I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

0Over the years, as Daiyu's career flourished, so did Liu Jin's. He made a name for himself as a famous investigator – one who solves difficult cases, revives cold cases and finally puts an end to them. Beside him, he had Zhihao – a man who was well-known in the anti-cybercrime community. The two of them worked together as partners and everyone around them thought they'd continue down this road forever.      

But at some point, they came across a case that would soon change their lives.     

Yu Yanlin.     

Over the years when Yanlin was left unattended by the police, he managed to establish a complex underground syndicate. He silently grew stronger in the dark, amassing wealth, power, and men. When the opportunity arose, he came out to collect an old debt against Shuren.     

Seemingly overnight, the entire Liu Enterprise was thrown into chaos. Their projects were sabotaged, their systems hacked, and their stock prices plummeted. Amidst the turmoil, Honghui's old body couldn��t take the stress and he collapsed. He was rushed to the hospital where he stayed for several days. Wang Jing stayed beside his old friend the entire time. But in the end… Honghui didn't make it.     

During Honghui's funeral, Shuren was seething with anger. He vowed to get revenge but Nana stopped him. He was no longer young. He couldn't be so brash. Besides, at that point in time, the Liu Enterprise needed him the most. As such, he could only grit his teeth and endure for now.     

It was Liu Jin who took up the mantle. He worked on the case with Zhihao. They investigated Yu Yanlin, his men, and their syndicate. Of course, things did not go smoothly and they encountered several road blocks along the way. Daiyu was always afraid for Liu Jin's safety but she could only hope for the best.     

During that time, Daiyu gave birth to another child. It was a boy and they named him Wang Wu. He took up the Wang surname since they planned for him to inherit the Wang Conglomerate in the future.     

Little Wu was very precious. He took after his father's features and was very handsome. But he was also chubby and had a bright personality like Daiyu.     

"Ah Wu is so adorable!" Yi Jie said as she pinched his chubby cheeks.     

Little Wu giggled happily inside his crib     

"Mom! Mommy! Yanyu also wants to see baby brother!" Yanyu said as she jumped up and down excitedly.     

Daiyu giggled and carried her to show her the baby. Yanyu stared hard.     

"Baby… Yanyu loves you!" She said as she gently kissed his cheek.     

Little Wu blinked his big eyes and smiled.     

"Oh! He likes you too, Yan'er!" Daiyu said and Yanyu giggled happily.     

As Ah Wu grew up, Liu Jin continued investigating Yu Yanlin's case. At the same time, the Liu Enterprise slowly started stabilizing again with the help of the Wang Conglomerate. Wang Jing was still saddened by Honghui's death but Ah Wu and Yanyu made his days brighter.     

"Grandpaw Jing Jing!" Yanyu called as she pointed towards the photo album.     

"Paw Jing Jing!" Ah Wu copied. He was three years younger than Yanyu and she patiently taught him how to speak. Right now, she was teaching him the names of their family and friends.     

Wang Jing chuckled as he listened to them.     

"How bout this? Do you know who this is, Ah Wu?" Yanyu asked as she pointed towards a picture of the triplets.     

Ah Wu paused before shaking his head.     

"Zihan-gege! Yanyu-jiejie's boyfriend!" Yanyu introduced.     

"WHAT?!" Wang Jing stood up abruptly in protest.     

Three years after the start of Yu Yanlin's investigation, Zhihao and Liu Jin finally managed to pin him down. The military raided his base, detained his men, and froze his assets. Seeing years of his hard work easily crushed and taken away from him, anger and desperation blinded him. In a final struggle against them, Yanlin abducted Shuren.     

Shuren was on his way home when his car was ambushed. When Fang Bao tried to save him by shielding his body, Shuren pushed him away.     


Shuren smiled.     

"My children have grown. You have more ahead of you."     

Those were his last words before Yanlin's men took him away forcibly.     

When news broke out about Shuren's abduction, the gang quickly met up. It was a rush against time and they knew they had to find him before Yanlin's patience runs out. They searched everywhere and used all the connections they've amassed through the years.     

Finally, Liu Jin found his father.     

He was detained inside a warehouse just outside the city. Not wanting to alert Yanlin and his men, Liu Jin went alone. Unknown to him, Zhihao followed closely behind.     

