Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

I don't mind a gold digger wife

I don't mind a gold digger wife

0Kinoshita Iori, a twenty-six-year-old woman, has never imagined that she would get proposed with an emerald ring and a box of pizza while she's dressed like a hoodlum and her stomach is growling like a thug.     

Her childhood friend who is also her boyfriend picks up the pizza slice and shoves the pointy end inside her wide mouth and says casually, "Your stomach said yes."     

"Mhhhm." She glares at him, unable to yell at him. How could he ruin her fantasy? He had one job! One freaking job! Even though he had asked her to marry her countless times, he should have done it right. How could he propose to her with a pizza box? Even if it's her favourite pizza and she's chewing it right now, how could he say that her stomach said yes?      

"By the way, I visited your home." Takeshi takes his phone out of his coat's inner pocket. "Your mother and father gave their blessings. They said that they are fine if we go to the civil office today and have a wedding ceremony after some time. After you are done eating, let's go to the civil office."     

This man is crazy!!! Who gets married after dating for ten days?     

"Actually, it's been eleven days." Takeshi picks up a pizza slice and takes a bite. Some cheese sticks to his lower lip. He licks it slowly while watching her curiously. "We have known each other all our lives. We have kissed and hugged. You can't say that we don't have chemistry. We can proceed with the final deed after we are married. Of course, I will do it properly."     

Iori's noisy stomach quietens down. She finds herself drooling. It's not the first time that she has seen him licking his lips like that. But why is her heart going haywire?      

"We will date first." Takeshi chuckles, his eyes twinkling with a cunning light. "We will date during daytime and act like married couples at night."     

He has it all planned.     

"My nephew wants cousins." Takeshi takes a deep breath. "I want to wait but you know how he is. After waking up, he's been extremely demanding."     

Iori puts down the pizza slice first. "Takeshi, marriage isn't a child's game."     

"Do you know what I learned after seeing my brother and sister-in-law for years?" Takeshi eyes her quietly. When she frowns at him, he tells her, "My brother was a real idiot when it came to love. He did everything wrong. Even after he got married to Sister-in-law, he was still an idiot."     

What will Kamiyama Kiyohira do if he hears this? Iori blinks her eyes. Shouldn't Takeshi talk about himself? He was also an idiot.     

"But he loves her a lot." Takeshi smiles at her. "She also loves him a lot."     

"I know." Iori has seen it. Kamiyama Kiyohira and Umezaki Rie love each other. There's a deep understanding between them now. But this understanding and trust came after a lot of ordeals. Both of them have lost much.      

"Dating, romance, and courtship are important in love, but it's useless if there's no love between two people." Takeshi takes her hand and slips the emerald ring on her ring finger. "I want to live with you for the rest of my life. I want to wake up next to you and see your face first thing in the morning. I want to hold you every night and whisper that I love you. I want to argue like we always did and share meals like we are childhood friends. Iori, I don't want to stop being a childhood friend but I also want to be your husband. Does it make sense?"     

The emerald ring fits her ring finger. What did she imagine? It's not a big diamond ring, but a beautiful and serene emerald ring. They aren't sitting in some beautiful location. She's not even wearing a dress. The food is not a high class dish at some romantic restaurant. There aren't even candles. Darn! He didn't even bring her flowers.      

Why does she find this romantic?      

"I hate you, Takeshi." Iori cries loudly. "How could you do this to me?"     

Takeshi wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his warm embrace with a bright smile on his face. "I tried, but I couldn't find a romantic bone in my body. You have to teach me."     

"I don't have a job." Iori tightens her arms around him. "If I marry you now, people will call me a gold digger."     

"I don't mind a gold digger wife." He plants a kiss on her hair. "If you want, we will hold a wedding ceremony after you get a job."     

"I haven't brought justice to --"     

"Since you are my future wife, your problems are mine." He raises her head and stares at her face. "Adachi blew the whistle."     

"What?" Iori gasps. She hasn't been able to do it for so long. How did Takeshi convince that adamant guy?     

"I gave him a job, triple salary and a good retirement plan," Takeshi utters the exact words that his brother told him. Of course, these things wouldn't be enough for a loyal employee. It seems that Adachi was already feeling guilty. He's been waiting for Iori to contact him again. A little push from Takeshi had worked. "He's going to work abroad for us. In fact, he will go to another country soon."     

"Already?" Iori furrows her brows. Then, how is she going to take his interview?      

"He wants to meet you once and make a confession. He gave me enough proof in this." Takeshi places a USB drive on her palm. "I have done a separate investigation. This is enough for an investigative agency to look into Ngage. You don't need to do much. Just write a few articles as an independent journalist. It's enough to fuel the fire once it's all set into motion."     

Is this a dowry? Iori can't help but wonder. Takeshi is scary.      

"And I told you that I would find the killer of Sawano Shusui." Takeshi continues, "Guess what I found?"     

"Did you find his killer?" Iori grabs his arms. "Takeshi, you can't lie to me. Say the truth."     

"I am not sure." Takeshi grins at her. "I handed it over at the police station. It's enough to make people suspicious. Your job is done. Now, let's get married."     

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