I'll Tell You Every Day

Chapter 35

Chapter 35


Nana, Liu Jin, and Daiyu spent some more time playing in the garden before a maid called for their attention.

"Madam Liu, Master Liu has arrived." The maid bowed and Shuren entered the garden.

"Honey." Nana smiled upon seeing him. She walked towards Shuren to welcome him before kissing his cheek softly. Shuren wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed her back.

"Father." Liu Jin greeted and Shuren nodded.

Meanwhile, Daiyu stared at the man that she was seeing for the first time.

'A big Jin-gege!' Her eyes turned into little stars and she stared even harder.

Feeling little eyes on him, Shuren glanced down and saw a small chubby girl staring at him with sparkling eyes.

"D-daddy!" Daiyu greeted him with her arms extended, expecting to be picked up.

Shuren raised a brow.

Nana and Liu Jin tensed up. They forgot about this ice block!

'Oh no. Please don't reject her.' Nana started internally panicking and Liu Jin began thinking up all sorts of ways to appease a brokenhearted Daiyu.

After a moment of silence passed without Shuren reacting, Daiyu spoke up again.

"Daddy?" She tilted her head to one side, wondering why Shuren wasn't picking her up.

"Ah Hone–


To Nana and Liu Jin's surprise, Shuren bent down and picked the child up to his eye level. Daiyu smiled widely.

"Daddy!" She giggled.

Shuren chuckled.

"I didn't know I had such a cute daughter." He commented.

Nana started sweating.

'Is this the end of the world? Shuren's being kind to a child?!'

"Daddy! W-welcome home." Daiyu shyly greeted.

Shuren looked at her amusedly before carrying her so that one arm was wrapped around her back while the other was positioned so that she could sit on it comfortably.

Nana stared at her husband with eyes full of adoration. Shuren looked so good carrying a daughter!

"So? What's my new daughter's name?" He asked.

"H-hello, daddy. My name is Daiyu." She blushed.

Shuren observed her face and stared at her chubby cheeks before nodding. He approved of this new daughter.

"Hello, Daiyu." He greeted back.

Daiyu smiled happily and softly planted a kiss on his cheek.

'A big Jin-gege is even more handsome!'

Meanwhile, Liu Jin looked at his father with jealousy. Daiyu had been staring at Shuren with a blushing face for some time now and he didn't like it.

"Father! You can't cheat on mom. Daiyu is mine." He gritted his teeth.

Shuren looked down at him and chuckled, not taking his son's words seriously at all.

"Let's go get lunch." He faced Nana, ignoring Liu Jin.

"Oh right. Let's go!" Nana smiled and hooked her arm around his. They started walking back towards the mansion with Daiyu still in Shuren's arms.

"Father!" Liu Jin chased after them angrily.


"Uncle Wang." Shuren greeted Wang Jing as he entered the dining hall.

Wang Jing nodded before turning his head to face the door. The sight that greeted him next surprised him. Shuren carried Daiyu in his arms while the child had her own arms wrapped around the man's neck.

Wang Jing raised a brow. He didn't think Shuren was the type to like children but seeing him now, he looked like the kind of father who would spoil his daughter.

"Grandpaw!" Daiyu greeted him excitedly but didn't hop off Shuren's arms to run to her grandfather like she usually did.

Wang Jing chuckled.

"Xiao Yu, did you have a good sleep?"

Daiyu nodded vigorously.

Wang Jing smiled.

"Alright. Come. Sit down now. It's time to eat."

Everyone then began taking their seats. Wang Jing sat at the head of the table with Shuren to his right and Liu Jin to his left. Nana sat next to Shuren while Daiyu sat next to Liu Jin.

During their meal, Nana would fuss over both children busily, taking care of their drinks, and making sure they had enough to eat.

"Daddy, fish pwease." Daiyu asked Shuren kindly while she swung her little legs on her seat. The dish was too far and she couldn't reach it.

Shuren took a large portion of the fish and deboned it before placing it onto Daiyu's plate.

"Thank you." Daiyu happily resumed eating.

Wang Jing observed the interaction amusedly.

Realizing that he might have offended the old man, Shuren turned to face Wang Jing before apologizing.

"I'm sorry Uncle, I didn't mean any offense against Fengge."

Wang Jing waved his hand.

"There's nothing to apologize for. In fact, it would do this old man a huge favor if you continue to indulge her."

