Circumventing Fate

Confused Edges

Confused Edges

0Lei Xing finally recovered from her shock and knit her brows in thought and massaged her head with a sigh. She was under the impression that the woman had forgotten that she existed, she knew she was trying hard to forget the woman existed. But now she wanted to welcome her?     

{...Well... I guess people can change and evolve but.... This woman literally tried to kill me, first-hand! Poisoning aside. Therefore, I don't care if she's turned into Mother Theresa, we are not friends or acquaintances even and will never be. Not going. Daughter-in-law my ass! That woman needs to be a hundred feet away from me at all times! ( ̄ヘ ̄)...}     

Public occasions were one thing but privately, no. Call her unforgiving, but that was simply the kind of person she was. She was not going to go out of her way to pretend to care when she was not required to. Thoughts concluded, Lei Xing cordially smiled and went about "gift-wrapping" her excuse, "I am glad my "dear" mother-in-law is feeling well enough for our long-overdue welcome liaison, but unfortunately, I am not in a state to visit anyone a-"     

"The Empress dowager will not mind the wait. Your majesty can take your time in getting ready." Ling mama promptly said with a smiling bow.     

Lei Xing lightly scoffed but managed to stop herself from rolling her eyes and maintained her smile, "I am sure she won't... but I am currently indisposed and cannot leave my palace today so pass along the message that I have received her welcoming thoughts with "immense joy and gratitude". I will be sure to visit her when I am in better condition..."     

{...Which will conveniently be long after you're gone... possibly be in the grave for extra measure...}     

Rather than bow and depart, Ling mama knit her brows, hesitated for a moment, and then smiled and said, "I can have the palanquin arranged for your comfort -"     

"What part of I am unwell are you failing to understand?" Lei Xing interjected, irritated again, "Her welcoming thoughts are well-received and that is all. Leave." She sternly said.      

Ling mama stubbornly stood rooted to the spot for a few seconds before falling to her knees and pleadingly going, "Your majesty, if you do not come with me, I cannot return. The Empress dowager will kill me!"     

Lei Xing let out an irritated breath and laid back on the lounge chair and massaged her aching head.     

{... Honestly, can't a human have a break. What the hell is wrong with today?! >_<)...}     

Ling mama looked at Lei Xing's demeanor and thought fast. It was clear that Lei Xing did not want to go anywhere but at least she seemed to be putting some weight on her life, so Ling mama tentatively said, "Your majesty, instead of that, how about you assign me to somewhere else? If I don't have to return there, the Empress dowager can't kill me! Please, she is truly insa-" She caught herself and then changed her tune, "... Well, the Empress dowager will be leaving soon and I-I'm not good with travel so I think it will be best for someone else to be assigned to her - for her comfort. I can even serve you! I have been in the palace for many years and have amassed a host of knowledge. I can be very -"     

"I am not lacking knowledgeable attendants, leave." Lei Xing wearily said, without even looking her way. Who knew what angle the Empress dowager was playing with this. She was not about to accept a trojan horse.      

Ling mama realized she had overstepped with that and panicked, "Then anywhere! Anywhere will do...Please, I can't stand it any longer. I can't breathe in that place and if you don't come -" Ling mama paused and then kowtowed, wailing for extra effect.      

Lei Xing let the wailing go on for a few seconds, before saying, "I understand your concerns and even though I am master of the harem, the Empress dowager is still my mother-in-law and must therefore be accorded certain respect. Regardless of her ill state, as her retainer, your duty remains to serve her and the fact that you would even come to me to make this request behind her back should warrant punishment -"     

Ling mama panicked at that and started, "Your majesty, it's n-"     

"Don't interrupt me." Lei Xing warned and then continued, "As I said, I understand your situation. So I won't be punishing you or reporting it to her..." Ling mama's face lit up and then crumbled when Lei Xing continued to say, "But I cannot - will not widen the bridge between my "dear mother-in-law" and I by overstepping certain boundaries. If you wish to be reassigned then ask the Empress dowager for that or simply wait until she leaves, I am sure she is aware of your poor travel constitution, if not, then you may enlighten her -"     

Ling mama opened her mouth to interject again but stopped when Lei Xing irritatedly narrowed her eyes at her, "As for your plight, I will send one of my maids with you to explain my condition... Xiao Ruo -" Lei Xing began and then sighed when she saw the panic set in on Xiao Ruo's face, "Ah Jin, you go with her." Lei Xing amended.     

Ah Jin bowed and then blankly looked down at Ling mama, signaling for her to get up. Ling mama looked from her to Lei Xing who had laid back down and closed her eyes as if she were sleeping, clearly no longer interested. Ling mama sighed and then rose to her feet, bowed, and begrudgingly shuffled out of the room.      

