Circumventing Fate

Haggard Concern

Haggard Concern


Soon after Lei Xing arrived back at her palace, an imperial doctor came and insisted on checking on her. So she reluctantly sat down, while he checked on her, with a deep frown on her face.


{'s a coincidence...really, the first time it's a coincidence, the second time it's a choice!...and what the hell does that mean?! That doesn't apply here -_-)'...okay, forget that... it's really weird...yeah, I figured that...moving on...maybe I got some cosmic magic powers when I transmigrated?... That makes no freaking sense -_-)...Me being here makes no freaking sense!... So in other words, it makes perfect sense!... So magic powers...-_-) I think not...}

 The imperial doctor finished his checkup session and said the usual, "Your highness, all you need is to rest. I will prescribe something to help you relax." Lei Xing didn't respond, after a while, the imperial doctor bowed out and left to prepare the medication.

Xiao Ruo and Ah Jin looked at Lei Xing with perplexed expressions.

"Your highness, are you okay?" Xiao Ruo asked.

Lei Xing blinked and looked up at her for a while and then got up, "Yes, I'm fine. Ah...I'm going to sleep, no one bother me."

 "But what about your medicine?"

Lei Xing raised an eyebrow at her in confusion, "Medicine?"

"Yes, the imperial doctor just now s-"

"I don't need it." Lei Xing said and plopped down on the bed. Xiao Ruo still wanted to protest and looked at Ah Jin who shook her head. After looking at Lei Xing who had her face planted on the bed for a bit, the two of them left the room.

Lei Xing stayed like that for a while, and then rolled over and stared at the ceiling of the canopy of the bed.

{...Magic powers would be nice...but I think not...I should feel it if I did, right? then it's a weird coincidence?... Got it!... It's the collective consciousness!... That explains everything, he experiences it, dreamt it or whatever the hell it!...and then it went to the collective consciousness, and then I got it from there...

...Yep! Makes perfect sense! we're at a floating thought cloud...-_-)'...I don't think so...also pretty sure that's not how it works...sounds more like I'm describing a hive mind sort of scenario which is not the case here -_-)...}

 Lei Xing frowned in annoyance.

{...This is irritating...creepy and know what? I'm probably over-thinking this...yes, definitely!...It's just a weird - maybe creepy - coincidence...Exactly! hahaha weird things happen all the time! transmigration...

....Exactly!...and what are odds of all these "coincidentally" happening to one person?...-_-)...I don't freaking know! No one's made a poll or anything -_-)...

...Maybe I fell into the Bermuda triangle?... There was nothing like that near the ship...Well then maybe I floated into it!... Pretty sure we were in a different part of the ocean though...Fine, forget that then!...}

 Lei Xing sighed in exasperation.

{...You know what? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter and it has nothing to do with me!... Yes, absolutely nothing!... It doesn't's just a random weird coincidence...a string of weird coincidences...yes a string of random weird coincidences, so whatever!...}

 Lei Xing closed her eyes and rolled over.

{...I'm going to sleep...No point pondering over random existential shit with no answers!... But still, it's - Sleep!!...}

 Lei Xing kept tossing around for a while still feeling uncomfortable and irritated. After a while of tossing, she reasoned it must be because of the clothes and so got up and removed the hairpins and outer clothes and tossed them haphazardly aside, and then plopped back on the bed.

{...Yep, much better...No more thinking...Sleep!...}

Lei Xing had a lot of trouble falling asleep, despite her hard attempts at shutting off her mind, it was still hard to stop her mind reeling.

 Eventually, she finally fell asleep but then she had a nightmare. In the dream, she fell out of the ship again but this time she fell into the lake in the painting, right in the middle of the people swimming, scaring them and causing them to head to the shore screaming while she was trying to grab onto them to save herself but failed.

As she was struggling to stay afloat, a dragon then flew down straight towards her, like it was going to smash into her, Lei Xing panicked and closed her eyes. Next thing, she found herself in the other painting, and of course as the main character who was on the ground.

Then a soldier came running towards her with a sword raised in the air ready to strike down, she speedily got up and started sprinting away from the battle scene.

She turned back and saw that the soldier was gone and let out a sigh of relief, then she looked down and realized she was running on the clouds and then promptly started falling down to certain death, at which point, as if her soul just fell back into her body, her eyes flew open and she jumped up on the bed panting.

 After a few moments of collecting herself, she let a tired sigh.

{...It's been a weird day...}

 She laid back down to get back to sleep and her troubled night continued.

The next morning, when she was finally getting some peaceful rest. Ah Jin came in to wake her up.

"I'm sleeping, come back later." Lei Xing spat out, wrapping her blanket more snuggly around her.

"Your highness, this is already considered late." Ah Jin calmly said. "If you don't get up now you will be late."

"It's still morning, there's plenty of time." Lei Xing mumbled.

"I don't think so." Ah Jin quietly advised, "You should really get up now, your highness."

 The next moment, the doors opened and Xiao Ruo came in, seeing Lei Xing still cozied up under her blanket exclaimed, "Your highness, you're still asleep?"

