Her Wicked CEO: How To Seduce A Hikikomori Wife?

Unless you are left with no choice

Unless you are left with no choice

0Yuta doesn't chase after the criminals. He stares at the broken laptop. What should he do? Should he bury it or take it home? There's already a witness -- his uncle who him leaving with the laptop. Yuta can't pretend that he knows nothing.      

He slaps his forehead. He's twenty-four, not four. His mother won't kill him. But, when a hacker loses his personal laptop...      

He sighs. He has to face the storm. It can't be too bad. His father will take his side for sure. But how will he take care of Law now?     

With a heavy heart, Yuta gathers the remains of his mother's laptop. He will deal with Yuki later. His family is a priority. Why did he let her distract her again? It's better if her skin rots and her hands fall off. He clicks his tongue. She won't die. She didn't die in her last lifetime. Why should he care about how her family is treating her?     

He has to go back home and kill a certain someone later.      

Meanwhile, Rie is looking for her laptop everywhere. "Where did it go?"     

"Did you pack it?" Kiyohira asks her. It doesn't have legs. It can't walk away from the house on its own.     

"Of course, I did," Rie utters the words without any thought.  "I can forget packing you, but I can't forget my laptop."     

Kiyohira lets out an exasperated sigh. She should have married the laptop. But, he won't state his complaints. She might like the idea and marry it. "Yuta might have taken it."     

Takeshi won't dare to touch her things. The brothers know what's good for them.     

She narrows her eyes. Did Yuta attack Nano? Then, who is he attacking now? Yuta is indirectly killing people. She wants to escape DH, but she doesn't want her son's hands to get tainted. His second life should be free of blood. She wants him to have a normal life.     

Since her son has started this, she will continue this. "We have to find him."     

Yuta walks into the house at the same time. Nothing is at its place. The house has been turned upside down. He sighs, wondering whether he should enter or not.      

While he is contemplating, his mother sees him. Her gaze falls on the destroyed laptop. She is speechless to see its condition. Her son is four, but he's a reborn man. How should she react now? She can't let him know that she knows.     

Kiyohira senses the tense atmosphere and his wife's dilemma. He walks to his son and crosses his arms. "How did this happen?"      

Yuta lets out a laugh, peeking at his mother. "Two wild monkeys did this."     

"Are there monkeys in this village?" Rie gathers her calm. She can tell that the boy is lying through his teeth.      

"I never saw one." Kiyohira takes the laptop away from his son's hands. "Why did you take it out with you? You know how much your mother loves it."     

He pauses for a moment before he adds, "She probably loves it more than us."     

"Ha!" Rie looks at Kiyohira with fake anger. "I love my Yuta the most. I can throw away ten laptops for my son."     

"Only ten?" Kiyohira raises his brow. "What about me? You wanted to divorce me when I drowned your laptop once."     

"Seems like both father and son are the natural enemies of laptops." Rie clicks her tongue. "He inherited your genes."     

"It would be strange if he didn't," Kiyohira points out.      

"..." Yuta doesn't know how to respond to their banter.      

Rie glances at her son who seems nervous. "You have too much free time."     

"Mother, I am sorry. I didn't know that they would do this..." He had never guessed that the two evil creatures would be that daring. He can't sue them for destroying this personal property. "I was only going to play -- "     

"Kiyohira, we are sending him to pre-school from tomorrow," His mother's voice interrupts him. "Is there a school that teaches manner here?"     

"I don't think so." Kiyohira peers at his son who is crestfallen. The idea of going to pre-school must be horrible to a grown man. "Don't be hard on him. It's his first offense."     

"Is it his first offense?" Her cool eyes meet Yuta's blank eyes. "My son likes violence. He beats up other kids. He also speaks without constraints. He comes back home with blood on his face and clothes. I am sure that the blood doesn't belong to my son."     

"Who did you beat up this time?" Kiyohira interrogates his son with a stern face.      

Yuta has never been questioned this way. "I didn't beat anyone."     

His parents scowl at him.     

"I flicked a boy's head and hit his hand. That's it. He didn't get hurt," He blurts out.     

"Whose blood is it then?" Rie cracks her knuckles. Her son is something.     

"That person got hurt when he was trying to beat me up." Yuta shrugs.      

"You didn't do anything?" She finds it hard to believe that he did nothing wrong.      

He might have provoked that witch a bit. "I admit that I provoked that person, Mother. But, you don't know. She deserves it."     

"Who are you to decide that?" Rie gets the idea. Her son must have met Yuki again. He reacted in an abnormal way when he saw Yuki.     

Yuki is not a normal child either. His mother acted in a strange manner. The child might be neglected or abused. "You can't act like a god and punish people."     

Yuta opens his mouth to protest.      

"Yuta, if you want to act like a god, then find out more about that person." Rie pulls his closer and tells him, "You can't punish someone until you understand why that person did something. Don't be cruel to someone unless you are left with no choice. Your actions might become the final strikes on that person's soul who is already on the verge of breaking. "     

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