They walked out of the room and just as they rounded the corner, they ran into the Emperor who instantly frowned on seeing Ling mama, "What are you doing here?" He coldly asked as the two bowed in front of him.     

Ling mama shakily explained, "A-ah, the Empress dowager sent me to escort the Empress -"     

"For?" The Emperor cut in with a deepening frown.     

Ling mama slightly fidgeted, "...I - I'm not sure..."     

"Wait here." The Emperor ordered as he swept past her and into the room, his eyes quickly located Lei Xing who was now sitting up on the lounge chair with Xiao Ruo holding her arm. She had just been about to get up to relocate to the bed when the Emperor made his sudden intense entrance.     

"You are not allowed to go there." The Emperor announced with a frown.     

Lei Xing blinked at him in confusion, "Go...where?"     

"The Empress dowager... I was informed that she sent for you. You are already unwell, why would you even consider going to see her?" The Emperor scolded as he walked over and sat down next to her, taking her hand. Xiao Ruo had naturally quietly snuck her way out of the room before Lei Xing could send her another round of glaring daggers.     

"I have no plans of going to see your mother and I am not unwell. As far as I'm concerned, we've had enough encounters to last a few lifetimes..." Lei Xing said with a pout.      

"Good." The Emperor said with a relieved sigh before asking, "Why did you ask for an Imperial physician then?" He had rushed over after being informed that Lei Xing had requested for an Imperial physician. The Emperor had been very concerned about her since waking up this morning to find her curled up in a corner of the bed, shivering without anything on her. While he had apparently been busy kissing and warming some random pillow all night.      

This was very strange because Lei Xing got cold very easily and so could not sleep without a blanket. Even in the summer months, her palace had a lit stove in the corner of her room. Not to mention the fact that she always slept in his arms, even when he came late to bed, she rolled over to him. So to find her sleeping so far from him made him feel on edge, something definitely had to be wrong.     

He had covered her up with a blanket before leaving, but the strangeness of it all had stuck with him all day. So he had actually sent someone to have a physician go over to check on her, only for him to be notified that she had already sent for one. This confirmed his suspicions and he dropped everything and rushed over here, only to find that his mother had actually come to bother her on top of her ailment.      

Lei Xing turned her head only to catch the last glimpse of Xiao Ruo's departing back. The girl had naturally very quietly snuck her way out of the room as soon as the Emperor arrived, sparing herself from another round of daggers from Lei Xing's eyes.     

"I'm alright, I just asked for some pain medication and Xiao Ruo went and brought a human...." Lei Xing irritatedly said, rolling her eyes, "I'm just a bit sore is a-"     

"Sore, why?" The Emperor swiftly interjected with a frown, "Did you fall?"     

Lei Xing's lips twitched, "I don't know... I must have been reckless in my sleep. I've already seen a physician and even he's confirmed there's nothing to worry about. I'm perfectly fine." She stressed with a strained smile - it was hard to kick a guy when he was looking so concerned. She obviously was not going to complain to him, it was a little accident. This was the reason she had simply asked for medication, there was no need to get him worrying over something so small. He already had too much to worry about right now.     

The Emperor scanned her face before relenting with a sigh, "You should rest... I will go see to the Empress dowager." He said, rising to his feet with a frown. He had warned his mother not to bother her and he had thought she understood but clearly, she did not.      

But before he could leave, Lei Xing grabbed his hand and sweetly asked, "Can you please carry me to the bed? I'm feeling a bit too lazy right now..."     

The Emperor smiled and leaned down and gently picked her up, while Lei Xing wrapped her arms around his neck and cutely snuggled against it, adorably like a cat. The scene from this morning left him a bit unsettled, so it made him happy to know that it was not because she had suddenly become averse to his touch.     

It must have been that the wine that must have made her too hot so she detached herself from him. The wine must have also made him so muddled that he mistook a pillow for her. They would have to be more careful with their wine cups in the future.     

The Emperor happily tucked Lei Xing in, got a kiss, and then left the room. First, he looked at Xiao Ruo and Ah Jin and instructed, "Look after her closely and let me know immediately if anything happens..."     

Ah Jin and Xiao Ruo bowed in understanding and then the Emperor coldly turned at Ling mama, "Follow me" Then he swept past her. Ling mama gulped as she quickly followed behind with cold sweat dripping down her forehead. This was the worst outcome, not only did she not bring the Empress, she brought the angry Emperor in her place.     

The Empress dowager will definitely kill her for this, so she began to brace herself while crying silent tears as the entourage headed for the Empress dowager's palace.     

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