I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 162

Chapter 162

0Daiyu saw that everyone was present to celebrate her twenty-fifth birthday with her – the Zhengs, the Lius, the Yes, Tang Yun and Wang Jing, and all the mansion staff too. She smiled, her eyes sparkling brightly.     

As everyone began singing the birthday song, Daiyu looked behind her and saw Liu Jin approaching her with a cake in hand. She saw him smiling at her and she couldn't help but giggle.     

After the song ended, everyone cheered for her to make a wish. She closed her eyes and blew out the candles.     

"Happy Birthday!!!"     

Ying Yue and Yi Jie then led her to the table were a sumptuous meal was spread out.     

"Wow! Uncle Chang, did you make all these?!" Daiyu asked and Chang Tian nodded happily.     

After Qiaoling's prosecution, he returned to the Wang Mansion and continued working as the head chef.     

"Uncle Jin!"     

"Uncle Jin Jin!"     


The triplets hurriedly tackled Liu Jin, almost tripping him.     

"You three monkeys! Get off me!"     

The triplets giggled and began climbing onto his back. Daiyu laughed as she watched him struggle to make his way towards the table.     

"Daiyu-jiejie!" Meili came to greet her with Mingli behind her. They were turning seventeen this year.     

"Happy birthday!" Mingli smiled and handed her a paper bag.     

Daiyu paused, a sense of nostalgia washing over her. Every year, Mingli's features grew more and more like Liu Jin. His smile just now looked just like Liu Jin's signature boy next-door smile. But unlike Liu Jin who had an aloof side, Mingli was very approachable and friendly.     

Daiyu sighed.     

"My babies are all grown up now." She pouted and the twins laughed.     

"Then its time to make new ones." Liu Jin teased as he hugged her from behind.     

Daiyu blushed before turning her head away.     

"Hmp! You haven't even proposed to me yet!"     

As she said that, everyone turned to face her, a hidden meaning concealed behind their smiles.     

The night continued to progress and soon, soft music started playing. Liu Jin took Daiyu to the dance floor and they started to slow dance. Daiyu smiled as she looked up to him.     

This face… it now had a few stress lines. But it was still the most handsome face in Daiyu's eyes.     

"What are you thinking about?" Liu Jin asked.     

Daiyu smiled and tiptoed to kiss him.     

"My fiancé is so handsome!"     

He chuckled, his low and husky voice filling her ears.     

"You too… you're always beautiful, Xiao Yu…"     

Daiyu giggled.     

Just then she noticed some movement behind them. She turned her head towards the commotion and saw the Zheng brothers dressed in matching suits and ties. Not far from them, Ye Shun wore the same thing as he sat in front of a bongo drum.     

"Ehem." Zhihao coughed.     

After counting to three, the three brothers began singing.     

Daiyu raised a brow.     

'What on earth…?'     

"Pretty Xiao Yu,     

I will always love you.     

Even if you turn fat."     

"HEY!" Daiyu complained and everyone laughed.     

"Pretty Xiao Yu,     

I'll always take care of you.     

Even if you eat more than me."     


"Pretty Xiao Yu,     

I want to marry you,     

Will you marry me?"     

Daiyu paused and her eyes slowly widening. She quickly turned her back and saw Liu Jin kneeling in front of her, a bouquet of chicken legs in one hand and a ring on the other. Daiyu covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes tearing up.     

"Pretty Xiao Yu,     

I want to stay by your side.     

Will you be my bride?"     

Daiyu laughed, a tear rolling down her cheek. She extended her hand and Liu Jin immediately slipped the ring onto her finger. He stood up and handed her the bouquet.     

"Xiao Yu…" Liu Jin inhaled deeply.     

"Will you marry me?" He smiled, his eyes sparkling brightly.     

Daiyu stared at him, her heart full to the brim. She had never seen him this excited before.     

She smiled and nodded.     

"I will."     

Liu Jin grinned and immediately lifted her up from her waist.     

"Wait! My chicken bouquet will fall!"     

Everyone laughed at her concern.     

Ying Yue quickly approached them and took the bouquet from her. Liu Jin then spinned Daiyu around before lowering her down and kissing her deeply.     



"Ow, ow, ow!"     

The triplets covered their eyes but peeked through their fingers. Tang Yun bent down and covered their eyes.     

"Grandpa!" They giggled and hugged him.     


As the party ended, everyone slowly returned home. Only Daiyu and Liu Jin were left in the garden as they talked the night away over a bottle of wine and her chicken bouquet.     

"Whose idea was it to sing?" Daiyu asked.     

"Zhihao." Liu Jin sighed and Daiyu laughed.     

