I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 23 - NSFW

Chapter 23 - NSFW


Liu Jin gently tugged the sheets away from Daiyu's body. Soon, her ample breasts were revealed and her beautiful curves enticed him.


"Xiao Yu…" He gave a low groan as he felt his member hardening.

He bent down and kissed her breasts, blowing on her nipples and causing them to stiffen.

"J-Jin?" Daiyu woke up, feeling extreme warmth on her chest.

"Xiao Yu…" He looked up and kissed her deeply.

"Mmm… Jin." She moaned into his lips. She faced him and saw his eyes glazed over with lust. She shivered and blushed. He smirked.

He then started trailing wet kisses down her body, starting from her neck, down to her breast, to her navel, and then to her crotch, making sure to leave his marks along the way.

Resting her smooth legs on his shoulders, he stared into her deepest part before kissing its lips.

"Mmm…" Daiyu moaned with a blush.

He then began thrusting his tongue inside her.

"Ahn!" She moaned.

When she was wet enough, he got up to his knees.

He then started rubbing himself with one hand. His other hand ran through his hair as he stared down at her, licking his lips.

Daiyu watched, observing as his member turned stiffer and stiffer. He smirked.

"Xiao Yu." He bent down and kissed her.

"Can I?" He whispered close to her lips.

She blushed and nodded shyly.

"Really?" He kissed her.

"D-don't ask me." She closed her eyes tightly in embarrassment.

He chuckled.

"Xiao Yu..." He started rubbing the head of his member against her entrance.

"I want you, Xiao Yu!" He growled into her ear before suddenly thrusting his entire length inside her.

"Ahn!" Daiyu's eyes widened with shock.

He then began pounding into her, his hips rocking back and forth with much strength. He watched as her breasts bounced up and down and he shivered with delight.

He bent down and bit her nipple hard while his other hand squeezed her breast tightly.


He then thrusted his member inside her as hard as he could.

"N-no! Too deep!" She moaned and he smirked.

He continued moving his hips, hitting her deepest parts.

Daiyu felt her mind muddled from the pleasure. Her hands clung to his back as her nails dug into his skin.

"Ah! Jin!"

He watched as her face contorted in pleasure.

"Feels so good inside you…" He whispered huskily into her ears.

Feeling the climax nearing, he let out a groan as he began thrusting faster and faster, adrenaline rushing through his veins.

"Xiao Yu… Xiao Yu…" He moaned.

However, just before he could cum, he woke up.


Groggily, he opened his eyes and saw Zhihao's leg against his face. The boy had tossed and turned in his sleep so much that he had kicked Liu Jin awake.

A vein popped in Liu Jin's head as he gritted his teeth angrily.

"Fucking bastard!" He tossed Zhihao's leg aside. He then took a pillow and covered Zhihao's head with it.


Zhihao woke up to find Liu Jin trying to suffocate him with a pillow.

"W-what the fuck man?!" He struggled and before long, both boys were wrestling in bed.

Soon, Zhihao was on top of Liu Jin, his hands grasping the latter's wrists tightly.

At that moment, Butler Tang entered the room with a knock.

"Young maste–

Butler Tang gave them an uncomfortable look.

"… Forgive me. I shall excuse myself." He bowed and left the room hurriedly.

"N-no! Wait! I can explain!" Zhihao shouted as he quickly got off Liu Jin to stop the ambiguous position they found themselves in.

Liu Jin brushed himself off as Zhihao continued to wail.

"WaaaaaAAAaaaaiiitttttt!" Zhihao pulled his own hair in exasperation.

"Jin-gege?" Daiyu rubbed the sleep away from her eyes. She had been awoken by the commotion.

"Xiao Yu!" Liu Jin looked at her with an excited face, happy that he could finally rinse his eyes of Zhihao's ugly mug.

Daiyu blushed. This was the first time that her Jin-gege called her that… and she liked it!

She crawled her way towards Liu Jin and buried her head onto his chest, taking in his warmth.

"Jin-gege! Call me Xiao Yu from now on, pwease!" She looked up to him with big bright eyes.

He chuckled and patted her head.

"Okay." He bent down and kissed her forehead.

She blushed but giggled in happiness.

"Jin-gege! Daiyu likes you a lot!" She beamed.

Liu Jin blushed and smiled down at her happily.

"Can you not?" Zhihao interrupted their touching moment.

Liu Jin instantly frowned upon hearing the boy's voice.

"Butler Tang now think's we're gay!" He panicked.

"No. He thinks YOU'RE gay." Liu Jin corrected him.

"YOU'RE not helping!" Zhihao gritted his teeth.

"And YOU'RE not straight!" Liu Jin retorted.


Breakfast that morning was lovely.

Daiyu ate happily, enjoying the fresh hot buttered toast in front of her while listening to the beautiful voices of Liu Jin and Zhihao bickering. They called each other names, jabbed their elbows at each other's sides, and continued squabbling back and forth. But to Daiyu, all was at peace.

Ah. What a lovely morning.

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