I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 30

Chapter 30


Liu Jin assisted Daiyu back to the center of the stage and she resumed accepting gifts. Meanwhile, Zhihao went to look for popcorn and a proper explanation why Daiyu should stop calling it porn.


On his way to fulfill the errand, he saw a small girl in a yellow gown. She held a book with one hand a red rose on the other. She was dressed as Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

"Xiao Yue."

The girl turned her head and faced him. Unconsciously, he had called out to her. Surprised at his own actions, he began walking away, pretending that nothing happened.

Liu Jin, who saw the interaction from afar, frowned. That bastard was always so bold around him but turns into a meek sheep the moment he sees her?! Was he all talk?!


"Xiao Yu."

Daiyu turned her head and saw her grandfather calling for her. She trotted over to him and held his hand. Liu Jin followed behind her closely.

"Xiao Yu, this is your uncle, Luo Wenzhou, and this is your cousin, Luo Yunxi. Go and greet them."

"Hello uncle! Hello cousin!" She smiled, her chubby cheeks raising.

Wenzhou bent down to take a good look at her face.

"She looks just like Mei Mei." He smiled bitterly.

"Yunxi, come here." He stood up and called his son.

"Daiyu, this is Yunxi. He's older than you so he'll be your big brother, okay?"

Daiyu nodded and looked up to her cousin. The boy was twelve and looked kind and reserved.

"Hello, Yunxi-gege! You are very handsome!"

Yunxi blushed and Wang Jing laughed. It seems that Daiyu had a thing for handsome men.

Liu Jin's ears twitched.

'Handsome? I'm the handsome-gege! That's my role!' He frowned.

Meanwhile, Zhihao had arrived. Unable to read the atmosphere as usual, he barged into the conversation.

"Here, Daiyu. Popcorn."

"Yay! Por –

"Cupine! You sure love animals! Hahaha!" Zhihao covered her mouth and finished her sentence for her.

Liu Jin sighed and took the popcorn from him.

"Grandfather Wang, we'll go play now." Liu Jin looked up to Wang Jing and the old man nodded.

"Go. Take care of Daiyu for me."

Liu Jin nodded. He held Daiyu's hand and gently led her away.

"Buh-bye uncle! Buh-bye Yunxi-gege!" She happily waved as they walked away.

"Will you be going back to America?" Wang Jing asked.

"Yes. Business there still hasn't been settled. It'll take a few years but we'll surely return and settle down here." Wenzhou replied.

Wang Jing nodded.

"That's good. I'm sure Daiyu would want more family around as well." The old man sighed as he looked at his granddaughter from afar. He didn't want her to have a lonely childhood.


The rest of the party went by without a hitch. Soon, it was time for everyone to go home. Daiyu had too much fun that by the end of the night, she had fallen asleep in Liu Jin's arms. Wang Jing laughed when he saw the small child asleep in another equally small child's arms.

"I'm sorry Ah Jin." He bent down and proceeded to carry Daiyu away. When Daiyu felt Liu Jin's warmth leaving her, she frowned and started struggling in her sleep.


Wang Jing raised a brow and returned the child to Liu Jin. Liu Jin gently patted her back and her frown disappeared. She buried her head onto Liu Jin's neck and peacefully resumed her sleep. Wang Jing chuckled.

Meanwhile, Zhihao was asleep too. In Butler Tang's arms.

Liu Jin sighed. This bastard was really enjoying the life of a seven-year-old.


The next day, Daiyu woke up extra early to open the gifts she had received.

"Xiao Yu, did you like your gifts?" Wang Jing asked over lunch. It was a Sunday and he stayed home to spend time with Daiyu.

Daiyu nodded.

"Which gift did you like the most?"

"Jin-gege's gift!"

Liu Jin smiled smugly upon hearing her reply.

"Oh? What did he get you?"

Daiyu ran out the room. A few minutes later, she ran back inside and showed her grandfather a little notepad. Each page had a few words scribbled on them. He chuckled upon reading them.

'A pat from Jin-gege.'

'A hug from Jin-gege.'

'A date with Jin-gege.'

This brat was smarter than he thought.

He didn't know that the last few pages of the pad were all

'XXX with Jin-gege.'

'XXX massage from Jin-gege.'

'1 hour XXX from Jin-gege.'


Just like that, Daiyu continued her peaceful days with her Jin-gege. Before long, the month was up and it was finally time for Shuren and Nana to come home.

Liu Jin frowned at the thought. He didn't want to live away from his Daiyu.

"Are you not anxious?" Zhihao asked.

"About what?"

"You know, Lanfen. Isn't this the part where the reincarnated protagonist plans his revenge plot against his evil stepmother?"

"I'm a seven-year-old kid. Kids should rely more on their parents. Dad will do the dirty work for me."

"Aren't you sly?" Zhihao smirked.

"My goal with Daiyu in choosing a second life is not to waste it on revenge." He stroked Daiyu's hair as she continued drawing while sitting on his lap, unaware of her surroundings.

"I just want to watch her grow up, see her smile, fall in love, and eventually grow old together with her."

"You mean, like a stalker?"

Liu Jin gritted his teeth.

"Stalker?! You're the stalker! Your whole family are stalkers!!!"

"Shut up! Pedo!" Zhihao retorted.

"Says the guy who's so in love with a little girl that he couldn't even talk to her properly! What are you? A high school girl?!"

"W-what?! You saw that?!!"

"Of course, I did!"

"It's not my fault! She's so cute!" Zhihao pulled on his own hair in exasperation.

"Whatever! Wasn't she dressed as Belle? Then doesn't that make you the Beast? Hah! How fitting for a predator!"

"Shut up! You're the original pedo! You're Pedo:trade_mark: !!!" Zhihao gritted his teeth.

Daiyu giggled as she observed her big brother's fighting.

"What's a pedo?"

"ZHENG. ZHI. HAO!!!" Liu Jin balled his fists. This bastard was the root of all their problems!

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