"Who wrote the song?"     

"He did along with Bob."     

"Bob?" Daiyu raised a brow and Liu Jin nodded.     

"I wanted it to be a normal proposal but Zhihao said that I was too boring. So he wrote the song and forced Zhichen to sing along with them."     

Daiyu laughed, remembering Zhichen's reluctant face earlier.     

"When did you start planning this?"     

"Last year." Liu Jin grinned.     

"Really? That long?!"     

He chuckled. He paused and looked at her.     

"Xiao Yu…"     

"Mmm?" She asked as she bit on a chicken leg.     

Liu Jin gently tucked away a stray hair behind her ear.     

"Thank you for choosing me…"     

Daiyu paused before smiling.     

"There has never been anyone else."     


Ying Yue recorded the proposal last night and Zhihao posted it onto his social media account with the caption 'Finally!' Word immediately spread and soon, invitations were sent out.     

Liu Jin had been planning for everything since last year so things were running smoothly. It turns out that he had everything booked already.     

"What about the gown?" Daiyu asked.     

"Zhenzhen made one for you."     

"Wow." Daiyu's eyes widened.     

"The venue?"     

"Dad chose it last year."     

"The decorations?"     


"… Food?"     

"Not yet." He grinned.     

Daiyu's eyes sparkled.     

"I want to choose the food!"     

Liu Jin chuckled and nodded.     


One fine September afternoon, inside a hotel room, Daiyu sat in front of the mirror as the stylist did the final touches on her hair and makeup.     


"Done!" The stylist smiled.     

Daiyu stood up and Ying Yue assisted her to change into her wedding gown. It was a beautiful white dress studded with diamonds and pearls. It had a long dress train measuring five feet long and it was heavily embellished with gold embroidery.     

Daiyu inhaled deeply.     

"Nervous?" Yi Jie asked and Daiyu nodded, her eyes a bit teary.     

"Don't cry! Your makeup!" Nana scolded, making Daiyu laugh.     


Nana smiled.     

"I've always looked forward to this day… my Ah Jin is definitely lucky to have you." She said as she gently stroked Daiyu's hair.     

Daiyu bit her lip, trying her best to suppress her tears.     

"Now you two may have been together for a long time. But marriage is a different animal. You'll have more fights than you expect… and sometimes you'll even hate each other… but marriage is not all about feelings. Its an everyday decision you make – a decision where you choose to stay.     

But Xiao Yu…"     

Nana paused.     

"If ever… If ever things get too hard… if he ever starts hurting you… don't bite your tongue and bear it. Be brave and walk away." She smiled.     

"Mom will understand. Mom will always be on your side."     

Daiyu sobbed and Ying Yue immediately dried her eyes with a napkin.     

"Don't cry!"     

They laughed and Nana hugged her tightly.     


Daiyu sat inside the car as they made their way towards a church on top of a hill overlooking the city.      

As they made they way in front of the church, Tang Yun opened the door and helped her out of the car.     

"Xiao Yu… you're so beautiful…" He said as he looked at her with teary eyes.     

Daiyu giggled.     

"Daddy are you sad?"     

Tang Yun smiled.     

"No. I'm happy for you." He said as he hooked their arms together.     

"Dad is your number one fan, remember?"     

Daiyu smiled and nodded.     


Inside the church, Liu Jin stood at the altar dressed in a black suit. Beside him, Zhihao was nervously stretching.     

"Calm down!" Liu Jin gritted his teeth.     

"B-But –      

The heavy wooden doors opened, interrupting them. They immediately turned their attention towards it and watched as the triplets entered. They showered the carpet with flowers, jumping up and down.     

Soon, the silhouette of a woman emerged from the light.     

Daiyu took a step inside with Tang Yun beside her.     

Liu Jin inhaled deeply, clenching his fists. He watched as she approached him closer step by step, his heart beating louder and louder.     

"X-Xiao Yu is so beautiful…!" Zhihao began ugly crying.     

Liu Jin nodded.     

Daiyu's face was covered with a veil. But Liu Jin knew she was beautiful. She was always beautiful.     

As they reached the altar, Tang Yun let go of her arm.     

"Ah Jin… Take care of her for me."     

Liu Jin smiled and nodded.     

To the side, Wang Jing and Honghui watched with teary eyes. They had been waiting for this day for so long.     

Soon, the ceremony began and the couple said their vows. Mian Mian came and brought their rings for them. Liu Jin lifted Daiyu's veil and looked into her eyes.     

He paused, a single tear rolling down his face.     

"Not even a lifetime can separate us…"     

Daiyu smiled, her own tears rolling down her cheeks. He then bent down and kissed her deeply.     

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