I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 157

Chapter 157

0Qiaoling was a maid who worked at the Wang Mansion. She was in a relationship with the family driver, Ma Tingfeng. However, Tingfeng was a delinquent who pushed drugs and gambled on the side. He was only with Qiaoling for her money.     

Chang Tian was the assistant cook back then. He liked Qiaoling and would often scold her for being stupid. He told her to break up with Tingfeng but no matter what he said, she wouldn't listen to him. Powerless, Chang Tian could only help her on the side as she suffered under the man.     

One day, Tingfeng had mixed in with the wrong crowd. He gambled and lost a lot of money. Without means to pay back the debt, he was beaten black and blue. Threatened with death, he begged Qiaoling to seduce Wang Fengge for money and she hesitantly agreed.     

It worked for the first few times but soon, Fengge grew tired of her. When she discovered that she was pregnant, she insisted that it was Fengge's child to keep the relationship. However, Wang Jing found out about it and he sent her away with a huge sum of money. He instructed her to abort the child but Qiaoling refused. After all, she knew that the child inside her was Tingfeng's.     

Using the money, they paid off Tingfeng's debt and he quit working at the Wang Mansion too. However, his bad habits returned and he once again got into a huge debt. In poverty, Qiaoling gave birth to Xiulan.     

Later on, Fengge returned to the country with Luo Mei and a baby Daiyu. At that time, Tingfeng urged Qialoing to return to the mansion and have the child acknowledged. When Wang Jing refused, Tingfeng planned to have Luo Mei killed so that Qiaoling could become the next Madam Wang.     

Qiaoling hesitated but later on agreed. She contacted Chang Tian and asked him to open the back door. She said that she wanted to talk to the old man once again. She told him that if the old man refused to acknowledge the child, at least she hoped that they could give Tingfeng his job back.     

While Chang Tian hesitated to help them, he pitied the child. He knew of Tingfeng's bad habits and the child would surely suffer if the old man didn't take her in. As such, he helped them to get inside the mansion.     

Once inside, Qiaoling took care of the CCTV footage while Tingfeng tampered with the car. When they left that night, they told Chang Tian that they went to see the old man but that the same had refused their request. Not wanting them to go home empty handed, he gave them his salary for that month.     

The next day, Chang Tian left the mansion to buy groceries. He happened to see Wang Fengge's car on his way out. As he was only riding a bicycle, he lagged behind and lost track of the car.     

Soon, however, he found the car crash. Recognizing it as his master's car, he immediately approached it. He saw that the couple in front could no longer be saved. When he found that Daiyu was still alive in the backseat, he broke the window and immediately pulled her out.     

He walked into the streets, calling for help. But they were forty-five minutes away from the city and traffic in the area was scarce. As he continued looking for help, Tingfeng, who was nearby to confirm the death of Luo Mei, approached him and asked him to hand the child over.     

Chang Tian immediately refused because he knew that the man was evil. As they talked and negotiated, Chang Tian began suspecting the man's motives. Why was he conveniently at the site of the car crash?     

Tingfeng, sensing Chang Tian's distrust, began growing impatient. He knew that if he stayed any longer, the police would come and things would be troublesome by then. As such, he tried to pull the child away by force.     

Chang Tian fought back and took Daiyu into his arms. He then immediately began running away. Tingfeng gave chase and they kept running further and further away from the crash site.     

As Tingfeng was about to catch up to them, Chang Tian instructed Daiyu to run away as fast as she could. He lowered the child onto the ground and turned to face Tingfeng. The two then began fighting. Daiyu was afraid. She didn't understand what was going on but the fight began to turn bloody. Frightened, she ran for her life.     

During the scuffle, Chang Tian managed to deal a fatal blow against Tingfeng and the latter fell backwards, hitting his head against the pavement. Chang Tian then heard a scream and when he turned his head backwards, he noticed that a woman had seen them.     

Thinking that he had killed Tingfeng, Chang Tian ran away and went into hiding.     

"Later on, I gathered up the courage to contact Qiaoling. Of course, she was mad at me. She told me that Tingfeng had died. He suffered a severe concussion but Qiaoling had no money to pay for his operation.     

She begged old master Wang for money but the latter refused. At that time, the old master was still busy dealing with the death of the young master and the loss of the young mistress. Without money for the hospital bills, Tingfeng died inside their home.     

As such, Qiaoling swore to have me killed. She told me to keep my mouth shut about the incident where I let her into the mansion. She said that if I ran my mouth, she'd have me jailed too. She said that I was an accomplice. That I killed Wang Fengge too."     