While admittedly, Wang Jing wasn't completely comfortable with Daiyu calling another man her father, he was happy that the child could experience parental love. The dead cannot come back. It was for the best that Daiyu can continue living happily.

Meanwhile, Liu Jin observed the entire ordeal with a pout. Why didn't Daiyu ask him? He was nearer to her. He could have reached for the fish too.

Shuren noticed his son sulking and chuckled. So this brat likes Wang Jing's granddaughter? Well, he didn't mind. If he was going to gain a future daughter-in-law anyway, he might as well have one as cute as this.

He turned his head to look at the child eating heartily. Daiyu noticed his stare and stopped eating before smiling widely. Shuren chuckled. Liu Jin pouted.

"Father, stop flirting in front of mom!"

Shuren chuckled even more. Well, his son's angry face was rather cute too.


For the next few days, Shuren stayed at the Wang Mansion, enjoying his time with his family and his new daughter. There was not much to do with Kang Wei and Yanlin at each other's throats. The military was likewise having a field day, productively tracking the underground ring leaders and planning their next move to capture them successfully.

Lanfen was also enjoying her time in the arms of different men. They were very gentle with her, keeping her well fed and drugged out of her mind.


Meanwhile, Liu Jin was suffering. Suffering from jealousy.

Daiyu had been paying less attention to him now that she had a mom and dad. She was having the time of her life with Nana and Shuren spoiling her.

"Jin-gege!" Daiyu opened his bedroom door and peeked inside, calling his name. Liu Jin continued sulking, his back faced against her as he laid in bed.

"Jin-gege!" She called again but he didn't answer.

Daiyu pouted. Was he asleep? She gently closed the door and trotted over to Liu Jin, climbing onto the bed and taking a peek at his face.

"Jin-gege!" She called upon seeing that his eyes were open.

No answer.


No answer.

"Jin-gege!" She bent down and kissed his cheek.

Still no answer.

Daiyu pouted.

"What's wrong?"

"Xiao Yu doesn't love me anymore." He pouted.

Daiyu started panicking.

"N-no! Daiyu likes Jin-gege a lot!" She exclaimed, her arms flailing about to express her sincerity.

Liu Jin shook his head.

"Xiao Yu doesn't pay attention to me anymore. Xiao Yu doesn't need her Jin-gege. Jin-gege will just disappear." He playfully sulked.

Just then, he didn't realize how much his words had deeply hurt the child.


Daiyu was stunned.

She didn't want her Jin-gege to disappear. Imagining her days ahead without her warm Jin-gege's hugs, Daiyu could not help but tear up. Soon, her tears came gushing out and she wailed loudly.

Surprised, Liu Jin turned around to see Daiyu crying loudly.

"Xiao Yu? W-what's wrong?"

Daiyu buried her head onto Liu Jin's chest as her tiny arms hugged him tightly. She continued wailing, her tears staining his shirt.

"Xiao Yu?" He rubbed her back gently but Daiyu continued crying.

"N-no disappearing! Jin-gege you pwomised Daiyu. Pwomised to never be alone. Pwomised!" She said in between sobs.

Just then, Liu Jin understood the gravity of his words and regretted them terribly. He had no plans of emotionally blackmailing her, he was just playfully sulking. But he had underestimated Daiyu's attachment to him.

"I'm sorry Xiao Yu, Jin-gege was wrong. I didn't mean what I said. I'm sorry."

Daiyu continued sobbing.

"Xiao Yu, I didn't mean to hurt you. I don't have plans on going back on my promise either. I'm sorry. Your Jin-gege was just jealous." He continued as he hugged her tightly, his head resting on hers.

Daiyu sniffed, trying to stop her tears but to no avail.


"Mmm. It means your Jin-gege feels like his baby Daiyu is being taken away from him. Your Jin-gege is a selfish man." He smiled bitterly.

Daiyu looked up to him, her eyes still wet from tears. Liu Jin gently wiped them away and kissed each of her eyelids.


"I love you, Xiao Yu. I love you very much." He spoke, his face solemn and his eyes clear.

Daiyu felt her heart skip. A sense of nostalgia washed over her and she felt like she had seen this exact face before – not on a child of seven years, but on a man much taller, much stronger, and much more possessive.

She paused, taking in his words before speaking.

"T-too. Love Jin-gege too." She sniffed.

He chuckled.


Daiyu nodded and rested her head on his chest.

"Love Jin-gege vewy much."

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