Circumventing Fate

Ant Skit Episode 3: The Inquiry + Frie(n)d Foe?

Ant Skit Episode 3: The Inquiry + Frie(n)d Foe?


So, this inquiry evolved in a conversation on Discord that :ant: hijacked, obviously I had to cut out this portion out, so if you want to read the full conversation, hop on the discord to read it...So the background summary is: We were discussing about Old Lei Xing and Tung Mei meeting up during her "Away" period and somehow got to the theory that Lei Xing and Ah Jin were an item, and Tung Mei was the third party (usurper lol), who stumbled into the mix during LX and Ah Jin's runaway to be together plot :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:

Author: Okay, so the theory is...they planned to run away together, succeeded...but then TM got involved, they fought and then made up, then realized life outside is came up with the harem plan and went back home. That's where we are, right? :eyes:

Ajax_flameborn: Yes.

Makesomehassle: Yep!

:ant::I did tell you they were all shady people :eyes:

Ajax_flameborn: it's the sensei! Oh wise one, give us your wisdom. 

Makesomehassle: :nerd_face: yea give it to me too!

:ant:: Yes, yes of course, ask and thou shall receive :relieved_face:...:eyes: *whispers* I know all their secrets :shushing_face:

Ajax_flameborn: Hmmmm, What is the mc's three sizes? :face_with_monocle:

:ant:: :neutral_face:...tch I offer you wisdom, and you ask three sizes? :eyes:

Ajax_flameborn: Well yeah, that's her most closely guarded secret... So ya gotta know it, right? *intentionally asks a vague yet specific question to trip him up:smiling_face_with_horns:* 

Makesomehassle: Ohhhhhhhhhhhh oh god! :eyes:

:ant:: ..That's not a secret, we all know that >_>)...ask something substantive, we are short on time! :eyes:

Ajax_flameborn: He doesn't know! Nobody knows.

:ant::...I know!'s just...Confidential! :flushed_face::flushed_face: **...they'll kill me...**

Ajax_flameborn: P**sy

:ant:: *clears throat* A wise man knows to always choose his battles :face_with_steam_from_nose:

Ajax_flameborn: Fool, brave the world!

:ant:: When one has seen the world, one knows to fear the world.

Ajax_flameborn: There are but three things a wise man fears; a sea in storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentleman.

:ant:: :eyes::eyes::eyes:...Well this will be a combination of all

Ajax_flameborn: ....She's not thirsty enough to fit the sea bit, and the moon is out at the moment so...

:ant:: :eyes::eyes::eyes: Her minions are scarier than her

Ajax_flameborn: She lost her memory, she has no minions at the moment.

:ant:: You know nothing! :loudly_crying_face::loudly_crying_face:

Ajax_flameborn: Yeah, sure...

:ant:: Plus I could lose my best friend...really my only friend here:unamused_face:...

Ajax_flameborn: You have no friends. You're in an abusive relationship you know.

:ant:: I do! it's not, its the best in the world!...:eyes: or at least in this camp...

Ajax_flameborn: You sure?

:ant:: We relate on a different level...we share realities and an understanding going through the same tribulation...we comfort and encourage each other too :relieved_face:

Ajax_flameborn: Lies!

:ant:: I would prove it...but it's hard to, their shy :face_with_monocle:

Ajax_flameborn: Who's your friend?

:ant:: Hmm...give me a moment... *scurries away and returns shortly after* okay, they say it's friend is the voice...actually my first friend too, but that's a complicated-... anyway we're best friends! :relieved_face:

Ajax_flameborn: Oh! Why would you lose that friend? Unless that friend is the original mc....Hmmmmmmmmmm :thinking_face:

:ant::'s a chain reaction...Either way, we can't go there, too much trouble...I will really become non-existent this time :anxious_face_with_sweat:

Ajax_flameborn: Lol

:ant:: You don't understand...these people are *long sigh*...They can be terrifying, they will really put their threats in action...and they say it all with straight faces too :unamused_face:

Ajax_flameborn: Lol

:ant:: It's not a joke! if not for my friend intervening, I would be tortured to the grave so...truly the best! :face_with_steam_from_nose:

Ajax_flameborn: Just Do it! What are the sizes? We talking apples, Oranges, Melons! Or cherries?

:ant:: *clears throat and looks around, nods confirming no one in sight* Okay...but this is just between it's in between o-

Tung Mei: What are you doing? *Standing behind :ant:, :eyes: at computer screen*

 **:ant: frantically covers screen with hands** 

:ant:: N-nothing, nothing :flushed_face:

Tung Mei: :eyes:...nothing?

:ant:: It's private stuff!

Tung Mei: I see :eyes:...sounds interesting...

:ant:: It's not at all...very boring, very :anxious_face_with_sweat:

Tung Mei: I want to see, move over...

:ant:: It's really nothing...really private...there's no need :fearful_face:

 **Tung Mei shoves :ant:'s hands off screen**

Tung Mei: Oranges, melons? *:eyes: at :ant: and :ant: lowers head in guilt*

Ajax_flameborn: Who's TM?

Tung Mei: who am I? You forgot already?!

Ajax_flameborn: Yes.

Tung Mei: I see... *:eyes: at :ant: again*

:ant:: You can't blame me for that! 

