I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 159

Chapter 159

0After Yi Jie gave birth, winter break soon rolled around. Everyone was busy this year so they postponed their vacations.     

For one, Zhichen and Bob continued working at the Zheng Corporation while keeping an eye on the government's audit. Zhihao continued working on his bank security software while Ying Yue decided to help him.     

Meanwhile, Ye Shun was busy finishing their new home while Yi Jie nursed their newborn baby. Liu Jin, on the other hand, continued his internship while Daiyu took care of Tang Yun.     

While Tang Yun was no longer bed ridden and his health had significantly improved, Wang Jing refused to let him return to work until he was fully healed. As such, he worked on his files at home and taught Daiyu of the inner workings of the company at the same time.     

"What department does daddy handle?" She asked.     

"I'm at the top of the chain. I approve and reject projects."     

"… Then I want to be here – the planning department." She smiled.     


"I've traveled a lot and I've seen a lot of hotels. I have several ideas in mind already. Plus, I can't wait to fix our hotel's kitchen menu." She licked her lips and Tang Yun chuckled.     

"Then I'll leave that to you in the future."     

"You can count on me!" She grinned.     


To celebrate the New Year, everyone had dinner at the Wang Mansion where they set off fireworks. After midnight, they also celebrated Zhihao's birthday together since they were unable to get together on the real date.     

"When this is all over, we have to get drunk again." Zhihao complained.     

Due to the ongoing case against Qiaoling, everyone was careful and avoided going out when not necessary. As such, Zhihao had to cut back on the fun too.     

"Our house should be done by then. We can have a house blessing party there." Ye Shun offered.     


"When will you and Ying Yue get married?" Ye Shun asked.     

"I don't know man… I wanted it to be right after our graduation. But with everything going on, we decided to move it back."     

"Yeah, that's better. At least you don't have to worry about anything else and can just concentrate on being happy."     

Zhihao nodded and smiled.     

"So it's settled! We'll thrash your new place once its complete!"     

"Don't thrash it!" Ye Shun gritted his teeth and everyone laughed.     


When the second semester started, Ye Shun, Ying Yue, Zhihao, and Liu Jin, were even busier. Since this was their last term in university, their schedules were hectic as they did their best to finish all their academic requirements. Daiyu supported them by making their meals and brewing them coffee.     

When May rolled around, the government officially completed auditing the Cuis. As predicted, they came across Qiaoling's money transfer to the underground syndicate which then sent money to Tang Yun's gunman. With the evidence collected, Wang Jing filled another case against Qiaoling.     

"What's wrong?" Liu Jin asked Daiyu who seemed to be in deep thought.     

"… Isn't it all going too well?" She worried.     

"What do you mean?"     

"Qiaoling… We feared her for so long… but now everything seems to be going too smoothly. Doesn't it feel like… we were afraid for nothing?"     

Liu Jin paused.     

"Well, that's what fear does. Sometimes, it makes things seem bigger than it actually is. But also, like you've said, we've feared her for so long. During that time, we grew up, we grew stronger, and we prepared for the future. Now, all of that is paying off." He smiled and ruffled her hair.     

Unknown to Daiyu, Qiaoling did make her moves. However, Liu Jin made sure to keep them hidden from her.     

For one, when the trial against Qiaoling started, none of the Wangs showed up in court. While Wang Jing originally wanted to go and hear Qiaoling's explanation, Liu Jin stopped him.     

"Grandpa. Don't indulge her. Let her suffer alone. She doesn't deserve even a second of your time."     

"But –     

"If you go, you'll only show her that she successfully caught your attention. She might even cry and make a grand speech. Don't go. Don't give her the chance to make you angry. She doesn't deserve it."     

Wang Jing sighed. He wanted to go and see for himself how Qiaoling would suffer under the hands of the law. But Liu Jin was right. Perhaps not going to see her at all was the best revenge. Let her see that all she did, all she had planned for, was all for naught in the end. The Wangs had moved on.     