Lei Xing wrinkled her eyebrows.

{...Why can't they just let me sleep in peace?! T_T)...}

 "Your highness, you should get up now. It won't be good if you're late." Xiao Ruo anxiously said.

Lei Xing rolled over and faced them and slightly opened her eyes, "The celebration starts in the afternoon, what do I need to get up now to stare into space for?" She said irritated.

Xiao Ruo looked at Ah Jin with raised eyebrows and Ah Jin calmly looked back at her, while Lei Xing closed her eyes and turned back to sleep.

 Xiao Ruo then spoke up, "Ah your highness, the empress dowager called for a meeting for this morning, you said no one should disturb you last night so should get up now or you will be late."

Lei Xing frowned.

.{..F**k!!...What does she want now?!... Can't someone just sleep in peaceT_T?)...also why is she always up so bloody early?! -_-)...}

 Lei Xing kicked the blanket and begrudgingly sat up frowning and was pulled along to go get ready.

When Lei Xing walked into the empress dowager's main hall with a deadpan expression, ready for this meeting to be over before it even began. The other Imperial wives were standing in the middle of the hall waiting for the empress dowager to arrive.

Lei Xing walked up to the front and stood beside Li Ru, who on seeing her face asked, "Are you okay?"

Lei Xing gave a weak half-smile and restrained the urge to yawn, "I'm just tired."

 Before Li Ru could respond, Chen You spoke up beside her, "Jiejie, it isn't good for you to stretch yourself too thin, as sisters, we should all by right be sharing in your burdens." she finished smiling at Lei Xing.

Lei Xing looked at her "sympathetic" smile.

{...What's her problem now? -_-)...}

 "What burdens? You shouldn't be inflating other people's already insurmountable egos." Zhao Lan said with a sneer casting Lei Xing a sidelong glare.

Lei Xing inwardly sighed in annoyance.

{...Just how I'd love to spend my morning -_-)'...}

 Lei Xing ignored them, but Li Ru beside her apparently felt the need to speak up and hesitantly said, "You shouldn't -" Chen You instantly frowned at her and her words stuck in her throat.

Zhao Lan scoffed, "It seems some people are already climbing up a tree, be careful you don't fall and break your neck. Also before you start climbing, shouldn't you make sure the tree is reliable?" She said, eyeing Lei Xing as she said the last part.

Li Ru frowned and wanted to speak up again when Lei Xing nudged her and lightly shook her head.

{...You can't swim properly but you still want attempt a swan dive in...isn't that just looking for trouble unnecessarily? -_-)'...}

 Li Ru looked at Lei Xing and then remained quiet, wondering why she wasn't defending herself when they were clearly making fun of her.

Chen You came over to Lei Xing's other side and quietly said, "Jiejie, don't mind her, she is just jealous of you. I'm sorry I haven't come to visit you, I have been having a hard time adjusting to the new environment. I'm sure you understand as well. I will make sure to find some time to come over to visit you."

Lei Xing gave a fleeting half-smile, "It's okay, there is no need."

{...Please don't come -_-)...Having to deal with you all here is already tiring enough...I really don't need anyone showing up randomly to ruin my day -_-)...}

 "Jiejie, you are always so understanding." Chen You smiled at Lei Xing, while Lei Xing inwardly rolled her eyes.

"You're really not looking too good. I have a 100-year old ginseng that my father sent as a congratulatory gift on becoming a noble consort. I can have it brewed for you, it will definitely help you feel better."

"No need, keep it for yourself." Lei Xing curtly said. She really wasn't in the mood for any conversation, much less a fake one. Her head was hurting and all of this was making it worse, making her feel more tired and irritated.

{...Where the hell is this woman?... Can you hurry up and appear already? So this can hurry along and I can leave -_-)... *sigh* this is so irritating...I can already tell this is going to be a long-ass shitty day -_-)'...}

 Thankfully, before Lei Xing's patience ran out, the empress dowager arrived. They all greeted her and took their seats.

The maids served tea and snacks, as the empress dowager began her sermon on the expectations of them as Imperial wives, lecturing about the importance of this banquet as their first official appearance as members of the royal family. How they must behave accordingly, no mistakes will be tolerated and how they must uphold the dignity of the royal family and so on.

Lei Xing sat there bored with her hands in her lap as she listened to the empress dowager run on.

{...I knew this woman did not wake me up early for anything's basically to loftily sit there and look pretty's not rocket science -_-)'...but of course, continue with your tortuous spill...Might as well teach us how to walk and look at people condescendingly, some of us may be out of practice -_-)...}

 Lei Xing sat there with tired eyes staring blankly, hoping for this to be over soon so she could go back and hopefully get some sleep before the Harvest moon festival banquet later in the day.

While Lei Xing sitting there envisioning her bed, the empress dowager suddenly stirred the conversation towards her direction, "Xing er', are you okay?"

Lei Xing blinked and groaned on the inside.

{...What do you want now?... All this "caring" today is upsetting...Can't you all just leave me the hell alone?! I don't think I look that haggard... Just finish your speech so I can leave in peace -_-)'...}

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