At this point, Chang Tian was sobbing his heart out.     

"I was afraid. With nowhere else to go, I came back to the mansion… because I know… that if there was a place on earth where Qiaoling could never reach me… it was the Wang Mansion."     

Liu Jin paused before turning back to look at Ye Shun. He nodded, signaling him that the man was telling the truth.     

Liu Jin sighed.     

"Uncle Chang… do you have any evidence that Qiaoling and Tingfeng entered the mansion that day?"     

Chang Tian paused and nodded.     

"I have my old cellphone with me. I don't know if it still works but if you can extract the messages from it, maybe you could use it against her."     

Liu Jin nodded.     

"Can I have it?"     

"Of course… but Ah Jin…"     

��Don't worry Uncle Chang." He smiled and patted the man's shoulder.     

"We'll take care of you. But right now, it's best if you stay inside the mansion. Qiaoling has money and power now. If she finds out where you are…"     

Chang Tian nodded.     

"I'll stay here. I won't go anywhere. I… I have nowhere left to go anyway."     

Liu Jin paused before kneeling down and hugging Chang Tian tightly.     

"Uncle Chang… thank you for saving Xiao Yu."     

Chang Tian's eyes widened. Fresh tears began pouring down his face and he hugged him back tightly.     

"Sorry… I'm sorry… Sorry…"     


Now that things have been revealed, the gang sat together inside Daiyu's room, discussing.     

"No wonder the old man can't find the killer. He's already dead." Zhihao sighed.     

"And no wonder we thought that the act was done by a professional… It was an insider all along. Of course they'd both know the ins and outs of the mansion." Bob added.     

They all sighed.     

"Uncle Chang… must have been living in guilt all these years…" Daiyu lowered her head.     

Liu Jin hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead.     

"It's alright now…"     

"Will he help us?" Zhichen asked.     

"Yeah. He handed the phone over and he agreed to be a witness too." Ye Shun answered.     

"He won't face jail time, will he?" Ying Yue asked.     

"No. The fight with Tingfeng was self-defense. And as for letting Qiaoling and Tingfeng inside the mansion, he can't be considered an accomplice since he didn't have the criminal intent that the other two had." Liu Jin answered.     

"But can Qiaoling still be prosecuted? I mean, how long has it been?" Bob asked.     

"Eighteen years. We got two years left before the statute of limitations kicks in."     

"Lucky." Bob grinned.     

"So what do we do next?" Ying Yue asked.     

"First, we have to keep Yi Jie safe since she's almost due to give birth. Shun." Liu Jin turned to face Ye Shun.     

"I'll keep an eye on her." Ye Shun nodded.     

"How's it going on your end?" Liu Jin asked Zhichen.     

"I got the stuff ready. The Cuis often bribe officials and have made several under the table deals. Having the government audit them is not a problem." Zhichen answered.     

"Alright then. We'll leave that to the government. But that's still going to take a while – three months at the shortest."     

"How bout your dad's investigation?" Zhihao asked.     

"They killed the gunman, as expected. But that doesn't matter. We found their base. Fang Bao is getting ready to raid it. Just waiting for the military's side now."     

"Alright. Things seem to be going according to plan." Zhihao answered.     


The group fell into silence.     

"The next few months will be the hardest." Liu Jin started.     

"Since we'll be making our moves, it's inevitable for us to start showing our trump cards. When we file the murder case against Qiaoling, she will know that we have Uncle Chang in our custody. When the government starts auditing the Cuis, she may try to cover the money trail leading to the gunman. If she becomes desperate… she might even come to harm us directly."     

Everyone lowered their heads, sensing the heaviness in the air.     

"So during these times, everyone should be careful. Not only us, we gotta keep our families safe too. Don't give Qiaoling a chance to attack us. If you sense anything wrong, tell the group immediately. Don't hesitate to ask for help."     

Liu Jin paused.     

"Sorry to drag you all into this."     

Zhihao laughed.     

"What are you talking about? Isn't that what family is for? To help you clean up your mess." He grinned and everyone laughed.     

"Besides, wouldn't it be a waste of a second life if we didn't have this much fun?"     

While the others laughed, Zhichen, Daiyu, and Ying Yue looked at them, confused.     

"Second life?" Ying Yue asked.     

The other's stiffened and Zhihao immediately covered his mouth.     

"Zheng. Zhi. Hao. What is going on?"     

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