When he got to the warehouse, Zhihao helped him take down Yanlin's men. Already expecting this outcome, Yanlin set off the trap he prepared beforehand and the entire warehouse was set ablaze. If he couldn't get out alive, none of them would either.     

In the end, Shuren was safe but Liu Jin was shot twice, one of which hit his right leg. A burning beam had also fallen onto his shoulder and he was burned.     

After pulling Shuren out of the burning building, Zhihao came back for Liu Jin. He saw that Yanlin had been fatally injured too.      

With the last of his strength, Yanlin crawled towards the gun and grabbed it. He pointed it against Liu Jin and pulled the trigger.      

But the bullet has run out.     

And Zhihao had arrived.     

He dragged Liu Jin out as he watched Yanlin laughing hysterically amidst the flames.     


Liu Jin was sent to the hospital. After recuperating, the doctor said that he would regain control of his right leg but that he would retain a slight limp for the rest of his life.     

"It's okay, Uncle Jin. My daddy knows how to make good legs. He can make one for you too." Kai said as he tried to comfort him.     

Liu Jin smiled and ruffled his hair.     

Burn marks crawled up all the way to his neck. They formed a scar on his skin… and a scar on Daiyu's heart. He lost count of the times he woke up at night to find Daiyu silently crying.     

"Xiao Yu…"     

"Don't leave me Jin… don't leave me…" She sobbed.     

He could only hug her and dry her tears.     

Deciding that it was too selfish of him to continue fieldwork, Liu Jin retired behind the desk. He handled paperwork instead. He assigned workloads, directed the field of investigation, and trained new people. In the end, he became the chief of the bureau.     

Zhihao followed suit and retired from fieldwork too. Instead, he focused on cyber security and became a leading figure in the field of his expertise.     


As the adults matured like good wine, the children grew up too.     

"Uncle Zhihao!" Ah Wu called in his milky voice.     

"Ah Wuuuuuuu!!!" Zhihao cooed as he bent down to catch the little milk bun.     

Unlike his father, Ah Wu loved Zhihao very much. Zhihao was his favorite uncle and he often visited the Zheng Residences just to see him. Of course, Zhihao was very pleased.     

"You're so cute baby! I'm so happy that you don't have your father's attitude!" He said as he peppered his face with kisses.     

Ying Yue laughed as she listened to her husband.     

"What's wrong with daddy?" Ah Wu asked.     

"Your father loves me very much but he's too shy to admit it!"     

That night, Ah Wu visited Daiyu and Liu Jin's room.     

"Daddy…" He called.     

Liu Jin gently lifted Ah Wu up and sat him down on his lap.     


"Daddy, Ah Wu knows you love Uncle Zhihao!"     

"HAHAHAHA!" Daiyu burst out laughing and Liu Jin immediately frowned.     

"Do you love Uncle Zhihao more than mommy?" Ah Wu asked innocently.     

"NO!" Liu Jin immediately denied.     

"Daddy, it's bad to lie!"     

"I'm not lying!!!"     

"Daddy should be more honest!"     

Daiyu couldn't help it. At this point, she was clutching her stomach from laughing.     

"Ah Wu, I don't love your Uncle Zhihao." Liu Jin clarified sternly.     

Ah Wu paused before nodding.     

"I know! Daddy is too shy to admit it!"     



Another year came and went and soon, Wang Jing followed his good friend.     

During his funeral, Tang Yun and Daiyu wept silently, deeply saddened by his passing.     

"Mommy… mommy don't cry anymore…" Yanyu gently wiped her mother's cheeks.     

Daiyu kissed her forehead and hugged her tightly.     

"Mommy… it's owkay now. Grandpaw Jing Jing is happy too. I'm sure!!!"     

Daiyu paused.     

"Grandpaw Jing Jing is with grandpaw Honghui now and Nao Nao too!" She smiled brightly.     

Before, when she and Ah Wu played in the garden, Daiyu had introduced them to Nao Nao when they asked about his statue. They know him as Wang Jing's best friend.     

"Nao Nao has waited too long! Now they – they can play again."     

Daiyu bit her lip. She nodded and the tears continued streaming down her face.     

"You're right. Nao Nao has waited for a long time. Now, they're together again."     

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