Tung Mei: Well, my name is Xiao Ying...or Tung Mei, that's also acceptable too

Tung Mei: *reading earlier chat messages* Three sizes? :face_with_tears_of_joy:

:ant:: I really wasn't going to do it...

Ajax_flameborn: Do it!

Tung Mei: Why not? Xing jie won't mind.

:ant:: :eyes: Y-you don't mind?

Tung Mei: Why would I? You can continue...go ahead, type it :smiling_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:ant:: :eyes: ...Y-you won't tell?

Tung Mei: Oh, you want it to be a secret? 

:ant:: Um, know...

Tung Mei: I can keep it a secret :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

:ant:: You will?:pleading_face:

Ajax_flameborn: Say it then, just do it! 

Tung Mei: Sure I know, don't worry about the small details...just type :face_savoring_food:

:ant:: :grinning_face_with_sweat: Okay, thank you...I have misjudged you, I'm sorry.

Tung Mei: It's okay, just type...shouldn't keep the audience waiting.

:ant:: Yep!...Okay so she's oranges... pretty good sized oranges I must add, big oranges :relieved_face:

Ajax_flameborn: Like Grapefruit sized?

:ant:: hmm :thinking_face:...I think so, it depends on the grapefruit though...I'd have to confirm on that

Ajax_flameborn: Just crawl on her in her sleep, Not like she'd wake up :eyes:...

:ant:: :grinning_face_with_sweat: that'll really be a death sentence...

Ajax_flameborn: Not if she never found out

:ant:: I'm not worried about her per se... :eyes:

:ant:: Either way, it's a danger zone...I'd probably lose my job and my life :flushed_face:

 **snap! :ant: turns to :eyes: TM with her phone out**

:ant:: Y-you...took a picture? 

Tung Mei: Of course, for evidence. 

:ant:: Evidence? You said you would keep it a secret! :anxious_face_with_sweat:

Tung Mei: I said I can, not that I know for an "enlightened one" you're pretty gullible :unamused_face:


Tung Mei: Anyway, I will be going now...when you're ready call me, have fun! :smiling_face_with_horns: *happily walks off waving phone*

:ant:: I'm in trouble! :face_screaming_in_fear::face_screaming_in_fear: 

Ajax_flameborn: :eyes: Well, time to double, triple and quadruple down, go bigger or go home!

:ant:: They're going to kill me! I have to go quickly... find friend! 

Ajax_flameborn: Wait, you only gave the one size...might as we-

:ant:: Goodbye! **:man_running_light_skin_tone::man_running_light_skin_tone::man_running_light_skin_tone:** 

**:ant: logged off**

Ajax_flameborn: :eyes: He'll never make it 

Author: LOL well good thing the friend is up in the air I guess :face_with_tears_of_joy:




Author: Did anyone miss the dowager? Well, for those who did, here she is!

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

Nkatar: Send the dowager back, I did not miss her. She is back to ruin the fun, sigh!

:ant:: But she's a great person once you get to know her, just a, misunderstood...she's the only one who actually listens to me, the others are *sigh*:unamused_face:...She even made me breakfast the other day:grinning_face:...well I did have food poisoning after ...I think the eggs were expired or something:thinking_face:, but that's LX's fault! She's in charge of groceries:unamused_face:

Nkatar: :face_with_rolling_eyes: spoilt eggs, you sure about that? :face_with_tears_of_joy:! But I guess people like her are needed for story to be more entertaining. After all, it is not a palace without scheming.

:ant:: :eyes: Probably...the eggs were spoilt, right? 

Lei Xing: *shrugs* Yeah sure, let's go with that.

Author: ... :eyes: Well, you're fine now that's all that matters :grinning_face::thumbs_up:

:ant:: What does that mean?:crying_face: 

Author: ...:eyes: Moving on...Yes, the dowager really does spice up the story pot :face_with_tears_of_joy:...See what I did there? Stirring pot - Story pot... 

:ant:::confused_face: Am I missing something? 

Lei Xing: :neutral_face: 

Author: Tch, tough crowd:unamused_face:...Both of you out!

Lei Xing: *scoff* You shouldn't blame us for your sense - or lack of humor...How about I help you work on that? We ca-

Author: I don't need your help, OUT!

:ant:: Wait, you haven't answered my question...the egg-

Author: Dude, no one cares about your eggs, if you have any problems go see the chef!

 **Author shoves the two out the door and slams it shut and locks it**

Lei Xing: *pouts at door* Tch...Where am I supposed to go now? *walks off*

 **:ant: follows behind LX, LX rounds the corner and ducks back and bumps into :ant:** 

:ant:: Um, Lei Xing, what did you guys mean by that? The eggs were spoilt, right?

Lei Xing: :eyes: That was your let's go with that.

 :ant:: But what -

Lei Xing: Shhhhh *:face_with_hand_over_mouth::ant:, then whispers* Look I didn't cook or eat your eggs, you said it's spoilt so it is...Leave me alone! 

 **Phone buzzes, LX looks at it and :woman_running_light_skin_tone::woman_running_light_skin_tone::woman_running_light_skin_tone: in the opposite direction** 

:ant:: :pleading_face: But...Why are they all being so weird about it? *sigh*

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