Aside from the murder and attempted murder charges, Qiaoling also faced divorce proceedings. With how fast she was going down, Cui Cheng knew that he had to save himself. Besides, who in their right minds would want to be with a murderer?     

He was a fool for falling for her tricks. But when it came to business, Cui Cheng was smart. He knew that after paying their fines for the violations pointed out by the government audit, he would still have enough assets to continue the corporation. While it won't be as strong as before, they could still somehow get through in time. But if he kept Qiaoling by his side, the corporation's goodwill will surely be tarnished. As such, he did not hesitate to cut her off.     

"You think this is the end of it?" Qiaoling laughed, her voice resounding through the room.     

"I know more of your company's secrets than anyone. You think I won't drag you down with me?" She grinned.     

On the other side of the glass window, Cui Cheng felt a shiver run down his spine. This woman was crazy!     


When June came, the family celebrated Daiyu's twenty-first birthday. They held a small party at the Wang Mansion and by this time, Tang Yun was well enough to join them.     

"Daddy, come here!" Daiyu excitedly called.     

Tang Yun walked over to her side and she wrapped her arms around his.     


They both faced the camera and Liu Jin took a photo of them together.     

Daiyu then posted this photo using BBunnY's official social media account. The caption was 'Lucky to spend my twenty-first birthday with you!'     

After the gunman was identified, the reward money was given as promised. Daiyu also recorded another video thanking the fans for their cooperation and support. With the heat generated by the hype, the nation closely followed the case of Qiaoling. They saw the Cui's audit, the discovery of the money trail, the link between Qiaoling and the gunman, her arrest, her prosecution, and now, Tang Yun's recovery. Of course, the nation could not help but feel happy.     

'Happy birthday, BBunnY! So happy for you and your family!'     

'Glad to see your dad is fine now! May you get the happy ending you deserve!'     

'A toast to you and your dad! May they drag that bitch down!'     


When the month ended, Ying Yue, Zhihao, Ye Shun, and Liu Jin officially graduated from the university. During their graduation ceremony, BBunnY made a surprise performance and sang three songs for the crowd.     

After the top graduate made his speech, the graduates stood up, threw their caps, and the ceremony was officially finished.     

"TIME TO GET DRUUUUUUNK!!!" Zhihao cheered and everyone laughed. He was famous among the batch and everyone knew him as the happy party guy with the hot girlfriend.     

Following his happy mood, most of the graduates joined the after party at the Zheng Residences. Of course, they were not disappointed. There were free flowing drinks, a buffet, and Bob even grilled for them.     

As the party began to reach its peak, Zhihao gathered everyone's attention. He knelt down in front of Ying Yue and pulled out a bright yellow velvet box. Inside was a beautiful ring in the shape of a sunflower.     

"Oh my god. Are those yellow diamonds?!"     

"Huh? Are those expensive?"     

"Are you crazy? The smallest one sold for $16 million dollars a few years back! And look at how many there are in that single ring alone!"     

Soon, the crowd quieted down and Zhihao began his speech.     

"Uh… hi." He smiled shyly.     

Ying Yue and the crowd laughed.     

"Xiao Yue… will you take me in as your kid and raise me?"     

Everyone laughed again.     

"I can't promise you much… and I don't know what the future holds… But I do know that I want to be with you… to make you laugh, to watch you smile, and to wipe away your tears… I… I want to grow old with you." He smiled.     

"We'll start our family together… I'll be your husband, your best friend, your cheerleader, and your naughtiest son."     

Ying Yue laughed and wiped away a tear.     

"I'll love you always… no matter how cranky you get… even if you throw me out of bed, hoard the blanket, or finish the fries I specifically ordered for myself."     

She laughed.     

"You will always be my number one… second to mom."     

Ying Yue laughed and pinched his cheek. He grinned.     

"Will you marry me?"     

Ying Yue smiled. She cupped his cheeks, bent down and kissed his lips.     

"Of course."     

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