."     

With that, the phone call ended.     

"Good boy." Victoria patted the sulking boy's head. He sighed.     

"… What happened between you and Alice?" Zhihao asked.     

Victoria clammed up, not wanting to speak.     

"Mom!!!" He glared.     

"It's your fault!" She retorted.     

"Why did you hide her letters from me?!"     

"You went through my room?!"     

"Yes! And be glad that I did! If I didn't, I would have never found out that she was a nasty bitch!!!"     

"But you went through my room!!!"     

"Yes!!! And why do you keep so many lingerie sets inside your drawer?! Since when did you acquire such a despicable hobby?!"     

"Those aren't mine!!!" His eyes widened.     

Victoria gasped.     

"That's even worse!!!"     

"That's not what I –     

"Ugh! I have an idiot pervert for a son!"     


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