Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

How my nephew learned to manipulate people

How my nephew learned to manipulate people

0After the cozy breakfast, Yuta watches his parents washing the dishes together in silence. What should he do next? Should he erase Law as well? But that will attract DH's attention. Isn't that better though? If they are busy finding out the unknown hacker who challenging the DH's existence, then they won't bother his mother. DH won't disappear if he doesn't erase Maddox. He's the head, but there's one thing.     

Takeshi has noticed that Yuta is always watching Rie and Kiyohira like a hawk. His nephew must be excited to see them together. Yuta is still a boy. He wants to spend more time with his nephew, but he has to leave by tomorrow morning. Since his brother won't go back to T City, he has to take the reins of the Kamiyama Group until his brother decides to come back.     

There are still some hours before he leaves. He places the laptop in front of Yuta.     

"Yuta, do you want to see your parents' wedding pictures? I have them all saved up here."      

Yuta had already seen those pictures in his past life. He had also seen his parents' childhood pictures. The person who showed him those pictures was none other than his uncle who is sitting beside him. It is strange how the past is repeating. Will the people make the same decision in different circumstances in this life too? He eyes his mother. That's not true for his parents. Somehow, it's working.      

Will Yuki find a reason to kill him in this life too?     

"I don't want to see my parents' wedding pictures." Yuta looks at his uncle in the eye. "I want to see your wedding, Uncle. When will I see it?"     


Takeshi closes the laptop and looks away, feeling awkward. To get married, there must be a woman. He can't marry himself, can he*?      

"Father will give me a sister," Yuta smirks at his uncle. "What will you give me?"     

Takeshi can't decide if his nephew is teasing him or acting his age. He can't get a grasp of this boy's personality. He is usually good with people, but he keeps hitting a wall when it comes to his nephew. "What do you want from me, Yuta?"     

"I want Uncle to live a happy life." Yuta tells him in a straightforward manner, "Uncle should grasp his happiness and give me an aunt. I want cousins. I want a big noisy family."     

Yuta actually liked quiet atmosphere in his past life. In this lifetime, he will sacrifice his peace for other's happiness. Having cousins and siblings isn't bad. The more, the better.     

"What if I can't find you an aunt?" Takeshi smiles at him. "Uncle is useless. He can't find the strength to love someone else. Forgive your uncle?"     

Yuta sighs. Nothing has changed in both lives. "If uncle can't love someone else, shouldn't uncle try finding the person again? Who knows? She might love uncle back this time. My uncle should learn from my father. My father didn't give up until the end. He was able to move my mother's heart."     

Takeshi blinks at his nephew. The boy speaks like he knows what happened between Rie and Kiyohira. Did they tell him something? He glances at his brother and sister-in-law. They are talking in low voices like newlyweds. They are different than they used to be. In any case, they won't tell their four years old son about their love life.      

He turns his head toward his nephew. "How old are you?"     

Yuta is tired of answering the same question. "Uncle knows my age."     

The boy isn't ordinary. Takeshi has no word. They become quiet. The phone rings. Rie takes the call. She frowns hard with confusion in her eyes.      

Takeshi leans back. He murmurs, "I am not like my brother."     

"You are still young." Yuta pats his back. His uncle is only twenty-five. Yuta's voice is clear but soothing. "But it doesn't mean that you have all the time in the world. You should go to the place and find the person first."     

"Should I?" Takeshi mumbles to himself. "If she felt something, wouldn't she tell me once? She already knows..."     

"If it doesn't work out this time, you should go on a 100 blind date until you meet the one who makes your heart go crazy," Yuta whispers in his uncle's ear with a hypnotic voice like a devil. "Go get her, Uncle."     

"Before I do that..." Takeshi looks into his nephew's eyes. "I wonder how my nephew learned to manipulate people."     

It's Yuta's turn to be quiet. He might as well hang a sign around his neck that he's a reborn man.      

"My IQ is above 200."     

"So is mine." Takeshi raises his brow. "You cannot use that as an excuse all the time."      

His mother and father are not there anymore. They are probably at it again. Yuta picks up the laptop. "I am going out to play. I will see you later, Uncle."     

"Running away?" Takeshi yells after him. He laughs when he notices his nephew running away with his little feet. Shaking his head, he stands up and follows his nephew.      

Inside the room, Rie is calling someone's number. Kiyohira is also on the phone. When the number doesn't connect, she sends a mail to the person and waits. There's no reply. She calls Nina. The result is the same.      

There's a mail from Maddox. She clicks on it.      

[Nano has fallen.]     

Fallen? Earlier, it was Ren's voice before the call disconnected. He yelled 'Nina'. Nina was planning to see Ren.      

"He didn't appear at work," Kiyohira tells her with a grave voice.      

Rie doesn't believe in coincidences. Also, they haven't been able to contact Ren. If Nina is with Ren, then his life is in danger at this moment. The DH will send people to kill Nina. If Ren gets in the way, he might get killed.     

It must be Nina who called her.     

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